General Kaan looked out his shuttle windows as it flew through the cloudy skies of the de jure Iron Imperial capital. Despite the harsh climate, Csaplar was every bit the metropolis as other large cities in more temperate weather. As the skyscraping buildings began to clear, the main docks began to clear. Between docked star destroyers and freighters stopping in daily, traffic was heaviest here. Naturally, it also had the highest security anywhere in the Iron Empire, save for the royal palace. Though segregated into military and civilian areas, the Csaplar central docks boasted a unique hybrid security force, a blend of military police and civilian port authority, which was sizable enough to be it's own small military.
The shuttle lowered, and as some of the fog closer to the ground began to clear, the flashing of bright red and blue strobes was made clear. This didn't appear to be a routine stop though. As the fog continued to clear, more flashing lights became visible.
"This isn't 4-4 Aurek."
Recognizing the general's curiosity and concern, the driver got on the radio to see what all the fuss was about. He hung it up, and turned his head slightly, keeping his eyes forward.
"Had a speeder try and run a checkpoint. It shouldn't be anything."
"Doesn't look like nothing. Take me down."
"Yes, sir."
Stepping out to a sea of strobes, General Kaan walked to the center. He was looking for the shinies as the juniors called them - rank that reflected in light. Leaning against a port authority patrol craft was a Trandoshan, bound and restrained. Near him were two officers, and a third wearing an almost identical uniform. The last one had the shinies, though.
"Captain.", Kaan grunted, making his presence known. The port authority captain visibly tensed up, not expecting to be visited by the commander of the Planetary Guard. He maintained his composure though, as he began to explain the scenario.
"Black market arms trafficker. We caught him trying to bypass the checkpoint. He hardly succeeded.", he said with a chuckle, kicking the legs of the detained Trandoshan. "He hasn't talked. We're still trying to identify him."
Kaan nodded in understanding. Then the thought dawned on him. If he was on this side of the checkpoint.
"He was leaving the docks?", he asked, his arms crossed.
It was clear the captain wasn't expecting conversation either. He looked visibly unprepared for any response.
"Y-yes, sir."
"What was he carrying?"
"We're about to cut the locks off now."
A group of officers began to assemble at the back of the cargo area of the Trandoshan's vessel. Suspense was now the feeling hanging in the air. Kaan felt it himself too.
As the cargo door lifted, Kaan's eyes widened. There were a few audible gasps, before one of the sergeants began ordering everyone away from the truck. Barrels. Lots of barrels. Some of them bore radioactive placards, others bearing symbols Kaan had never seen before. Though Csilla's top dog in the law enforcement realm, he wasn't stupid. He followed suit with the bulk of the officers. The captain was nowhere to be seen, which didn't surprise him all that much. He didn't look suitable for more than a desk.
As Kaan hastily began his return to his shuttle to evacuate the area, he was stopped by one of the lieutenants.
"Sir, we have at least one confirmed sighting of an identical truck being driven by a Trandoshan. We don't know if there's more...You should seriously consider closing the docks. The risk even one chemical bomb of this size would be catastrophic!"
If he was shocked, his face didn't show it. He began calculating the ramifications of taking the lieutenant's advice. The economic consequences of shutting down the port for even a day were considerable. But it was necessary for the security and preservation of the Empire and it's people. He nodded.
Shouting into his radio, the lieutenant gave the word to dispatch, who would route it to law enforcement and military channels throughout the planet. All military personnel in the city, tens of thousands in the port alone, would be ordered to general quarters and placed on high alert. Police would begin 100% identification checks and vehicle searches. Space vessels would be held in orbit, and those presently docked were grounded.
"Code Black, Code Black."
Today would be the day that a nod halted Csaplar.