Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Street of Dreams

"Hum, I see. Well you are."

It was really all she cou​ld really think of to say when he replied he was doing something right. The glint in his eyes could have meant anything so Aren did not think overmuch on it. Then he said it's better that she hadn't been exposed to any traditions before.

"I think I'm only prejudiced against those of the First Order. Not for ideals or traditions really, but maybe. I'm not sure. It seems like they brainwash their members and they have to follow some sort of supreme being. As if its a deity. Like I want that to happen to me."

His face grew thoughtful and Aren stopped talking.

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
"Such a prejudice is well-founded, and correct in its assumptions. Yes, the First Order and the Sith for that matter, they are known for resorting to manipulation in order to ensure the loyalty and submission of those who are either seduced or coerced into follwing their doctrines........"

Lan-Dai paused to allow that first statement to sink in.

"In the First Order, the tradition is that all followers are maipulated and trained from birth in order to ascertain unconditional surrender to their ways, although stories have been told of one who famously defected of his own volition.............."

Lan-Dai paused once more, podering briefly on the validity of such claims.

"The Sith more than anything look to appeal to either avarice, desperation, or lust for power found in their victims......." His statement was cut short, such words although crucial, should best be left for another day.

"I will not lie to you, Aren. The Jedi too have made their share of mistakes throughout the eras. Their restriction of power in many ways left so many of them ripe for corruption by the dark side. Their misguidance has been responsible for several dark chapters in our galaxy's history. However, I will say this for the Jedi, and myself. Despite any shortcomings, our goal is to keep the peace, to do what is right, and to always evolve from mistakes....."

Lan-Dai did not know it yet, but he was already starting to sound like a Master in his own right.
So she learned she was right in what the First Order did to their members and was glad to have Zakuul when she did. That run in with the Ren earlier had also showed her something and made her wonder if any could break free like Lan-Dai suggested. What she didn't know was he had the same thought or question as well.

The difference between what the First Order did and the Sith was given and Aren nodded.

"So it seems the Sith do it and the person goes willingly. The First Order not so much. Of the two, I don't want to be forced so would choose Sith."

He then went on to say ​that even though he was Jedi, even they made mistakes.

"Isn't that what organics do though?"

This coming from a woman​ that worked better with droids and her picking of that word wasn't meant to mean offense, but some people might hear it badly. What he did say though made sense.

"What is right?"

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
"The Sith have one of two ways of acquiring their prey. Either they are trained from an extremely young age, as the Jedi largely used to do centuries past, or they opt for one who is already trained and simply manipulate them into following their cause...."

Lan-Dai drew his head back slowly at the comment of choosing the Sith over the First Order.

"It is still a poor choice, though it may seem like the lesser of two evils. In either doctrine it is difficult to turn away, though not impossible..... And even if you do manage to turn, the rest will not take it lightly and will not allow you to walk away so easily. In most cases those who turn from their ways are branded traitors and marked for death. The Jedi on the other hand would never resort to such a means, unless one becomes a direct threat or hindrance to them or any of their objectives.................."

He next question was a sound and just one.

"Yes, no one is infallible...... not even me.......... we all make mistakes, it is what we do after those mistakes is what matters."

"What is right is to use what powers the Force awards to help people, not to harm, rule, or subjugate them. Such are the goals of the Sith, and the First Order, power for power's sake, and to rule through fear and unconditional surrender...................... Do you still prefer the Sith?"

His question was succinct and with purpose.
She listened to what he said and gave it some thought before answering. When she did speak, there was very little hesitation in her words.

"I never said I would prefer the sith, but out of those two choices only I would pick them."

It answered his question first and gave her the time to think about what else he said.

"What are the doctrines? My brother didn't really tell me anything."

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
Gauging Aren's words, Lan-Dai wisely held back from going that specific route. Her next question was a fair one, as it was he who had brought up the subject of doctrines.

"While the overall teachings of the Jedi are complex, the code of the Jedi order can be summed up in this mantra......"

"There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force"

"....Despite the reforms that the Jedi order has undergone, this remains the constant creed...."
It seemed he was hesitant to further explain the doctrines of the Sith and they had already sort of talked about those of the First Order. What he did do was go on to answer what the Jedi believed in. As Aren listened, her eyebrows came together and she shook her head.

"But that's rather limiting. I'm human and have emotion. Though I'd sometimes rather not..."

Probably why she had her droid companions. She didn't have to worry about emotions with them.

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
Her inquisitive nature was admirable, yet also dangerous if not handled properly. It seemed as though Lan-Dai would hae to gamble by delving as far as he can in order to leave no room for doubt.

"On the other hand, the Sith mantra is the antithesis of ours....."

"......Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me....."

Allowing the words to take hold, he paused before continuing, taking the adantage to have a drink.

"As I explained earlier, the Sith resort to the pursuit of endless power in order to dominate, allowing that power to corrupt them entirely. While the Jedi code seems pragmatic and overly limiting at first, allow me to give my own take on the following.........."

Another pause to take a mouthful.

"While it does say that there is no emotion, only peace, that is in and of itself misinterpreted. Emotions are unavoidable as living beings or..... organics as it were, however, the Jedi are taught no not allow emotions to dominate, and they can deceive and blind is mishandled. There is no ignorance, only knowledge was at one major point in the history of the Jedi a hypocritical one. At one point the Jedi placed restrictions on what abilities they should be taught and allowed to use, something I personally disagree with as did my own master... As for there is no passion, but serenity, my master and I both believed that both can coexist in a soud balance with each other. A great mistake in the Jedi order past was that attachment was forbidden, marriages and such other similar bonds were not allowed, and they paid the price for it. While not correct, it did allow the Sith to seize a chance to plunge the Jedi order into near extinction...... Such matters should be allowed, but handled carefully. The final two are as far as I know, still as intact today as they were in the order long preceded......"

Stopping only to take another bite and to sip his drink, he meditated on what the next questions would be, and if he had the proper answer..
As Lan-Dai also told her what mantra the sith had, Aren continued to eat her food. Listening to him intently, she nodded at the key points in what he said to indicate she understood. When he explained the further meaning of the Jedi, she could see how it could be used to change people. With the restrictions in place and enforced, they wouldn't be something she could follow either. However, the sith mantra wasn't right either.

"There is so much more to life than either mantra suggests though. Of the two, I would rather listen and follow than control and have power. That isn't to say, I don't want control or anything..."

She realized she might be babbling and took a drink of her ale instead. The pause gave her a little more time to think on what else he said.

"How could it cause them to go extinct? Jedi aren't a race..."

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
Upon hearing her reply, Lan-Dai knew that he had won in his gamble.

"Yes, there is more to life......... and while each code advocates certain standards, the choice ultimately falls on the beholder. Either to follow that code or not, and if so, to what extent.............."

Lan-Dai paused to sip his wine.

"As I have told you before, I am not a Jedi in the sense described by the creed. I make my own choices, I have been since my master departed from Iktotch and left me to solitary exploration. I am exercising that freedom of choice in having saved you, and now having chosen to train you is the ways you will ultimately choose....."
"Why not incorperate a bit of each? Pick what makes sense and what doesn't?"

More of a muse to herself than anything, but Aren did speak out loud enough for him to hear as she pushed the last of her food into a bite for herself. Giving him an understanding smile when he said he wasn't a traditional Jedi.

"I don't think you would be the same if you were and I like how you are. Where do we go from here?"

Finishing off that last ​bite, she gently moved her plate out of the way and took a drink of that ale.

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
Her question further indicated that Aren was not someone easy to manipulate or to seduce, she questioned and then decided. In his eyes the makings of a great Jedi, or a Force warrior such as himself.

"That is perhaps what we may do, in moderation and with proper guidance of course....."

Finishing off his wine, Lan-Dai looked approvingly of whom may be his ward.

"That is a better start than expected....." Lan-Dai said as he rose from the table. "I honestly don't know where we will go now, I have just come out of solitary training myself, and now in a way I seek my own answers as well......"
Her companions could tell Aren was ready to leave when she finished her drink.

"I think you and I will provide each other guidance in things."

Setting her glass down, Aren reached out with the Force to the server droid and basically told him they had paid for their food and drinks. Overriding the programming was a simple feat and he was a binary droid with few programs.

"Are you ready? We will figure out where or what when we get there. I guess you listen to the Force and I follow."

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
Rising from the table, Lan-Dai only had a second before looking to see what Aren was doing. Raising an eyebrow at the whole ordeal, both in amazement at her raw talent in the Force, and a mixture of disbelief, disapproval, and amusement at what she had used it for.

"Impressive.................... your powers are fairly strong for one who is lacking in proper training.......... but a word of advice...... Don't make a habit of using the Force for such mischief..... at least not unless you have no other recourse. You should know that the Force has an unspoken manner of evening up, and the bill always comes due....."

With those words, his hood was back over his face, his cloak hiding his robes and armor from view, and he made his way out of the establishment trusting that this time he would not run into any more surprises.

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