Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Strategic RP - Participants Requested

Midgets dressed in druid robes appear through a wall of smoke waving a large banner proclaiming themselves "For the Daxton!" Hutt cheerleaders swoon (naturally you didn't expect them to flip in the air did you?) and throw candy flavored treats to the starving slaves in the pits. A giant blimp floats by with the words blazoned on its side "Sith - Making a better Galaxy one world at a time."

(sorry couldn't resist)

Jorn Mair

good enough for me. and make them fart alittle battle tune!! like the main theme from rocky. :p
Perhaps for purposes of this test if the partner/ally doesn't post within 24 hours, the one online could post for their side to keep the action flowing.
btw I might be unable to log in on Sunday (Saturday for our friends on EST) all day. I will however try to get online, but if I can't at least I am leaving advance warning :D

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