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Approved Tech Strength & Virtue - Lightsabers of Rebel Sunka

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  • Manufacturer: Draay ‘Rebel’ Sunka
  • Model: N/A
  • Affiliation: Personal
  • Modularity: Crystals, Lenses, and Internals can be modified
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Cortosis, Dantari Crystals, Internal Components

  • Classification: Lightsaber Tonfa (Guard Shoto)
  • Size: One Handed
  • Length: Hilt- 28 cm. Blade- 18 cm.
  • Weight: 1kg

  • Dantari Crystals
  • Perpendicular-grip
  • Electrical Shock

  • Perpendicular-grip: The guard shoto's design features a rare grip with a second handle extending from the main hilt at 90 degrees. It can be gripped by either hilt, allowing for a wide variety of blocking, trapping, jabbing and slashing techniques.

  • Dantari Crystals: Allows the user a better focus on recovering spent Force energies, occasionally recycling the fierce, wild energy of combat to the wielder to fuel their own power.

  • Electrical Shock: The very end of the hilt, opposite the blade, features a power pack which is used to activate high-density cells that produce a stunning charge similar to a stun baton.

  • Lightsaber resistant (Cortosis)
  • Electrical Shock via hilt
  • Dantari Crystal (s)

Weaknesses :
  • Vulnerable to Cortosis
  • ION/EMP Weaknesses
  • Not functional in water
  • Power pack can be drained before having to recharge itself
  • Difficulty delivering power attacks

Rebel never formally constructed his own lightsaber. His master gave him his old saber and gave him a choice, “Use that or go craft your own…” During his training on Nar Shaddaa he slowly began the process of assembling the pieces he needed. Then after a near death encounter, he’d found the misplaced lightsaber of the Sith, Vrak Nashar, where he got the rest of his components. Soon after he’d craft his own, modeled after the batons of the security force on Coruscant, he finally created his own personal weapons to fit his fighting style.

The design allows for a wide variety of blocking, trapping, jabbing and slashing techniques making it a versatile and extremely dangerous weapon in the hands of someone trained to wield it properly. It’s primarily designed for blocking other lightsabers, which is why a metal durable enough to resist is called for. The weapons feature Dantari crystals which allow Rebel a little better recovery time as his past with drugs often sees him exhaust quicker than most Force users.

The stunning affect was added as a non-lethal short-range melee weapon. Rebel spends most of his time tracking down criminals and uncovering hidden and obscure threats. It’s either used to subdue enemies non-lethally, used for crowd control, or used as a last line of defense should his actual lightsabers short out. The power pack that powers the electrical shock can of course be drained. Through normal use it can last about 10 minutes, this however can be significantly drained when stabbed into someone or something. Depending on the size of the target (body mass, etc) will determine how fast the pack drains or not.
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