Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Storms Above | The Sovereignty


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Senate Hall, Eadu, Bheriz Sector, Wild Space
Wandering eyes of a uninterested killer darted about the Senate Hall on Eadu, it's mind subconsciously acknowledging the pleasant architecture and situation whilst unable to fully comprehend of how any of it really mattered. Fett's thoughts scattering as to how he loathed his employers and their friends, their family, their everything. So cowardly that they wouldn't dare pick up a weapon and take to the fight themselves, perhaps that is why some respect was offered to [member="Varik Ice"]. He was no coward, no liar, no pompous snob. Koda never picked him for a man of words, or politics for that matter. Yet in the end none of his thoughts mattered, only the credits his presence would bring.

His armoured body slinked it's way into the chair behind him, soft and smooth but not like he felt any of it through the Mandalorian Armour. As time went by, not just in this hall, the part of him that was 'human' seemed to slip and all that remained was a husk of a great man that once was. Though some keep him grounded, keep his head clear or not-so much in some cases. Like that woman from Bidamount inside his home on Nar Shaddaa, or that Jedi he keeps running into but won't seem to take the hint and die already.

Shifting in his seat he leant forwards with elbows on his thighs, allowing his left hand to loosely hang with the barrel of the carbine still within it's grip. His right hand held up his helmeted head with an open palm. Staring at the ground for but a few moments until his eyes closed beneath the helmet, but it wasn't as if anyone would know nor even care for that matter.


The Sovereign did not waste words. A sense of urgency and directness befitting a man of militaristic background. Draxler would not be surprised if the Sovereign possessed some sort of military experience or at least an education.

Kalo could've been like most of his competitors and straightly went for the material gain out of it all. Profits, numbers, digits. But he was not. The materialistic rewards were simply a means to his end and a bonus. No. There were qualities and fortunes much more valuable than credits, much more powerful.

Such as trust.

"I respect the opportunity, Your Grace." The CEO began. "The technical parts of any deal we might discuss, I suggest leave it to our representatives. Technicalities do not concern me, Your Grace."

"Call me an idealist but I ask of you one thing - trust."

Being direct was one of Kalo's capabilities, being analytical another. The latter part of him which he sought to use in profiling the Sovereign.

Finding out who he was through his reactions and his actions.

"Trust in our capabilities to lay the founding stones of a modern and just civilization here in the so-called Wild Space. One the galaxy so much lacks."

[member="Varik Ice"]​
Eadu, Senatory Hall, Noon

She wasn't as skillful with speech-craft as she was with her artistic tendencies, but she had to admit Varik's speech was inspirational and hit the mark. The thunderous applause certainly reflected that much.

As the High Sovereign gave his speech to the masses, she began to weave her rendition of him upon the canvas with the paints she had prepared just minutes before. Taking careful time to getting the body proportions right yet wasn't going for a portrait with this particular piece, going more for symbolic meanings and imagery as opposed to attention to the tiniest of details. Whilst she was decent at portraits and could do one with ease, this wasn't one of those paintings that suited it yet it wasn't a piece that needed to be abstract either. As brush met with blank canvas, Varik was placed at the front of a sea of people, a hand held high towards them and basked in the sunlight. She thought it accurately represented his position of being chosen as the High Sovereign, as if his rise to power was peaceful and one that the people agreed with. Flavia couldn't help but smile, having read so many historical records of nations utilizing hostile conquest to expand their borders, it was nice to see a chance, a peaceful agreement rather than one that required bloodshed and the deaths of many.

How little she knew.

She kept painting, giving attention to the finishing touches when she looked towards the stage and saw that the Archon moved through the parting sea of people. As he reached the stage and started to give his speech, she listened intently. She had learnt art, not how to speak or read people's body language or tone but by no means did this mean she was inept at it. The more the Archon spoke, the words that he used and the very tone of his speech gave a sheer contrast to the High Sovereign. Varik seemed like the sort who truly wanted what was best for his people, unity and the backing of his people to rule successfully, the Archon on the other hand? He tone seemed almost condescending, hostile, certainly creepy with how his voice boomed across the hall with no assistance of a microphone.

Whilst she had finished the piece, she noticed an open space next to Varik and thus she began to paint. Soon the Archon was stood next to Varik with a raised fist, surrounded by a bleaker, darker background as opposed to Varik and the light surrounding him. A perfect contrast, one that as she took a step back and witnessed the finished piece, thought it added to it rather than withdrew from it. She put her kit down and simply stepped to the side to lean against the railing of the balcony, watching the events roll on by.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Senatory Hall
Well, that was interesting. Kalo didn't just stop talking, as one would assume. Most opportunists would hear that they have the chance and leave it at that, but Draxler didn't seem to be that way. Why was that? Varik remained quiet, listening to the man speak as thoughts whirred in his head of what he could want. Could he be simply trying to make friends, some sort of repeat business? He doubted that. If he wanted that, he would've done research; and would know this isn't how he really made friends.

He considered the possibilities. Kalo wasn't stupid, after all. He was a businessman, successful enough to make propositions of this size. "It wouldn't be very pertinent to trust a man you haven't met before, would it?" He glanced past the man towards [member="Ahdaka"] and caught her eyes, darting his own over towards the direction of the Confederate entourage that was entering and being caught up on one of the senators. He wanted them to know he acknowledged more of their presence while he was talking business. Even if Srina was here, it was probably more polite to let someone greet them. He was trying to pick up on such things.

"The Sovereignty put its trust in me because they knew when they needed me, I would face down anything for me. Why is that?" He moved his hands behind his back, clasped as he kept a straight expression towards Kalo. "Because I did it before. I'll make sure you have the chance to prove yourself, Mr Draxler. Trust will come later. Trust has its own benefits, after all." He didn't wish to simply hand the keys over to someone he didn't yet know; if he was so loose with such things, how could he be trusted to take anything seriously?

[member="Flavia Protanus"] [member="Kalo Draxler"] [member="Koda Fett"] [member="Roella Arwyn"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Nilia Saavilin"]
Decorum be damned.

Upon the instant that his niece's words rang in his ears, the Sith took a single step forward. His dominant arm snaked around her waist, pulling her into a snug - albeit brief - embrace. "I've missed you Nilia." he breathed. The display of affection lingered for only a moment before Darth Metus released the young Senator; then standing tall with hands folded behind his back.

"Admittedly, very sparse details made their way to me about the Sovereignty and your place in it. But, knowing that this cause is worth your time was enough to see for myself." He said, addressing her long story. For a moment, when the woman indicated the High Sovereign, the Sith's gaze abandoned his niece's face and found the visage of [member="Varik Ice"]. "Hmm...Is it true what the reports say about you all? Something regarding a split from the Imperials? Or is that embellishment?"

And then came the speech.

The first impression left by the High Sovereign was that of being genuine. There was a distinct lack of postering and wasted words from Varik - but in their place, humility. In truth, Darth Metus was reminded of his own speech on the day that the Confederacy was founded. Both men looked upon their gilded roles as opportunities to serve their people, not themselves. "I can see why you follow him." he remarked, offering a half-smile to his niece.

"Where are my manners?"

The admission came with a light chuckle. Turning, the Sith motioned with his offhand, indicating his Apprentices. "This is [member="Akabane Jarvik"]." he began, indicating the unusually quiet Shaper. "And [member="Srina Talon"], my apprentices."

[member="Srina Talon"], [member="Akabane Jarvik"], [member="Nilia Saavilin"]

The Sovereign's reply did not sound or feel scripted. Perhaps there truly was a genuine man behind these supposedly genuine words said on the podium. Or a master of deception. Kalo planned to find out. Not today. Today he had completed his job, he had played his cards.

It was all about discipline.

"Certainly, Your Grace." Kalo bowed his upper body gently, his smile still on his face. There was no need for more needless chatter. The CEO had taken enough for the moment from the Sovereign and he believed that the impression - whatever it would've been - would last as planned.

Now was the time for action.

As the Sovereign had said - Trust has its own benefits.

"I thank you for the opportunity, Your Grace. I shall excuse myself and leave you to your own matters." Kalo nodded as he turned his back from the monarch.

Moving away from the presence of the Sovereign, Kalo sent messages to key Draxler Group personnel. A meeting would be made as soon as possible with the topic at hand being the building of Eadu. He would prefer if plans for projects were finalized quickly so they could be proposed to the government of the Sovereignty and Kalo could finally make his first step in the matters of the Sovereignty.

[member="Varik Ice"]​
Eadu, Senatory Hall, 12:09 am

It had been far too long.

Nilia could hardly recall the last time she had been in the presence of her uncle. She had been younger, certainly wilder. It’d remain eternally astounding how much time (And a few wars) could really change people.

She almost looked giddy as she embraced Metus briefly, one of her hands resting for a second on his shoulder. Her far-too-unprofessional smile remained even as she pulled back, for the moment forgetting her place herself, “I’m sorry for not getting in touch sooner. Or even visiting.”

“The Imperial thing… Right. Ideological difference?” Shrugging a shoulder, the young Senator sighed, in an almost forlorn manner. Storm clouds had rolled across her sunshine expression at the mention of the transition to Imperial to Sovereignty but her voice was more hopeful than her face betrayed, “It’s quite messy, but I have faith. And we have our freedom.” For the time being.

Throughout the speeches Nilia seemed thoroughly enchanted. Hardly even phased by the borderline uncomfortable Archon, her polite claps filled the hall with the others and she was even smiling by the end of them, turning to her uncle again after his remark, “Charisma is powerful.” Her voice was teasing, but as he indicated the two figures that, admittedly, Nilia had not even noticed, she lowered her head slightly in a half-bow that clearly indicated respect. Even though this prideful Senator didn’t come off as someone to give so easily, it was clear that affiliation to Metus was enough for her to make a compromise.

“Apprentices? You must be a fine teacher. I am Senator Saavilin, though any companion of my uncle may call me Nilia. Welcome to Eadu, and our Sovereignty.”

[member="Darth Metus"], [member="Akabane Jarvik"], [member="Srina Talon"]
Location: Senate Hall - Near [member="Darth Metus"] & [member="Nilia Saavilin"]
Affiliation: CIS
Additional Tags: [member="Varik Ice"] | [member="Akabane Jarvik"] | [member="Er'in Tenel"]

“Smile, Akabane…”, Srina implored gently to the apprentice beside her, his closed eyes telling her much of what she needed to know, without needing to pry too deeply. Although he looked a little more like himself, dressed decently, and clean shaved, the light-hearted cretin she’d initially met was far away from the man that stood near her now. The boy she knew would have somehow magically procured liquor two seconds walking in the door. It was unnerving. “This should be a festive affair…”

The dark-haired apprentice seemed like he was attending a funeral. Perhaps, in his mind, he still was.

Her telepathic communication with Varik seemed to have at least momentarily gotten his attention and his response brokered a small amount of silent amusement. ‘Address you how I like? That is a dangerous amount of freedom from one so recently crowned… It could be something entirely embarrassing. Whatever will I do?’

The tongue-in-cheek response wasn’t serious, of course, and Srina let it die. The pale-skinned Echani could hold conversation and court with anyone that approached. It was the way of her people to adapt to any situation, be it on the field, or in a Senate Hall. In that respect, her mental transmission returned to business. Diplomacy was the nature of their visit. ‘When you have made your rounds you should meet the Confederate Vicelord. He is…A Sith like no other.’

Srina turned he focus back to Darth Metus, just in time it seemed, because he had finally decided to introduce the pair that accompanied him. She’d thought that Er’in would have been around somewhere, considering that this was a situation she would thrive in, but the slender Echani had yet to lay eyes to her. Interesting, but not worrying.

Gray eyes flowed over the form of her Master’s niece without hesitation. They were mirrored and edged, analytical, in a way that some found eerie. She saw more than what was intended and far less than what the subject of her attention may have wished. The apprentice inclined her head to the dark-haired politician, swan-like neck graceful, as her gaze momentarily swept the hem of her gown. Appropriate respect demanded the same courtesy. “Senator—”, Srina greeted demurely, a cultured smile resting at the kiss of her mouth, before she corrected herself. “Nilia. It is good to make your acquaintance. Thank you for having us.”

At this point, considering how many, many children Metus had, it came to no surprise that he would have a litter of nieces and nephews as well. If she cared enough, she could potentially spend a fortnight mapping his family tree. Longer. “You are also quite correct…Your uncle is the greatest Master one could ask for.”

Her compliment was without any sort of sycophantic adoration. It was stated as one would quote some sort of anecdote from a historical-holo. It was fact, pure and simple.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Senatory Hall
Though he didn't send a word back to Srina, it was probably very obvious to her what his feelings on that were. If he could have sent a look through telepathy, he would. It was the one he often gave when people made jokes; either he didn't find them funny or simply didn't understand them. As Kalo went off to handle other business, Varik considered if there was anywhere else he was expected. He didn't believe so, and he was pretty sure he could easily find his way out of any obligations he apparently had.

The Sovereign quietly made his way through the crowd, trying to garner the least amount of attention that he could. As he approached, he could see [member="Nilia Saavilin"] up ahead. He hadn't noticed much resemblance between her and what he supposed was her....he assumed uncle or older cousin, but he couldn't really be sure. Perhaps that was the whole...Sith Lord part affecting him that did that, affected his appearance.

"Yes, Welcome." Varik had simply followed up on what Senator Saavilin had said, but he figured that would do. He was still getting the hang of meeting and greeting, or this whole...diplomacy issue. His eyes darted between the three in front, nodding as politely as he really could, he didn't come from a tradition of handshakes or bowing. "I wasn't expecting you, Vicelord. Or your apprentices. Not that it isn't good to see you."

He supposed his lack of mincing words or just politely saying hello and leaving it at that might be something that some would see as an issue. As he thought more about it, he didn't care much. His eyes darted to Talon, not giving a nod as he assumed she wouldn't need it. "Srina." There was no point in him hiding that they already knew each other. Perhaps Metus would see it as an advantage, something that could be a good start for diplomacy. Varik would accept anything to make it easier, it was hard enough as is.

He was curious about Metus' relationship with his apprentices, at least with the ones he hadn't met; in truth, he'd never got much chance to converse with any Sith, if purebloods didn't count. Inquisitors were a...different group, he knew that better than almost anyone. Varik kept his curiosity under control for the time being, deciding he could always ask his questions in a less formal setting, later.

[member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Akabane Jarvik"] | [member="Nilia Saavilin"] | @Er'in Tenel
Ahdaka / Within the humid atmosphere of Eadu, Senatory Hall

Ahdaka raised her eyebrows as Varik gestured for her to speak with the people of the Confederate. She then looked about and raised a slightly empty glass up, and pointed over to it. She then mouthed the words. 'Refill.' She'd gesture over to the one of the exits of the Hall. She then went off to the exit she pointed out and made her way to get a refill.

After minutes spent trying to find her way back to the Hall, Ahdaka stumbled back into the crowd. Holding her glass of water. With a sigh of annoyance, she'd try to get on her toes to find The Sovereign. Eventually seeing his scalp in the distance, she'd try to slither through the crowd, bumping into some individuals on the way. Finally, Ahdaka makes her way to the group and stands behind Varik, holding her glass with her two hands.

She looked over to what she assumed was Varik and gave a soft grin at him, nodding in greeting. "Sovereign." She said quietly, not wanting to interrupt the others speaking as she joined. The man she greeted was not the Sovereign, and she realized it once the man looked at her. He was old, had a pair of tinted glasses on him and a white mustache. He then spoke in a clumsy tone. "What'd you say?" Ahdaka widened her eyes, she messed up. The old man looked at a woman next to him and raised his hand up. "Hey, I'm a sovereign.." The woman then raised a brow and shook her head. "Papa, what are you on about?" Ahdaka then shook her head lightly. "Wrong person, my deepest apologies..." She then turned about and strides back into the crowd. After a minute or so, she'd finally find Varik. Standing by his side, a pace behind him and she cleared her throat a bit. Once the Sovereign looked over at her. She nodded in greeting. "Sovereign." She grinned lightly just like she practiced in that poor first attempt at finding him. Before nodding to the others that were with him.

[member="Varik Ice"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Nilia Saavilin"] | [member="Akabane Jarvik"]
Affiliation: The Sovereignty
Location: Senatory Hall, Eadu
Storms arise albeit the new day, as the rain poured in the sight. It was marvelous, the eerie atmosphere of Eadu. In a common day, the sun would rise up to the top of the high noon, but yet the skies were replaced by the gloomy shade of the night. Upon the distance stood an immeasurable skyline of mountains that surrounded the planet. Every moment would be followed by the graceful voice of lightning. Lies in this place were people not with sadness, but with hope. The hopes of mending the galaxy were inside their minds. These were the people of the Sovereign, built by righteous people made to rule. But is it time to launch their healing hands? To set the cause for the benefit of the salvaged? In a time of war and despair, it is now.

To subjugate the worlds beyond the Core's vision is to lay waste in its outer defenses. Their reputations were the most finest among the inhabitants of the known galaxy, within the influence clouds of the many factions. People used to think they were the foundation of power, but as times go, some fled to the Wild Space to seek the fortunes of prosperity. Alas, to save the fortunes of those who were not to gain it. One called to be in part of them would be Kaira Ignis, former advisor to the Queen Mother legacy. The Consortium, at least for her, was a fraud. A glass cube for the galaxy's most glamorous walkers. The matriarchal culture forbids it, but at least Kaira did it once, or twice, or...

But who will ask? The senators of old? The innocent waiting for their lives to end upon a bag of copper coins? They shall not care about the leader's past experiences, but the experience he/she would impend unto her rule. At any moment, people are made to be brittle, to shatter in pieces as the inevitable comes. But then, in the other hand, she believed that people were made to be deciphered to gain their trust. Slowly, their memories are erased by a fruitful one. One with deceiving thorns that prick into their minds.

Feet crushed the rocky surface as a hired escort team were nearly covering Kaira, who wore a charcoal robe that covered her appearance and inner uniform. A certain contact was to be thanked, as a little boy ran and approached the company, greeting only Ignis with a smile marked on his face, " Here is your payment, child. ", she muttered, handing out a bag of treats. The executive protection would then direct the lass unto the Senatory Hall, where the Sovereignty had been rallying its people.

Eadu, Senatory Hall, 12:11 pm

At the sudden appearance of the Sovereign, Nilia paused in starting to reply to Srina's statement. Guiltily, a slight wave of relief washed over her as she turned to bow her head slightly at the appearance of their leader, mostly thankful to no longer be the centre of attention in such a critical manner. Her Uncle's apprentices did seem to be polite and she'd return that politeness, of course, but such studying eyes made her hairs stand on end in ways she wasn't sure she liked. At least he has comrades, so he won't grow lonely. Either way, she raised her head with a confident smile on her face once more, addressing Varik directly, "Sovereign. Your speech was inspiring."

Her eyes looked over to Ahdaka, then, lingering behind him, "Hello to you too." She oriented herself so that their circle could accommodate the two newcomers, and after giving the Sovereign a deferential greeting she smiled back over to Metus, clearly still pleased to be in his presence after so long.

[member="Darth Metus"] [member="Varik Ice"] [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Ahdaka"]
The Last Son
Miltia Garrison

Chitchitchitchit! Roella and her handmaidens had ran off without me. Clearly they didn't want me in this fight or fighting along side them. No. She had to just do this for herself and continue her "quest on the path towards learning more of the galaxy. I shook my head as I was already soaked through to the bone by the time that I had reached behind her. Not even a block away, I ran towards her as she rushed out to battle. Proclaiming battlecries, and in fear of losing a job, and being killed by the queen, I ran after her to protect her.

She did very well for herself. Defending mostly with the shield to only open up to attack. However, the problem that she was faced is that there were many who were fighting. One of the handmaidens went down. Even as I ran past her, I knew that she was long gone. I bet it was quite painful to get hit with a blaster bolt. A unique type of weapon that was fired from what looked to be a tube. However, curious it was to me, I ran up behind her. A soldier who was coming around her flank due to the handmaiden falling to the ground, I filled her spot. Slipping a small dagger from my belt and into my gloved hands and threw it. Sticking home into the man's unarmored chest.

He fell to the ground as I called out over the roar of battle.

"Keep your damned eyes open!"

I rushed over to the woman she had just killed. Her blaster on the ground. While Roella defended herself from blaster fire, I rushed over and yanked the weapon off of the ground. Picking it up. Attempting to take aim and firing back. The first four shots missed my target, the fifth hit the man's visor. Leaving a smoking hold where the glass once was. Lucky shot. Cus my next three were missing before the fourth hit a man in the arm. He dropped his weapon for a split second to allow me to correctly aim, and fire once into his chest.

"Next time you are fighting, You are required to have me by your side. Forget it again, and I send a holo to home."

Taking cover behind my ally of the Warrior Princess, I simply shook my head as the battle raged on.

[member="Roella Arwyn"], [member="Varik Ice"], [member="Arador Kahn"], [member="Kalo Draxler"], [member="Lavidean Dramath"],

Roella Arwyn

The Rose Always Has Thorns
Militia Garrison

Roella of the House Arwyn's hair was so wet, it clung to her pale skin. She no longer had time to move it out of her face. She was in the middle of battle, now. There was no time. Thorne was red with blood, and the gold of her armor was sprayed with blood. That was when she noticed him.

Shaun Irons. A manling servant that her mother had sent along with her. Disgusting. She did not like him, and he did not like her. It was Roella's personal opinion that he had not been beaten nearly enough as a child, for his tongue was as rogue and unrestrained as a small child's.

"Oh, how mature of you. Threatening to tell my mother on me."

Thorne lashed out, decapitating a militiaman. Roella glared back at him through the rain.

"Keep your own head down, manling. I'd hate for you to meet an unfortunate accident here."

The militia had but one holdout, now. A small building in the garrison. This was it. One last push, and the base was theirs.

@Shaun Irons [member="Varik Ice"] @Aradhor Khan


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Eadu, Bheriz Sector, Wild Space
The mysterious man hunter that was Koda Fett stood from his seat, casting a glance to the floor below with a scowl. He hated this place, and why he was paid to 'witness' this 'spectacle' irritated him. Although he couldn't blame Ice, it wasn't him who paid him after all, some sycophant who adored this Sovereignty he wanted Fett to believe in it too; for whatever reason a pleasant gathering of snobs is what he thought Fett would like. He thought wrong. The Bounty Hunter left his high up balcony after casting a brief glance towards the torrential rain pouring outside. Where he went, nobody knew, nobody minded, he was just 'scum' after all.

​It was outside in which the cold, calculating Bounty Hunter in his prime now stood. The rain colliding with his armour, the landing pad and his new ship: the Spear II. Ahead of him was the bright flash of lightning and the boom of thunder. Standing in silence, as per usual, he did nothing but close his eyes beneath the all-to-recognisable helmet. As much as the rain reminded him of a certain somewhere he very well despised, it was still calming.
The Last Son
Militia Garrison

Roella was clearly painted in crimson when I reached her. My scoff of her statement of maturity was there, but in all honesty, we bickered and argued like children to begin with. I kept my mouth silent as she sliced down another enemy who had decided to take her on. She was much more suited for combat than I was. She wore armor and a shield that could be used in this galaxy. I wore leather clothing and barely had weapons that were gifted to me of her mother. However, I moved on.

Leaving the safety of her shield, I rushed forward with a speed that I could only reach due to years of running away from fights. However this time, I raced headforward. Reaching the first person within a second. Using both of my longknives as I slapped away the blaster held by the man, and using the second one to slash at his exposed neck under the helmet while I rushed passed him to the second man. Ramming my shoulder into him and sending him to the ground. Using the butt of my blades to slam into his helmet multiple times.

By that time, Roella had moved forward enough that we covered one another in our respective "sixes" as some called it. We were all pushing towards this base of theirs. While most of the fighting that had been along the way was small, this was something else. They had fallen back into the garrison. I stood up and hooked myself behind the warrior princess.

"Worry about your own head miss. That's what you do best."

Commenting about how she didn't wish for me to die, when in all truths, she could likely care less. To be fair, I never wished the death of anyone. While I didn't like Roella, she was still a person. A living being that I had an attachment to. Not a voluntary one, but still a connection. One you don't like is better than none at all right?

Pushing up with her, Blaster fire rained down from the top of the garrison. They had set up turrets to combat us with. Why didn't we expect this to be hard? Either way, I saw this, and without even thinking, I reached out to her, Throwing her to the side to have her avoid the blaster fire. Ducking after her, I got hit hard in the side. Landing next to her on the ground, I winched and yelped in pain. Yelling out to everyone in the area.


[member="Roella Arwyn"], [member="Arador Kahn"],

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