Lord of the Foliage
Hylo was taken aback by the initial shock of Mara's kiss but after a second of mind racing analyst he embraced the girl and returned all emotion and passion in like fashion. The flower on Hylo's head strained to reach the sky its stem standing an extra inch and its slower spreading apart and turning from dim blue to a vibrant sky color. After they broke contact Hylo remain planted in place and utterly dumbfounded as Mara wished him good night and gave him a kick peck on the cheek before running to the buildings side and disappearing off the edge.
The young plant didn't need to check to make sure that Mara landed safely, being able to sense her still. Could have taken a cab, or let me drive you home, Hylo thought, although only "Wow..." managed to escape his lips. And then he turned and looked at the murakami orchid. "What?" he said receiving the orchids telepathic message. "What?" This time Hylo nearly cried out as he reached his hand to his head and felt the flower. "How long? The whole time? Oh maaaaaan. I was...." his face was greener than had been all night, "blooming all night?" Throwing his hands out to his side Hylo fell backwards into the grass laying on the ground. "Boys aren't supposed to flower...."
Standing back up and headed towards bed he considered the nights events. [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"].... Hylo let out a sigh as he collapsed into bed and went to sleep. Dreams swirled in his head, him kissing Mara, Mara kissing him, the two of them in his garden and dancing with their arms wrapped around each other. The two of them were rolling around in the dirt, barely dressed. Hylo was hot, burning up. Passion? Surely. No wait, Hylo actually was hot. He heard a telepathic scream, a plea for help in his head.
The youth woke up with a start shooting up in bed to see licking red hot flame. Gulping hard he ran from the bed, not bothering to change into proper clothes, and ran outside to see his garden on fire. "No no no no no!" Hylo said running around trying to put out the flames. In desperation he reached out through telepathy and the force. I need help! Please help me! he called through his telepathic bonds.
Emergency crews responded and Hylo for his part used the force to move water from pools about the roof to try and quench the flames. In the end he sat alone and sad, naked to the world in night clothes, embracing the potted orchid sitting at the side of one of the pools shaking back and forth and holding back some tears, the blackened scorched remains of his garden around him.
The young plant didn't need to check to make sure that Mara landed safely, being able to sense her still. Could have taken a cab, or let me drive you home, Hylo thought, although only "Wow..." managed to escape his lips. And then he turned and looked at the murakami orchid. "What?" he said receiving the orchids telepathic message. "What?" This time Hylo nearly cried out as he reached his hand to his head and felt the flower. "How long? The whole time? Oh maaaaaan. I was...." his face was greener than had been all night, "blooming all night?" Throwing his hands out to his side Hylo fell backwards into the grass laying on the ground. "Boys aren't supposed to flower...."
Standing back up and headed towards bed he considered the nights events. [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"].... Hylo let out a sigh as he collapsed into bed and went to sleep. Dreams swirled in his head, him kissing Mara, Mara kissing him, the two of them in his garden and dancing with their arms wrapped around each other. The two of them were rolling around in the dirt, barely dressed. Hylo was hot, burning up. Passion? Surely. No wait, Hylo actually was hot. He heard a telepathic scream, a plea for help in his head.
The youth woke up with a start shooting up in bed to see licking red hot flame. Gulping hard he ran from the bed, not bothering to change into proper clothes, and ran outside to see his garden on fire. "No no no no no!" Hylo said running around trying to put out the flames. In desperation he reached out through telepathy and the force. I need help! Please help me! he called through his telepathic bonds.
Emergency crews responded and Hylo for his part used the force to move water from pools about the roof to try and quench the flames. In the end he sat alone and sad, naked to the world in night clothes, embracing the potted orchid sitting at the side of one of the pools shaking back and forth and holding back some tears, the blackened scorched remains of his garden around him.