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Stray Cat Rock Part 1 (Aika Kawakami)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

"Yes you want to try to appease but not to such a degree your show weakness. You'd and should offer to fix the problem but don't promise anything. See if there is something they would like, something reasonable that can be given or used to best help them feel better. Be polite of course but never admit to true wrong doing the Republic or whoever your helping will protect you if it was not your fault. Now comes the real test, what do you know some planets customs?" Matsu stood there and smiled placing her hands behind her and and raising up slightly on her tiptoes as she offered a raised eyebrow. "I was born on Kessel but raised Atrisian before joining the order. What do you know about meeting ceremonies."

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
" basically you want to make sure they know your planning to help, but you don't want to promise anything. That makes sense. If you were to promise something, but couldn't deliver on it, then it would make you look bad. It would seem as if your word wasn't worth anything. And, as a diplomat, if your word isn't any good, your pretty much useless. That and some find it disrespectful to go back on your word." A small grin began to come across her face until the talk of customs came up. Aika hadn't exactly traveled the galaxy. Neither had she sat down to learn and study the different customs of the different cultures in the galaxy. She'd hit a road block....again.

"Well...not much. My mother was Atrisian, so I know those customs. Aside from that, I only know of the customs on Onderon. Which aren't many."

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Matsu listened and gave a nod, she got it. Promise nothing but try to find something they can have to feel better. It was okay for them to be wrong but she had to make sure whatever she did was handled first. Then the customs gave gave to Matsu learning what she expected and she moved to sit down taking the tea and holding her hand under the pot. Her fingers snapped bringing a small flame to the palm of her hand as she worked to heat it up. She looked upon Aika and motioned her head to the seat while her mind worked to straighten the cups. The few moments until she had steam returned to the tea and poured it stretched out while Matsu gave a grin of her lips. "There are many within the galaxy who don't see all the customs as important, too much emphasis on credits and only what they can get out of the situation. No care for the small things such as enjoying being in the company. That was how my master explained it to me, tea was a way of learning, of seeing into a persons soul."

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Watching her master, Aika blinked a few times before shrugging and taking a seat herself across the table. Her eyes simply followed the items as they moved and seemingly rearranged themselves. Of course, they were being moved by Matsu rather than moving on their own. Nonetheless, she nodded in agreement to everything that had been said. "Indeed. I always swish others weren't constantly in such a rush. Simply trying to finalize a deal and gather credits makes people miss so many details. And many times, they aren't details that are minor. Even when they are, it could always be something that could help things move along much better. Not to mention, they could notice the things happening around them. Being unaware of one's own surroundings is so.....dangerous. Honestly, the thought alone scares me." Her lips curved into a grin as the steam returned to the tea, and as it was being poured. The relaxed atmosphere made her feel so much more at home, even while being so far away.

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

"It is a scary though Aika, rushing and missing things is how many more terrible things have been done and we are all able to take blame with that. Not all jedi will be patient not all will be quick but there is the balance to be had and there is the dangerous things to avoid. This tea for instance, something small and it takes time to make, takes time to sit and enjoy. Now you could rush it and miss out of the aroma and the flavor or be patient. The same applies to the force and learning how to be a diplomat. Your ability to observe and learn will be tested with the need sometimes for people to want to rush you along. Something only you can find a pace for because not everyone can speed up their neural processes to learn at quicker speeds. Now do you have any questions?"

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Her head was spinning slightly. It was a lot to process at one time, especially for someone like herself. Nonetheless, she nodded. Aika certainly didn't want to have her master feel as if she was behind....though she couldn't get much farther behind than she already was. "I think I understand, sensei. Though, I don't think I will have too much of an issue being patient. I mean, I've been incredibly patient up until this point. Especially when I comes to the other masters...and the council as well. I mean, out of all of them, you seemed to be the only one who even seemed to bother with me. Others just strolled past as if I was invisible. I won't deny the truth, for a little while it had me feeling a bit low. That was until I started watching them closer."

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

"I have met many people Aika, I have seen billions of people on many worlds across the galaxy and do you know what I have learned." Matsu moved to stand near her student and smiled at the thought of it. There was some curiosity in what was happening but more then that there was also the wanting to hear what Aika had learned from her observations. After of course working to make her feel better. "That I have never met one who was unimportant or invisible. All people in the galaxy are important and deserve to be respected. Now what is it you have observed?"

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
She couldn't resist her lips curving into a wide, toothy grin followed by a small chuckle. It was the first time in some time that Aika had smiled like that. Honestly, she didn't have anything to smile like this about. Nonetheless, it felt good to allow herself to feel such a little laughter. What her master told her was indeed true. Every being, sentient or not, was important in some way. They all had a purpose in the galaxy, even if it was a simple one. And even when some as if no one can see them, they are still there. "Very true, Ike-sensei. However, what I observed is just simply....odd. It would seem as if the council are only interested in their own affairs. The Senate as well. I was been a Jedi for nearly two years now, and I could count the number of masters I've actually spoken with on one hand. And the fact that so many acted nonchalant with the whole Sith treaty still raises questions. Actually, rather than answering them, it creates more. I've seen many that I began this journey with leave the order because something or another simply didn't add up. And some just switched the lightsabers off completely. It's all just....odd to me."

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Ahh yes what she was talking about. The treaty with the sith, the council and senate. A game or politics and sadly deception, there were a few on the council who had cared for the order. Others who only wanted to be able to say they were on the council and be special or of a higher power. The senate was the same way and the situation with the treaty, how it came about, how its after effects created disharmony in the order. She had felt it and thankfully been able to get through some of it. With a look at Aika she sighed not in not wanting to explain more in just having to think about it. "That is a good observation Aika and important but there are many things that have become a problem."

Matsu sat down while thinking about how to go on. "The problem is Coruscant, the problem is the chancellor Ijet, the Grandmaster Je'gan. On Coruscant to the ones in power. There is no hunger, no poverty, no war. They are content to live their lives as if they are perfect and pure. They want to be saints and all they see who try and tell them different are sinners but there are no saints outside of the capital. It is easy to be a saint Aika when your only grinding the ones who are under you until they break so you have your perfect viewpoint. They do not come to the borders, they do not come to see the people or listen, their agenda is too important. The peace was never important in the long run. Protecting the people, making them safe, it was the peace treaty, it was the chancellor being able to say that she made peace between two eons old enemies and was the messiah leading us into an age but it would come at a cost of a piece of our souls. Millions would lay dead so this illusion of a perfect galaxy could come to bare. Billions would suffer and the jedi would not be allowed to try and help for fear and angering our divine prophet."

Matsu remained very still, she had studied the situation and there was plenty wrong with it, more coming from how anyone who questioned seemed to be exiled, criminalized or straight up disappeared from the order. The enemies of the Republic mounting and forming groups, everyone loving how weak the Republic is and their old friends not wanting to come to the table to talk because of how buddy buddy they are supposed to be with the empire. It was something she did not enjoy or like the sound of. Something that could and would prove dangerous in the long run as the sith were already mounting and moving towards encroachment on Republic territory.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Her eyes followed her master as she moved back to her own seat, taking in each word that came from her mouth. It was as if they agree on everything. Matsu not only gave her own viewpoint, but expanded on what Aika herself had just spoke of. She was glad they were alone. If anyone were to hear them talking as they were, they'd probably consider it treason. They'd be considered traders and enemies of both the Jedi and the Republic. That was the last thing either of them needed. She eyed her master as her words finally came to a rest. A small sigh escaped her lips as returned to her keeled position upon the ground opposite her master. Her mind was a hurricane of thought, but there was one that stood out above all else.

Her focus shifted to the steaming cups of tea that sat before them. Slowly and steadily, the two cups rose from the table, Aika making them hover in the air with what looked like relative ease. The cups remained in the air as her eyes returned to her master figure. "Ike-sensei. I know this won't come as much of a surprise to you, but I don't trust the Council or the Senate. There is something going on that we aren't aware, that they're hiding from us. I fear if it were to become public, the false peace that most seem to embrace would disappear in a flash. I fear that, even though I've resolved to never swing a blade, that at some point, I may be forced to stand against them."

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Matsu gave a nod of her head to that. She didn't like the idea of secrets in the council or senate. There were secrets you should have and ones you should keep but the jedi master didn't agree with all of them. "Maybe but there are many paths a jedi can take and standing up for what is right and just can take many forms. Perhaps preforming the rite of denial on the council will prove something for the future. There are other things you will be able to do as you get older, as you get stronger. You'll learn that the ego's of senators and masters can be something interesting. What we really need to do is just get away, get somewhere we can relax and refocus. I have found Hapes to be a place, somewhere I can go and be with one of my friends. I welcome you to come with me next time, I am going to be teaching her how to work with Makashi and her lightfoil."

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
She couldn't help but laugh as her eyes returned to the hovering cups. It was but a few seconds before the small pot that originally used to make the tea joined the floating table utensils. As odd as it was, Aika seemed to be relaxed now, which seemingly allowed levitate objects with incredible ease. It was the first time since the caves on Illum that she'd shown any level of unnatural ability. The most incredible part of this, was that she didn't realize how little effort was being put forth. "The Right of Denial, huh? I remember hearing of this when I accidentally overheard a conversation. It's almost like stepping down without actually leaving the order. The ultimate way to stand against the council... If it must be done in order to find out what lies underneath all this, to decipher where the lies end and the truth begins, then so be it."

The cups and tea pot returned to the table as her eyes returned to her master's frame. "Well, I guess I need to ask; how do you think I'm coming along?"

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

There was more to the rite then just straight refusal. It was something that could be powerful and send a statement to others. That was the point. IF the duty of a jedi was to put personal feelings behind for the betterment of the galaxy then refusing that duty for something could show the inherent dangers or how one disagrees. Matsu gave a nod of approval though that her student had known what it was. Something of a surprise she had to admit but Aika seemed to be quite strong in her abilities to study and learn. The application of it was just her issues at times. It was a testament to how far along she was coming. "You are coming along quite well Aika, showing a great deal of skill and a great amount of promise. Once we can get you out of your head and to focu on the moment on feeling the force your potential will be unlimited."

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Hearing those words only made her grin grow larger. Matsu's opinion of her only seemed to grow with everything that they did. Having someone who believed in her to such an extent only made her own confidence grow, the little she had that is. Her head nodded as she fell over sideways, albeit a bit over dramatically. Her body hit the ground with a small thud as she groaned loudly. "Ah!! Who knew training could be so tiresome? I feel completely beat.... Well, at least my brain feels that way. I need a rest...or to eat. Or both."

Aika remained on the ground for a only a few more seconds before sitting back up rather suddenly. She leaned over the table just a bit, eyes fixated on her master. "Uh...I hope you don't mind me asking, but where is this ship headed? I mean, fuel isn't free, so I'm sure there's no way were just flying through space for fun. So where is our destination, Ike-sensei?"

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

"We are heading toward Coruscant Aika, the ship is just taking the scenic route that allows us to bypass the traffic." Matsu looked at Aika who was getting it now while she sat there. "So tell me what you are seeing from me? Am I impressing as your teacher so far? Shall we continue the lesson when we get to Coruscant. There is much you can learn about the force there and not all of it has to do with combat."

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
She nodded a few times, her response to all of the questions posed to her. "I'm quite happy being your padawan...uh, apprentice, Ike-sensei. You've been incredibly patient with me through all of this, and I can't thank you enough for that. I'm not sure their is another master that would have been willing to train a knight who was seemingly useless. The best part is that you haven't attempt to mold me into a variation of you. The whole time you've simply helped me to became what I wanted to become. Anyway, upon our arrival, I'd be ecstatic if we could continue. I feel as if we've only scratched the surface of what we're capable of doing together."

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Matsu smiled at that, she wanted to mold Aika but not to be like her. The girl didn't have the strength to learn in excess what has been taught. She would most likely be even more lost but she could be molded into a great jedi. Hopefully one who didn't think she was useless or lost. Her own strength showing in it more and more despite some of the small things like not fully knowing the basics. She was though willing to learn and that is what mattered in the end as Matsu offered a smile to the thought. "Well then I do hope to continue when the time comes, now go and rest we should be arriving soon and there is much on Coruscant we should do. Much we can work on as it stands." Matsu had a smile on her face and she bowed her head in respect to her student while offering another cup of tea before she went. "I will be spending the time until we arrive in meditations."

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
She was being away to rest, but somehow, she was smiling. Then again, what did she have to not smile about? There was a sensei who took her on without a second thought, friends, and the choice to make her own decisions. In time, Aika would gain strength, and find have pride in having a student of her own. Until then, she was more than happy to only have the simple things that had been handed to her. She rose to her her feet, lowering her head skylight as she bowed, before turning to leave. "As you suggest, Ike-sensei. I shall retire until we arrive on Coruscant. Until then...."

With that, she exited the room, the doors sliding closed behind her. A deep breath and she began to basically skip down the hall. At some point she would grow up. Probably when she was forced to separate from her master, but until then, there were no worries to be had.

@[member="Matsu Ike"]

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