Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Strategic RP - Participants Requested

Ava Solborne

Yes, that's right, but I've also said, that I am not native English speaker. You can see, that when I write, my English skills are pretty good, but you don't know, that when reading, I have to really concentrate on every single word to understand, what is the whole meaning of the text. It's even worse, that I am not familiar with the Star Wars technology and it is just too hard to read about everything. I just don't have time for that and I think none of you does, but you have seen maybe all the movies and read books. Here, I can only base on movies and like you know, on the Prequel Trilogy, because I am not going to watch the Original Trilogy. That's why it is hard for me. Oh, and since I have to control all the troops, battalions, it is just so confusing.

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