Lord of the Foliage
Hylo’s face was a shade red as he sat in the restaurant. The truth was he’d been on Coruscant for some time helping out by setting up a vertical farm in one of the many towering structures. To get his mind off the situation he thought about the various gardens he’d planted. Most of the products in the large tower had been dedicated to feeding the many citizens of coruscant and yet to supplement the income he had to also had to plant a number of cash crops. Then there was also his personal garden he’d planted near the top of the tower. He liked that garden, the feel of dirt under his feet. The Green Tower, he heard it was being called by the locals. He thought about all the work that needed to be done and realised he needed help. That’s why he was here afterall.
The tower had been abandoned and he’d taken up residence setting up and doing as he pleased. Many of the lower city citizens had even helped him in setting up facilities and scavenging goods. Although Hylo wasn’t very rich he owned stock in a fashion company and was able to pay. In addition he had also helped engineer new medicines and had his name on a few botanical patents. This had helped him buy the needed supplies when needed and then use profits from selling cash crops back to said fashion company.
That’s when the trouble began. A man claiming to be the owner of the tower stepped forward and demanded compensation. Hylo needed money and he needed it fast. His friend Damian Starchaser, owner of Chase Fashion, offered him what he could, even putting to vote on the corporate docket to use company funds to buy into the project. Hylo had set up other operations for them in the past. In addition Damian had arranged for a meeting with [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] to discuss a possible business arrangement with her. As long as Hylo brought up these deals Damian agreed to allow him to take the meeting. And so he was where he was, in dim lit, private booth at an upscale restaurant. Damian even had Hylo bring a bottle of wine from his vineyard.
“I uh…” Hylo started as he stared at Mara. They had been friends for awhile, this shouldn’t be so awkward. “I’m sorry for this. You know how Damian is, keeping to that image of his. I wouldn’t have invited you to this place… not that I wouldn’t want to.. It’s just….”
The tower had been abandoned and he’d taken up residence setting up and doing as he pleased. Many of the lower city citizens had even helped him in setting up facilities and scavenging goods. Although Hylo wasn’t very rich he owned stock in a fashion company and was able to pay. In addition he had also helped engineer new medicines and had his name on a few botanical patents. This had helped him buy the needed supplies when needed and then use profits from selling cash crops back to said fashion company.
That’s when the trouble began. A man claiming to be the owner of the tower stepped forward and demanded compensation. Hylo needed money and he needed it fast. His friend Damian Starchaser, owner of Chase Fashion, offered him what he could, even putting to vote on the corporate docket to use company funds to buy into the project. Hylo had set up other operations for them in the past. In addition Damian had arranged for a meeting with [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] to discuss a possible business arrangement with her. As long as Hylo brought up these deals Damian agreed to allow him to take the meeting. And so he was where he was, in dim lit, private booth at an upscale restaurant. Damian even had Hylo bring a bottle of wine from his vineyard.
“I uh…” Hylo started as he stared at Mara. They had been friends for awhile, this shouldn’t be so awkward. “I’m sorry for this. You know how Damian is, keeping to that image of his. I wouldn’t have invited you to this place… not that I wouldn’t want to.. It’s just….”