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Unreviewed Strength Eternal

Manufacturer: Vora Kaar
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Weightless
Size: Very Small
Factory Judge


  • Crystalline Vessel for a singular soul.
  • Vessel can only hold one soul at a time.
  • Can be implanted into a body. Organic or Inorganic of choice.
  • If implanted into a currently "alive" vessel, the soul can consume the previous soul to gain all knowledge, and power of the host.
  • Body implemented with the Crystalline structure can still use the force.
  • Inorganic forms used as a host body can also have knowledge gathered from them, Power cannot unless it is connected to the force already.
  • Crystalline Structure can be implemented into a body of organic or inorganic origins. to become a new host.
  • Over time, the soul and mental aspects of the soul attached can gather a wealth of knowledge and power by moving from host to host.
  • Crystalline structure is deeply rooted into the force. Thus any host could by extension, use the force.
  • Extremely fragile. If exposed to elements or outside of a host body it can be destroyed.
  • As an Artifact of the force, nullification can hamper the artifact.
  • Taking control of the host body when it is already "taken" by another soul, requires the user to be more powerful in the force and mental capabilities to take over.
  • If the original soul in the Crystal loses, the soul is destroyed and instead can be used by the individual who won in the encounter.
  • There is a potential for too much knowledge, memories, and power from multiple hosts. It can cause various side effects to occur including the soul splitting and having to fight itself.
  • Should there be a split in the soul, whichever soul wins, continues to live, but loses all of the power and knowledge that the other split had possessed.
  • Constant splitting can fracture the mental power and knowledge of the soul in question. Insanity can be caused well before this, however this makes the problem only worse.
  • Soul can still be influenced by mental force powers.
  • The act of severing the force from the soul will cause the soul to forever be stuck in the crystal. Becoming nothing more than a paperweight, or maybe a lightsaber crystal.
Vora Kaar, the Heretical Sith Warlord who fought against his own kind for the sake of conflict. A Sith who seeks to one day, succeed against all other Sith Empires from before. To thrive and live past their own failings and crumbling of Empires and Orders. As like all Sith who seek to break their chains, they seek to find the point in which nothing will hold them from their true power. And in doing so, Vora Kaar has made the attempt to break his chains of the mortal coil.

Force crystals are very powerful force artifacts. Many are aligned within the Dark Side of the Force, while others are Light sided. Powerful connections to the force in which can be transmuted many abilities and applications. Merely improving one's power, or even in one rare case, a transference of a soul to another body. However, Vora, took it to the extreme. Fashioning a unique fabrication of the Force Crystal so that it would accept his own soul. One in which when the time was necessary, he could move to another host. To continue his life and to further his own selfish ambitions.

Thusly, gave it the moniker, Strength Eternal

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a unique lore item for a character to implement in Roleplay.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Vora Kaar
Model: Strength Eternal
Modular: No
Material: Unique Force Crystal Construction,

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