Adean Castor
built on lies
TAG: Madrona A’Mia
With pursed lips, Adean watched as the instructor once again poured over the booklet Adean had been using as a potential guide. What Adean had meant was for the Neti to judge and correct the specific plants she had pulled from the allocated spot of the garden, based on the images provided for that particular section of the book. What she had gotten was, well, not that.
But it also wasn't a waste, hence why Adean, or rather Tavis, said nothing to object once she caught on to what was being done. In fact, perhaps this was more of a boon than what she had initially asked for. Now, assuming this was the right page and that she could identify the right plants, she knew what to actually do with them, too. Crushing was easy, it didn't take lessons in botany to do that. What had initially stumped Adean, however, was powdering. These were living plants, after all. To take a mortar and pestle to them would create a paste well before it made powder. Unless, of course, there was no moisture involved. For that, the dehydrator would come in handy.
Briefly, Adean considered asking her question again, to ensure the plants she had chosen from were absolutely correct. But then she also had to wander if perhaps she would get bonus points for not needing to use all the advantages granted to her. After all, there was no limit given for how many attempts she could have. No time limit, either. And so she set herself to following the instructions and corrected notes, eager to see what would come from them before making any adjustments.
When the first batch was done, she performed a second one, just to see if there was consistency in her method. At last, she turned back to the instructor, figuring it was better to use all the advantages given to her and succeed rather than to fail anticipating a catch. "For my final question, what would you change, for the purposes of making a poultice." The final specification was important, in case the book was actually teaching her to make something else she didn't know the specifications of.