Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Streets of Corellia

Location Corellia

Sam was sitting on the corner near the old Imperial ship yards people watching. The CorSec Officer had fully recovered from her near death experience at the hands a serial killer. If anyone were to look at her right now all they would see was another homeless street person her hair hand't been washed in a week, her clothes were dirty and stiff, nails broken, and streaks of dirt down her face and arms.

She did not look anything like the party girl that had a reputation among the clubs. That persona was for other missions besides she didn't know if it was quite safe to go back into that environment. One person to recognize her as CorSec would sign her death warrant among the gangs. Words traveled fast on Corellia.

She could hear the kids talking they were going to be late and needed to get back to the den soon or risk punishment into the Cistern of Discipline. An old punishment center used in a time before even her parents were born but it still had a reputation. A reputation that put fear into the hearts and souls of anyone in the gangs.

Her skin was itching and her hair felt like grease she really wanted a shower and something to clean her nails with. Sam had a feeling she had bugs too she'd have to be personally fumigated before entering her apartment. *sigh*
Small groups were every where watching the streets, the alleys, balcony or rooftop. Sam's onyx colored eyes looked up scanning everywhere. What would they do if she just moved out into the open. She bore no tattoos to show allegiance, no colors for association she was just Sam in dirty clothes.

She wanted to find the three gangs that were working the districts. Pick pockets were nothing really but the bigger kids the ones that infiltrated offices and hotels to take whatever they could they were her target. One of them had accessed the private rooms of a prominent visitor from Carida stealing precious plans and passcodes to his ship.

The ship was vandalized and cleaned out taking everything into the underground. That was pushing it, that was crossing the line it also just happened that the Carida official also had the bank codes for a number of other officials who were donating goods and funds. It would set any gang up for a long time and was worth something to sell to the right bidder.

So far no word on an auction. She had hoped for someone to work with even if just to cover her back.

In her ear she heard a clicking static noise then the soft tones of Tara, "Watch out Sam once you disappear into the tunnels I don't know how good reception will be and no word on anyone meeting up with you. careful"

Sam nodded, "I'll try" she whispered. Time to go to work.

She got up her coat fell passed her knees it was 2 sizes too big, and the sleeves were pushed up. It covered her dingy pants and faded torn shirt. Her shoes didn't look much better too many turns out in the swamps of the old Imperial ship yards. Her sock was still wet water having seeped in from running through there to get here in time. Yeah..

It was going to be a long fething night. She walked towards the tunnel opening..
She did her best to be invisible crossing the alley to get to the tunnel entrance. It wasn't really a tunnel it was an open pipe big enough to stand in so really it was a re-purposed. She tried not to look around too much it would in her mind draw attention but then not looking at all would be out of character to.

She only had a few more steps to take before she would make it passed the entrance then she'd be home free who would challenge her once inside. She assumed they would all assume she belonged yeah, that's what she assumed.

A few more steps and she was inside she looked back and saw no one, look ahead making out the soft glow of lamps and lights nothing too bright. She nodded as she moved. Before she got any further something, someone grabbed her from behind at the nape of her neck picking her up off of the ground, feet danging as she was yanked back. It was so sudden she stopped breathing and fought the urge to pull the blaster hidden within the folders of the over sized coat.

Instead she landed on her arse looking up at...armor coughing to catch what air she could. It wasn't really the armor that was getting her attention it was the style, mandalorian. This didn't bode well for anyone. What were mandalorians doing involved with this? Mercs? umhmm..


The armored arm lifted up, "I've never seen you come this way, who are you and who are you with?"

Who was she, the worst thing to do on the fly was tell a lie, "I'm Sam." She frowned and looked down, "I'm looking for a place thats warm and I won't get bothered out here." She waved her hand around. "Can't I go inside for a while?" Sam struggled to her feet making sure she kept her distance and hoping the ruse would work.

"So you don't belong here" came the filtered voice.

She toed the ground, "no" She tilted her head down as if ashamed embarrassed. "You're a merc right which means you do things for credits. If you let me inside, I'll find a way to pay you."

He chuckled, "We don't eat on promises girl."

"I know, no one does." She looked up again, "Do I really look like a threat?"

Don Cagliostro

The anonymous tip program for police was certainly a god send, both for the police and the person using it. So with what he does now, he uses it more then ever. He knew it was risky business betraying and busting gangs and other syndicates. But it's practically what he was raised to do. He was a lawmen in the end. Even though he temporarily helped them out to begin with to earn some trust. He figured it was okay to break some figurative eggs to make a figurative omelet.

Right now he was flying over Coronet City. Why was he, well he was gonna bust a arms deal he was going to be a part of with the White Worms. However, to make sure that when he made his escape he'd parked his ship a little out of the ways. Meaning the chase was gonna be a little long, but it was so the authorities wouldn't suspect it before hand.

He let the White Worms know that he was planning on parking his ship full of arms a little away from where to deal could go down. Thus keeping it safe from the other gang. At least that was the reason he gave, which they bought. Standing along with his worm like suppliers, Roy had already planned out where and how to escape when the authorities arrived.
Two sets of eyes had been watching Sam just before she rose and began to approach the tunnel. The two of them were uncertain about her - she wasnt part of the gangs, but she wasn't familiar either. The two of them simply watched her, curious of how she came to be here. There have been armored men (Mandalorian) about the area recently. Did she have connection to them somehow?

As the seemingly homeless woman approached the dangerous tunnel, the two trianii children who had been watching her now whispered an argument back and forth, conflicted on Sam's fate

"That tunnel is dangerous, she can't just go in there, we gotta stop her!"

Tik whispered insistently.

"No, if she wants to go get 'erself killed in there thats her choice - h..hey wait! Tik!"

Tok began to protest, though it seemed Tik wasn't going to hear it. Before Tok could stop him, Tik was already sprinting toward the tunnel after Sam. The armored men had been coming and going from that tunnel, and the two boys seemed to realize that they didnt belong here either.

Groaning in frustration, Tok was quick to sprint after his twin brother. Both of the young trianii were dressed much like Sam, dirty somewhat tattered clothing, obviously street wanderers. They were both surprisingly fast and agile, Tik managing to catch up just as Sam was being dropped to the ground in a sitting position, the boy skidding to a stop just a few feet away

Tik reached Sam and the Mandalorian first, Tok nearly crashing into the back of his brother as Tik had stopped rather abruptly. They were a sight indeed, both in the tattered remains of what was once clothing, a sure badge of the street wanderer here. Tik wore a bluish pair of torn pants and a green vest, Tok wrapped in deep crimson leggings that were nearly worn out. Neither one was obviously armed - it would have been hard if not impossible to hide a blaster in the small shreds of cloth that covered their midnight black fur.

Tik's eyes went wide as the twins looked up at the man dressed in Mandalorian armor. This wasn't any normal street gang member ... The gangs would usually ignore petty little pick pockets like Tik and Tok until they were old enough and skilled enough to be of use to them. But this armored man looked more like a military individual, Tik and Tok couldnt be sure how he would respond to them

Tik glanced between them and quickly spoke, a bit of subterfuge attempted by the small vagrant boy

"I'm sorry if we are all bothering you mister, but we heard that if we trade you some food we can take shelter here?"

Tik said, simply trying to rattle off a little lie based on what little info he knew. The small boy seemed to infer that Sam was part of their group, not realizing that he was also adding credibility to her homeless cover.

Tok stepped up next to Tik, content to let his brother talk for the moment. Tok was quite tense, both fists balled up. He didnt like how surrounded and outgunned they were. Tok silently wished his brother would have just listened.
[member="Samantha Solo"] [member="Roy Americus"] [member="Tik and Tok"]

"Finally here.. thank the cosmos." Barr groaned, he really didn't wan't to land on Corellia let alone see it. It's took him a while to get there as he borrow a ship that didn't had a hyperdrive installed in it and had to . Entering the planet's atmosphere, Barr felt the disturbance from his ship but quickly forgot about as he looked toward the planet's surface. It was ironic to the man because from outer space and in the sky the planet looked beautiful but that very same planet was houses gangs that were very much active.

Those gangs that were one of the reasons he didn't want to go but he was asked to head to the planet to see a person after being asked by his mother. The person disappeared after a few weeks and it worry his mother as well as him. He wasn't like him or his father that for sure and he wanted to find him as fast as he can before he get involve with any of the gangs. Not to say that they would be a problem to him but he didn't want to waste any time.

After communicating with the officers, Barr spotted his landing area and began to descend down to it. On was given a lead on where the person went and made it a mission to go their first after landing the ship and filling out some paperwork that allowed him to keep the ship were it is. Walking outside the area, Barr examined the area outside the airport and wondered when he will be dealing with the gangs. He sighed, "Wonder how long till I hear blasters being fired."
Sam was speechless for a moment as she looked at [member="Tik and Tok"] her words came slow, "yeeaahhh." She half smiled no time for assumptions or questions least for now. "Yeah we all heard that. Didn't they tell you?"

Her gaze settled upon him as he watched and looked from one to the other. He would have to decide what to do either they were harmless, or ignorant, "you know if you go in there you don't come out of your own accord. You owe them for anything you get." He tried to put the fear into them joining a gang wasn't like joining a clan. Clan was family, gangs were close to slavery.

For a moment Sam hesitated it was one thing to take herself inside, it was another to take people she didn't know. "If I don't take anything and just look will they make me stay?"

The Mandalorian laughed, "You really think you can walk in there and take nothing, or go un-noticed?"

Sam shook her head, "I have no choice. I have to go in there." She looked down she put her hand on each of their shoulders she didn't know why they were helping maybe they really needed the help maybe after this..maybe.

First she'd have to live.

"your funeral" He stepped aside to let them pass as Sam moved to walk by he put his armored hand out she looked over, "make sure they spell my name right S A M." She nodded and headed in. She looked again to see if they were coming with her Tik and Tok.

[member="Barr Vexos"] | [member="Roy Americus"]
Tok didn't like this at all. The twins had done their best to keep a low profile and prevent the gangs from really taking notice of them. After all, the gangs wouldn't usually bother with a couple of little pickpockets. But this...waltzing into their lair..? If they somehow made it out of this alive Tok might just strangle Tik himself.

Tik seemed much more optimistic, . He saw potential in this situation. Perhaps there would be something of value to be acquired here. He nodded quickly, the small trianii quite content to back up anything Sam was saying

"We won't take anything... I promise.. We just wanna get off the streets"

Tik said, a little too much like a little angel. Tok groaned a little, glaring at his brother before looking around, trying to get a real understanding of their surroundings. Tok knew a quick escape might be necessary, and he realized that his naive and overly-trusting brother wasn't likely looking for one.

Tik indeed followed Sam as she began to make her way inside, and of course Tok followed his brother. When she had said her name, Tik responded in kind

"I'm Tik"

followed by Tok after an uncertain pause


[member="Samantha Solo"]
[member="Barr Vexos"]
[member="Roy Americus"]
[member="Samantha Solo"] [member="Roy Americus"] [member="Tik and Tok"]

Barr knew where to go first once he landed on the Corellia and made it his next goal to next head there. It was the only lead he was given from his mother and her connections and he felt like he was walking into a sandstorm on Tatooine and was never going to get out of it until the sandstorm itself was ready to end. Unfortunately for him and the other people trying to live their live, the crime in this city will not end.

Not anytime soon.

As he walked over to the sidewalk, Barr looked over to the moving ships that had pilots inside. Driving their street ruled ships with what seems like little care for those around them. Barr did it too admittedly but he made sure that no one would get hit by whatever he was piloting as did any other person who was a safe pilot.

Spotting a certain ship that caught his attention, Barr lifted his left hand nonchalantly, signaling himself to the driver inside the ship. Barr hoped the pilot had noticed him, he wanted to get to his first destination as fast as he can so he can leave the planet sooner than later. He knew he was rushing himself and his father told him never to do such a things unless in critical conditions.

But to Barr, in this case, this was a critical condition.

The pilot noticed Barr and parked his ship next to him. Seeing as the car made a complete stop, he open the door and sat in the backseat.

“Were to?” Were the worlds said by the driver. His voice showing no signs emotions which made Barr think he didn't wanted to be in his position.

“Take me to whatever count as law enforcement headquarters in this city.” Barr ordered as the driver looked at him.

“Whatever you say.” the pilot replied as he began to move the ship toward the destination Barr has chosen.
[member="Tik and Tok"] | [member="Barr Vexos"]

"Tik and Tok huh" She had to laugh, "twins?" to her they looked the same with the dark fur and beautiful yellow green eyes she fought the urge to reach out and stroke their fur. Bad beginning to be insulting, "I'm Sam." She guided them into the tunnel.

"you two shouldn't got involved in this the mandalorian is right this isn't going to" On some levels maybe but on others this wasn't a game folks often got hurt. She looked again at Tik and Tok they didn't look very old, too young to be on the streets.

"Don't take anything guys ok...we got to be clean on this....otherwise...these really aren't the kind of folks that uh well pat you on the head and sent you out. They more like chop your head off and leave your body where it found as a message." A message that said we don't tolerate thieves or law. If she was discovered it would be her body found.

There was a shift in the tunnel ahead, "ok...I need to go that way." Were they planning on staying with her?"
Tok simply continued to scan their surroundings, plotting possible last-minute escape routes, or areas they might take cover in if suddenly needed. He looked to be the more vigilant of the two

Tik responded with a gentle nod as Sam chuckled and confirmed that the two small street wanderers were indeed twins. Tik certainly seemed the more personable of the two, noting her name as she introduced herself to them. If either of them would allow her to caress their soft fur, Tik would be the more likely of the two

As she spoke of her doubts, and the dangers associated with following her into this situation, their responses seemed quite opposite.

Tok scowled a little as she mentioned how dangerous this could be, as though he found her slightly insane for bringing that up once they were already inside.

Tik nodded in agreed response, whispering under his breath rather optimistically

"Everything will be okay...we won't touch anything. Can we go with you?"

Tik asked humbly, as Sam proclaimed her direction of travel in the tunnels. Tok spoke soon after, a small phrase that might catch one off-guard

"We'll protect you"

One would think to laugh at first at what Tok had said about protecting Sam - but strangely enough, the boy's tone was completely serious.

For the moment both twins were at least smart enough not to ask why Sam wanted to be in here in the first place. Within earshot of prying ears such a discussion could get them all killed.

[member="Samantha Solo"]
[member="Barr Vexos"]
[member="Samantha Solo"] [member="Tik and Tok"]

All he could do while heading to the local authority department was look outside from the back seat of the ship and looked at few things in a city on a planet that is well known in the galaxy. Home to one of the most legendary smuggler to have ever lived in a planet that is famous for all the wrong reasons. Granted the planet was also known for other things, but to Barr, it was housed to gangs. Gangs that didn't care about law and order, gangs hat didn't take in consideration of the innocent citizens that are trying to live their lives, and gangs that didn't willing to do ANYTHING in order to survive.

All for survival.

Barr couldn't help but think about that last line on gangs. Survival. Something that every living being is doing in this universe that he lives in one way or another. He really didn't want give sympathies to these gangs but he did anyway. He knew some of the people in gangs are there simply to survive. Either way, he still didn't like what they were doing.

“Were there.” The man said, knocking Barr out of current train of thought and causing him to look at the building in is supposed to go into. “Credits.” Were the next words to come out of the man mouth in a serious tone that had no form of joy and was all business. Looking over at the meter in the middle of the back of the front seat, Barr reached into his pocket and pull out the required number of credits and gave it to the man. “Thanks for the lift.” Barr said before getting out of the ship and looking at the building in front of him. Examining it then heading inside, Barr looks around the area, taking notes of the officers and noise around him before walking straight to the front reception desk were a droid is standing behind it.

“How may I...” The droid said but was cut off
“I'm looking for a person that works in department” Barr said, “I was sent here by former senator Ellen Maros.” He added
“Ahh yes.” The droid replied. “We were told about your fourthcoming. Please have a seat as I sent someone to go get your contact.”

And just like that Barr turned around , picked a seat and sat down. Waiting for someone to see him. He didn't know who and it made him worried. All that training he had from his father growing up was the cause of it. He wonder how long he was going to sit there and after a few seconds, he groaned in annoyance. “Please hurry up.”
[member="Barr Vexos"] | [member="Tik and Tok"]

Sam viewed them as children who were seeking a safe place. She was an agent on a mission and would not want them injured because of her objectives. She smiled at them.

"Can you go with me? You'll protect me." She was touched by both sentiments. Course now she had to be careful they could be a set up too. Lead her down the garden path till BAM..squished.

But if they weren't and she didn't take them with her and something happened oh my she'd never forgive herself for that.

"Sure, we have to go that way." That much she knew the rest was a blank something to learn along the way. What was she doing?

They moved down the tunnel, she was looking for the main hub of the gangs, then to find where they kept all their valuables, and then find out who had the passcodes and elminate them, the pass codes not the person.

Neither Tik, nor Tok had any clue yet that she was a corellian police officer. To them, she was just another street wanderer like themselves, taking an opportunity to get off the streets and out of the weather. Tok even suspected that she might be out to steal something from here, a motivation that two adolescent vagrant thieves would fully understand.

Both boys were pleased that she agreed to let them tag along. The little trio were already taking on unwanted attention, silhouettes in the shadows watching, but keeping back. The gangs were rough...violent. This was especially true if they needed to teach someone a lesson.

None of them dared to mess with this girl or the children yet. The three of them were so very out-of-place here, most of the gang members assumed that the trio must have ties to a powerful gang leader, to just be boldly walking around the tunnels like this. So...for now, they were being watched from the distance, casually... By many eyes and ears

As they made their way up the tunnel, Tik looked up at her with a fairly innocent smile, speaking in a whisper to Sam

"There are a lot of people that way. Aaaand... That way. Probably gangs"

Tik said, pointing directly ahead of them, and then down a side tunnel to the right. He was quite happy to volunteer what he knew, though it seemed rather strange that he would know such information at all.

"What is it we are trying to find or do here?"

Tok finally asked, just above a whisper like his brother, too soft for the ears in the shadows to hear them. For Tok it was time to understand what it was they were looking to do, as Sam seemed as though she wasn't sure where to go in this large confusing place.

Both twins could hear voices emanating from the shadows, murmurs too soft to make out. Though it was highly likely that Sam, Tik and Tok were the subject of discussion

[member="Samantha Solo"]
[member="Barr Vexos"]
[member="Tik and Tok"]

She might have thought it odd the way they spoke but being a twin herself she remembered a time when she and Hawk could finish each other's sentences. This seemed to be something of the same.

"Ok Tik and Tok here it is I'll give you a cut if we find it. My boss says that these guys have stole the codes to some big shot carridian's bank accounts he wants it for himself." None of it was a lie what she had said, all true.

"but its going to be tiny a disc or a drive and it won't be something they're flashing around. So..we are gonna have to talk to folks and well wedge our way in. I got 4 days to find it, after that...I got to leave and faces the consequences. " She shook her head and laughed slightly, "So, ya in, or got more questions?"
[member="Samantha Solo"] [member="Roy Americus"] [member="Tik and Tok"]

When Barr came into the station he had a few questions, but after walking outside the station, he wished he didn't know the answers to some of them. Signaling once again for a transport pilot, Barr began to think about the info he was given and the possible things he will be dealing with as soon as he got to his next destination. Their was a feeling of dread for the man and he didn't want to confront it but unfortunately he did. He did in the form of grunting and saying some words no younging should hear which caused a bit of scene for the man but lucky for him, most people didn't care.

The person he searching for got himself into got deeper trouble than he thought and wondered if he could actuality help him. However that thought was put down deep into the back of his mind. He knew the local authority had too much to handle with all the gangs around to deal with this and as much as he didn't wanted to, he needed to do this for a friend of the family that has help them so much.

A ship soon drove in front of Barr, causing him to take notice and get inside within a few seconds.
The two boys seemed quite in tune, a harmony between them that could only be understood by another twin, like Sam. The two reflected off one another, and often built upon each others ideas

"Its gotta be someone important who would have or want something like that"

Tik whispered, glancing between Sam and his brother. Tok seemed to be slightly more adept in these covert situations, Tik always the slightly more honest of the two. Tok immediately nodded, speaking what he thought as well in a low tone between them

"They aren't moving on us because they must think we have the okay from one of the bosses. So just act natural. Everyone knows it would be suicide to just waltz in here unwelcome with no reason, so just act like they want us here."

He said, mostly to his brother, though it seemed sound advice all around, though it might sound strange hearing a child speak about such things with such understanding

"Maybe we should pretend we have some stolen codes too, see who would be interested in buying them from us? It might lead us somewhere, and might explain why we are here..."

Tik said, Tok looking at him with a bit of surprise. It may be an idea worth considering. Almost in unison both boys looked to Samantha

"I think this means we are both in"

Tok finally answered, waiting for her input on Tik's idea, or how else they might approach a gang leader

[member="Barr Vexos"]
[member="Samantha Solo"]
[member="Tik and Tok"] | [member="Barr Vexos"]

"Ok guys, that's great" She meant it and she tried to keep the worry from her voice. "We need to fit in, and yeah no one but the bosses and their henchmen will question our being here." The tunnels were dim there was a heavy smell of metal or something oxide in the air that made Sam's nose wrinkle up. She started walking without thinking really.

The boys kept up their eyes seemed to catch everything, "if we make a offer of something with nothing to back it up...we run the risk of death...or torture then death...cause these guys don't play games." Least not the kind that everyone liked to play.

HEY, the deep sound of a man's voice boomed Sam froze for a minute took a breath did not turn around, just walking.

HEY...the voice echoed down the tunnel.

Sam stopped then looked back wondering was the voice yelling at them or just well yelling.


Yep it was yelling at them. "FINE!" Sam yelled back stomping towards the voice.


Sam glared, "FINE!" and stomped down the tunnel making sure Tik and Tok were with her. FETH FETH FETH!!! she thought.
Both of the small Trianii kits nodded to her suggestion that they needed to indeed lay low and fit in as best as possible. Tik bit his lip and nodded a little with a small smile as she made it clear to him that his idea wasn't going to work. After all, empty promises could only carry them so far, and when discovered would likely get them tortured and/or killed.

The sudden exclamation of "hey!" In their direction caused both of the twins to tense up. Were they caught already?

Tok began to breathe rather quickly, his fingers balling up into fists as he stepped around, almost expecting a fight with the one yelling to them. Instead, the voice simply warned them that they were heading the wrong way. It looked as though the gangs were not intimidated in the least by their presence yet. This actually probably worked in their favor, being that they weren't seen as a threat - more of a joke

As they began to make their way up the hall, Tok spoke lightly, too softly for those around them to hear. His words hinted at how very serious this was becoming

"We need to stay quiet, get into that meeting, and learn what we can. Try not to get any more attention than we already are"

Tok whispered to his brother, Tik nodding in agreement. Tik remained very close to Sam, quite out of his element in a situation like this. Sam at least seemed to understand how to interact with the gang members to an extent.

Tok's next words would come as a surprise to his brother, and not a welcome surprise at that

"Tik, if things go bad... Real bad.... Grab her and run outa here as quick as you can. I will do everything I can to slow them down."

Tik quickly shook his head, not agreeing at all to this. He and his brother were inseparable

"No way Tok you know I can't leave you in here"

Tok shushed his brother quickly

"I will find my way out too if that happens, once you two are out"

[member="Samantha Solo"]
[member="Barr Vexos"]
[member="Tik and Tok"]

Sam nodded, "i agree" she whispered softly as they moved down the hall. Others soon joined them heading down into what smelled like the very bowels of the Corellia. Where was [member="Delila Castillon"] when she needed some help. She would have to send her another message when she made it back to the surface.

Sam looked down where Tik and Tok were she wanted to say we leave no one but she knew from experience sometimes circumstances meant having to come back. She would do her best not to be the one leaving, if it got bad she get the boys out first.

Ahead there were more low golden glow lights this had to be the Cistern of Discipline it fit the description. This wasn't good. She fought her instincts now that protect others gene was tugging hard on her but she had to push forward. Turning to the right pushing to the back as far as she could to stay out of sight she looked where everyone else seemed to be looking.

A single hand went up and everyone fell silent.

From a tunnel across the way a figure walked out, a man in a long duster, a hat that covered his face from view, his clothes were as bad as hers but she he spoke that voice full of gravel echoed around the Cistern.

"Well now about time we all got together to discuss the future." Small whispers filled the room, "QUIET!" She looked at this man again, he felt familiar to her but how. He lifted his head Sam could now see his face, dammit...'devlin' she whispered.

She immediately turned her face to the floor if he saw her it was all over. What as he doing here????

"We are getting ready to make a deal one that will move us from the underbelly of Corellia to the alleyways of Corellia. All I need are a few volunteers to make a deal." He wasn't going himself imagine that.

She shook her head...what was she going to do?

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