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Strings of Fate [Moross Crusade Dominion of Aurum]

"You are no God."

But what exactly Dredge was in the eyes of Amorella Mae Darke remained unspoken. Shielded by the will of [member="Cameron Centurion"] and finding she felt no fear of this creature that stood before them, Amore slowly pulled herself from the man's hold to face [member="Dredge"] full on. An aura of blue surrounding her, the mutated Vong's fury flared across her ineffectively. Flames buffeted by the growing power within the woman now fully realized and capable of wielding this strange and unearthly connection with a man who could rightly be considered a living nexus himself for all his years, power and experience.

"And I am sorry for your loss, I wish it did not have to be this way," compassionate words spoken in earnest, but the ire within her eyes would not dismiss the carnage reaped by his people and his Empire, "but there is no going back and we will not stop."

She lifted her hand and within a breath grew a light before her so blinding it overturned the flames and cast forth towards the creature and his overused armor. This was not some wane attempt to enlighten the man - no, it was a forward attack against the weapon he wielded. Force Light performed by a Master at her peak and rising, a power crafted to overwhelm and eradicate the presence of the Darkside was now aimed directly at him and she intended to see it used to its fullest potential.
[member="Amorella Mae"]

Her calm words spoke to dredge softly and compassionately, and for a moment he felt like himself. The aura of flames died down into nothing and nexus stopped to pulse and feed into him. She had brought the beast within him down, "What?" He said with a weary tone. "Who are you?" He said looking up at Amorella. He was confused, he was calm and it had been so long since he had felt whole again. However that was swiftly struck down by the crusader and her Jedi Jesus hand.

A burning sensation spread through Dredge's body and the nexus began to burn within him. The sheer pain was unbearable and wrenched at the man like something had reached inside of him and began to stab his heart. "I WILL HAVE YOUR BLOOD INARI!!" And just like that the darkness took back over and his insanity returned he was burning in the light. He screamed and howled in pain the light penetrating his blackness. With a whirl of rage and energy the nexus sought to survive and get it's host out of there. Flames exploded from dredge as if a large bomb had gone off blotting out sections of the light. But it only provided a slim moment as the light was already eating through the crudly made amateurish flames

That time was all Dredge needed. A buzzing noise was heard and red eyes filled the tree. A small swarm if droids grabbed Dredge and scooped him up. His arms and legs flailing to return back to the woman so he may finally die and end the insanity that plauged his mind. "I WILL HAVE IT!! I WILL HAVE YOU DEAD BENEATH ME!!" Dredge screamed and howled in pain as he was being ferried away by the small swarm of droids

Auswyn Nothrael

At his whisper, a slow, serpentine smile curled her soft lips while her eyes were drawn to the filth, the abominations and the sounds they made in expressing displeasure at [member="Cat Van-Derveld"]'s lack of silence, and their stark presence. A whisper that carried the voice of the master, the mate, the companion that he was and is, that could enthrall her attentions to whatever purpose. She watched and learned raptly, avidly, as the two Vong lost out to the might of her lover and the Gods-given power he wielded. The energy of the amassed, the broken and bloodied, spiked as their captors passed to whatever false afterlife their untrue gods decreed.

And then he spoke to the caged, bringing them to awareness of his Gods, her Gods, their truth, urging, building their fervour, and she felt it all. They were pointed, and told 'go forth', and forth they went, rushing past. Inky, abyssal eyes looked to the same, like to like, and words meant solely for her slipped in.

It begins, little one... The Reaping of Aurum begins...

That smile quivered in subtle excitement and perverse, dark arousal. Fingers brushed over the knives at her sides, the cool metal sheathed away from direct touch.

...may their bones be picked clean and shattered.

She almost laughed.
Cameron had no reaction to [member="Dredge"], an individual he was still unfamiliar with. Sensing [member="Amorella Mae"]'s will to step forward and interact with the enity, the Sith Lord allowed his protective barrier to subside. This had been the characterization of their interactions since the day he arrived on Exocron. The Sith Lord was, curiously, a very protective entity of the small, red-haired woman before him. Where she had certainly been suspicious of his motives in the beginning, the Shadow had remained resolute.

In the background of her blinding light, Cameron's dark features remained largely concealed as silver-green eyes maintained an intense awareness of their surroundings. The deep nature of his connection to the woman that posed as the Goddess Inari provided the Sith Lord an insight into...power and emotions he'd scarcely known in his life. While it did not weaken his ability or resolve, it did...provide a level of awareness he'd been happy to dismiss in his past.

The most surprising effect in that moment, however, was simply the reality that Cameron did not have to protect himself from the strength of pure light that Amorella was pouring into the Force around them all. Instead the lingering sensation washed over his dark presence, curiously shielded by Amorella's own. This was a phenomenon to explore later in greater detail...for sure.
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

Lo and behold, the Trandoshan named Sue would come across one very ticked off False God. Enter comic antics ensuing.

In harsh Huttesse the reptile would step in front of the rampaging Sith Lord and say very simply, very calmly.

"My name is Sue, how do you do?"

A flash of teeth.

"Now you gonna talk to Miz Arceneau."

Trandoshans were not the most tactful of species.

The shuttle that Danger was in would zip through atmo and make way towards their objective; one of Subach's old administrative buildings for their production and manufacturing factories. It was on the same direction as the False God's warpath, so it would prove convenient.

Hopefully, he would come to talk to her.

She'd hate to have to shoot a God.
There was a hint of comedic irony in the way [member="Dredge"] was carried off by the flying droids, a bit like watching the Scarecrow hoisted away by flying monkies. For some reason or another, Amorella had the distinct echo in her mind of a woman screaming from a tower into the winds.

Fly my pretties! Fly!

Her eyes narrowed as the once Vong Overlord became a wavering pinprick in the sky, leaving her to the tree, its long-dead and mutlated inhabitants, and the one man who had changed her life. A slow turn brought her to face [member="Cameron Centurion"] again, hand lowering, light fading, and for a moment she blinked in surprise. Not at her own power, but how the Darkside Master was seemingly unscathed by the effects of it. Looking from her hand and back again, she drew a cautious breath. Now wasn't the time to worry over such things.

The more pressing matter was the revelation that Dredge was, indeed, still alive. Thought to have been slayed in the invasion of Silken Asteroids, his reappearance was of concern to her. Though she had not recognized him within the armor, he'd made it perfectly clear just who he was through his words. Moross knew no greater enemy then the pestilence of the Vong. She should have followed him, should have made a greater effort to see him cleansed. He now employed the use of the Force, a fact that confused her greatly.

She would have to find Sol and tell him everything she knew and saw. Maybe, just maybe, he would have some answers.

"Have you come alone?" she queried of Cameron, gaze shifting to the distant horizon and the ping of energy she felt radiating within the Force, "That man... creature, must be stopped. If he escapes, the Vong scourge will only continue."
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

When a creature got in his way Soliael considered snapping his fingers and obliterating it in an instant.

Before the False God completely this action however he stopped himself, bright Orange Eyes focusing on the creatures abhorrent muzzle. It was a Trandoshan, not a Yuuzhan Vong. A slave of a different kind he suspected. For a moment, he glanced at his upraised hand, index finger and thumb already pressed together in a half baited effort to invoke the force.

Then the creature said a name he recognized, Arceneau. The brief feeling of annoyance that he felt was an indication that he knew he would have to listen. If what Cameron had said was true, and Amorella was back, she would be most displeased by his slaughtering of one of the foremost business woman in the galaxy.

His hand dropped to his side, and he spoke with a sneer. “Fetch your mistress.”

Soliael didn't give any indication of intending to move. Danger would either come to him, or she would meet him head on in the eye of the storm, within the raging whirlwind of blood and death that was to become Aurum.
Cameron's vibrant irises met the blue-hued appearance of [member="Amorella Mae"]'s as she turned to address him. He could see that the reality of her actions having effected him nigh was as...intriguing to her as it was to him. He didn't know what to say or how to explain it, but he knew of how to test to see if it was merely a...fluke.

First, however, the Sith Lord responded to his better half's statement. "No." Clearly, Cameron's penchant for sparse wording unless necessary had not faded. Even if Cameron was a very verbose individual, it would be unnecessary with Amorella. She need only listen to her own thoughts and heart to know the nature of his own. That was why Cameron did not bother to tell Amorella that her kin was on the planet, undoubtedly burning his way across it in search of her. Cameron had grown to know [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] a little bit better during Amorella's absence, but his devotion to family had never been clearer than it was in that very moment.

Likewise, Cameron could sense what Amorella was thinking, and he cast his gaze to the the direction the creature had retreated. "So. That was Dredge then." The Sith Lord could not say that he was overly pressed into effort to hunt down the creature at this precise point in time. Closing his eyes for a moment, Cameron blocked out the physical world as he allowed the power of the Force to fill his mind, body, and soul. Stretching out with his presence, he could sense the arrival of...a great many. "Things are about to become...busy here."

While Dredge was, perhaps, a concern, Cameron was slightly more concerned about Soliael. Not because Cameron gave two shits about this world burning...but because Amorella clearly did. "We should join Soliael. First, however...." Cameron turned back to face Amorella once more. "...attack me with the strength of the lightside. Do not hold back."

Experiment time.

[member="Kassandra Distorith"]
[member="Siara Vorru"]
@Anyone else I missed that isn't already here...

You can all arrive on Aurum now. The "setup" is complete.
Expression somber, Amore nodded in confirmation to Cameron's suspicions of Dredge. This connection of theirs would take some getting used to - it was difficult to comprehend now just how intricately their paths were intertwined. What one knew, the other would surely learn - what one felt, the other would sense. As if experiencing life with an echo, or through the shadow of another's eye. Deciphering what was hers and what was his, keeping them separated, would prove a task unto itself.

And there, she felt it too, the same presences detected by Cameron would soon reflect in her own senses even though she'd spared no effort to seek them out. Closing her eyes against the world, Amorella took a steadying breath. Despite the energies filling and surrounding her, mental exhaustion was still very prevalent.

"We should join Soliael," she didn't have enough time to let relief sink in before- "First, however..."

Intentions that were not her own grew on the outskirts of her perception. She was neglect to follow through for but a moment - finding that now was not necessarily the best time for these sorts of things. Yet, it was important to him to know and learn, something Amore could not blame the man for. Before he even finished his sentence, eyes still closed, the woman raised her hand again to summon forth the illumination of the Light Side.

So bright it enveloped them and the area completely. It outshone the sun.

[member="Cameron Centurion"]
They were deities, time was but a minor relative concept that they manipulated to their whims. However, where [member="Amorella Mae"] felt exhaustion, reasonable given what she'd been through recently, Cameron felt the strength of her never-ending presence as a relief. The concern that drifted through his mind and body during the woman's absence had never touched his lips, but he felt the reality with each day. While her continuous, intimate presence within his own was a foreign least to such a degree, the Sith Lord knew full well one could not struggle against the nature of the Force. As such, he merely accepted what was their situation, allowing the increased presence and energy to empower and revitalize him.

As Amorella enacted that which he'd requested, Cameron closed his eyes. He did not recoil but only because if death chose to take him this day, he would welcome it...and ultimately return. The Sith Lord had died multiple times now...each one a different journey. A burning sensation quickly swept over his body from the intensity of Amorella's attack. Rather than work to mitigate the effect through the Force, Cameron remained motionless. His skin felt like it was going to melt from his bones, but suddenly...the sensation began to subside as silence seemed to surround him.

Opening his eyelids to reveal silver-green orbs, the Aesir found himself nearly blinded, but he forced himself to gaze into the power of the Light. Slowly, the bright haze began to subside to the edge of his vision, leaving Amorella's radiant appearance in the center. Managing a thin smile as the earlier pain all but dissipated, the Sith Lord stepped forward until he was mere inches from Amorella. Gazing down at the woman, he returned the favor. The power of the dark side surged within his core despite the amount of power Amorella was pouring into her attack. It was as if the attack of Force Light had initially assaulted his being but recoiled immediately...perhaps in recognition of the lighter presence that had coalesced with his dark one?

Placing his hands to either side of Amorella's torso, Cameron allowed a dark glow of purple-white energy to emanate from his palms. It was different from any form of Force Lightning. Where the light of Amorella's attack was blindingly bright, the result of his manipulation of Force Destruction saught to block out the light and sweep the area with the power of the dark side. Almost immediately, Cameron recognized the initial struggle between the two respective manipulations of the Force. What resulted, however, surprised him.

It was...harmony.

It was the Force.
Crystal was content to listen to the reports coming in. Curiosity was a funny thing with her. At times, it needed to be satisfied immediately. This however, was not one of those times. Instead, she would play her part and indulge herself in other ways.

The Sith Princess returned to the Halls of Hali and resumed her previous position on a pillowy soft seat in the middle of the hall. She helped herself to a flute and some champagne. Things going on called for a celebration. What things? Well, it didn’t matter in this hall….
[member="Crystal"] [member="Ibelia Sitos"]

Azlyn was there in the hall and looking around, she had spent a great deal of time with her master working on things and was examining other things. She wasn't sure what was happening but here in the hall of Hali they were always having a party or always looking for a party. It was just like being home on zeltros as she had a drink and was wondering what her master had planned for them to do. "So are we celebrating something special my master?"
[member="Azlyn Ike"] [member="Crystal"]

Ibelia was awake.

Oh, how long it felt, since when she first fell asleep. She could still remember the events of her death and onwards, as if they were a holodrama she had just seen.

The pain, as bolt after bolt of her treacherous squad chose the Master's grace over the Apprentice's. The numbness, when the Pureblood used her father's amulet to ensure her own survival in a different way than was planned.

The surprise when, many years later, a being strong in the Force found her amulet and took it to this backwater planet, this Aurum. The delightful deceit, when she whispered doubts into the ears of the Order's members -- followed closely by the rage at being thwarted in her attempts to cause bloodshed. The malicious glee that soon turned to disgust as these creatures, void of the Force, took over the planet.

And then, again, sleep.

But something was happening, something which awakened the ghost Sithling.

And so, the ghost, attached to the Temple of the Je'daii, began to roam the halls in search of the reason.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
The ether distorted, a heat-induced mirage which parted, giving birth to a tall humanoid. Peculiar red eyes surveyed new surroundings with a predatory stare before he strode to stand at the False God's side. Death reflected in those twin pools of volcanic fire.

"Such destruction," Duvain said, no note of sorrow on that expressionless, bass voice, "Over a single being.... a face that brought a thousand deaths."

The white-haired apparition mused to himself as he continued to stare upon the scene [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] had painted on the canvas of this world in brushstrokes of fire and blood.

"How many would you kill," he began, still not turning to regard Neth, "To save her?"
Soliael was in no mood to speak with the thing that appeared next to him, his eyes remaining forward on the Trandoshan that seemed to still be waiting for something.

For a fleeting moment, he considered walking away from the both of them and simply leveling the city. The dark clouds above them fluctuated and twisted slightly, rushing above them and closing in one the city further. The False God stood waiting, his eyes never leaving the city scape. In the distance, he began to sense Amorella, he could feel her now, barely, but he could. Restlessness grew within him, his emotions growing stronger as it did.

Lightning spiked from the clouds, red and black that jumped down onto the plains before the city.

Soliael waited, his rational mind telling him that waiting for Danger could be profitable, that it could benefit him, that it would be what Amorella wanted. His more primitive side told him to kill, to wipe away this world and leave it naught but a burning husk, as he had done with Yuuzhan'Tar.

His eyes briefly flickered towards the clouds, then back to the Trandoshan.

Danger would have to hurry.
[member="Azlyn Ike"]

Exocron, Hall of Hali

“Well, our forces have moved to Aurum, so I suppose we’re celebrating the prospect of a successful mission.” She raised her glass to her apprentice. “Or you know, just because it’s today works too.” Crystal chuckled, then chugged the contents of her flute.

“Unless of course you have cause for celebration that you haven’t shared yet…” she trailed off.
[member="Crystal"] [member="Ibelia Sitos"]

Azlyn looked at her master and a cause for celebration. She ran her hands along her bodysuit and hair.... Wait a minute her hair. "Well master I did change my hair and..." She let it trail off while sitting there with a drink and smiling now. "Azlyn kept her hands busy going over some of the things they had while flicking her eyes around the room and flicking her tongue over her lower lip letting the tongue piercing come out between her lips while it rested there with her tasting the metal and crystal.
Solemn eyes watched the man before her, incapable of masking the exhaustion felt within despite the miraculous development between them. It was something to behold - likely something the greater majority of the galaxy would never experience or feel in their lives. Amore could not quite describe it, the unique oneness that transpired before her. While their minds and spirits had melded on some level, this cohesion of energy, this balance and unity of opposites was utterly without parallel.

Everything felt aligned and Amorella felt ... weightless.

She lifted the hand that brought about the light of the Force and gently placed it against Cameron's bare chest, feeling the heat of his skin beneath. Amore smiled, somehow feeling a great relief at knowing that her growing powers within the Force would never bring harm to the man she had come to love.

In knowing his history and his mind, for all the things he'd shared, neither of them had ever experienced anything quite like this before. The extent to which this power could be utilized would only be discovered in time. Releasing a slow breath and allowing her eyes to close again, Amore's light faded finally. Time. She would need time to recuperate, to mentally take in everything that had become of herself and Cameron, and all nuances of events that had unfolded since that night.

Time to heal, to assess the scars left behind.

"To Sol," she said then, eyes opening once more to look up at Cameron.


She of the Trillion Thorns
Capital of Annaj
Moross Embassy

While Loxa did not spend a great deal of time at the Embassy, the Steward did her part to ensure that Moross presence was accounted for when she was. As part of her duties she met regularly with their Council heads and leaders, oft'times to discuss contingency and any news of importance. Fringe space was never dull, to be sure, and the Confederacy seemed always on the move towards something. Today she'd held a brief meeting with [member="Jared Ovmar"] about upcoming plans for securing the systems surrounding Riflor and Sabarene. As always, details were scant. She hardly expected much more than the bones of the matter, but the Stewardess did offer aid by way of herself and forces from Moross if they so wished. No foul when declined. Fringe had their matters well in hand, but it did well to offer regardless.

Moross was, after all, highly opposed to slavery and had seen it stamped out in all of their own holdings, so they could certainly relate in that aspect.

As the meeting drew to a close and Loxa departed the Embassy alongside the Sith Lord, en route for a meal, two things happened at once.

A blond-haired man approached and her comm chirped. The steward excused herself for a moment as the two men greeted one another and conversed. By the time their salutations had come to a close, she was pocketing the comm.

"I must apologize, Lord Ovmar, I have just been informed our forces move on the planet of Aurum. The Reviver has returned and ... the Vong scourge as well. I will take lunch with you another time, for now I must leave to help."

((Ovmar, using you as a link to get Ardik involved. Feel free to join if you like, or just PM me and tell me to edit. We'll figure things out either way.))

[member="Darth Janus"]

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