Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Student and Staff Roster

Pretty simple.
We'll keep a list of what staff and students are on hand, to help connect you with your new academy family. In order to keep Levantine Astronautical Academy a fun and interesting place to work and learn, please leave your faction politics in the shuttle that brought you to Oswaft Station.

Planet of Origin:
Credentials (Highlights of qualifications):
Courses Offered:

Anija Ordo
Planet of Origin: Mandalore
Credentials (Highlights of qualifications): Engineer on the Deep Black Sea II Mission, Highly skilled combat pilot
Courses Offered: Stafighter piloting: Introduction; Intermediate; Advanced
Dogfighting Tactics: Or how to survive in a space Battle
Engineering: Introduction; Intermediate; Advanced

Camellia Swift
Planet of Origin: Rendili
Credentials (Highlights of qualifications): Head Starship Shipwright (Rendili), Ex-Republic Naval Officer, has taught pilots previously.
Courses Offered: Fleet Tactics: The Art of Naval Warfare
Starship History and Design (Totally won't be biased)
Engineering Mechanics: Know Your Starship

Coren Starchaser
Planet of Origin: Corellia
Credentials: Wing Executive Officer, Imperial Strike Wing 174 (Warbird Wing), Pilot for the Underground, Sponsored Hyperlane Trailblazer for AEI
Courses Offered: Unknown Region Travel, Evasive Piloting, The Art of Looking like you Belong, An Introduction to Intergalactic Exploration

Friedrich Stahlmann
Planet of Origin: Kuat
Credentials: Republic Admiral, Victor of Battles Manaan, Prakith, CIC Republic military response during the Netherworld crisis.
Courses Offered: Military history, fleet tactics and strategy, starship design, leadership and command

Jonathan Walsh
Planet of Origin:
Credentials: Admiral in Republic Navy and Omega Protectorate
Courses Offered: Starfighter Tactics, Fleet Maneuvers, Naval Leadership Naval Strategy

Maya Whitelight
Planet of Origin: Haruun Kal
Credentials: Founder of the Silver Cross Aid Fleet, Deep Black Sea Missions as Medical Officer, Head Mistress of Voss Academy, Matriarch of Sage
Courses Offered: Plant Lore, Anatomy and Physiology of Species, Surivival 101, Creatures and Other Things that Creep Along

Mya Jesel
Planet of Origin: Suarbi 7/5
Credentials: Professional Freighter Pilot in the Suarbi System, elected representative of the Susefvi Government
Courses Offered: Freight Economics, Shipping and Politics: Where do you Fall? Community Organizing

"Never call him Rygel" Rygel Larraq - By Group interest Request/guest Lecture
Planet of Origin: Mandalore
Credentials: Is Larraq, killed a planet, owns and operates a T5 starship manufacturing company, built/rebuilt the majority of the Mandalorian Navy, is Larraq, made a sentient starship
Courses Offered:
- Space: Concept and Reality. A practical application of the laws of the void.
- Down is what you make it. Common misconceptions about Naval Combat and spacial perceptions.
- Beyond the Physical. A study on seeing beyond the limitations of a starship, and how to realize its true potential.
- (Advanced) Abnormal Design. Recognizing and contending with an A-typical opponent in Naval Combat.
- (Advanced) Space is an Environment. Using celestial object to your advantage.

Tiber Victus
Planet of Origin: Commenor
Credentials: Former General of the Fringe Federation
Courses Offered: Leadership and Ethics, Land Warfare Tactics, Personal and Unit Admin

Planet of Origin:
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA):

Aerin Firebrand
Planet of Origin: Midvinter
Goals: Exploration (Viking Sensibilities and all) And to increase skills to work for the LS
Focus of Study: to piloting and exploration

Alec Rekali
Planet of Origin: Yavin IV
Goals: Return to Service as a captain of exploratory ships
Focus of Study: Tactics, Engineering, Command

Aurna Vern
Planet of Origin: Unknown
Goals: To learn how to design better craft for her company
Focus of study: Starship Design and Engineering

Boo Chiyo
Planet of Origin: Bastion
Goals: Formal Education to assist the Primeval
Focus of study: Military History, Rescue Diver Cert

Fadeyka Hina
Planet of Origin: Unknown
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA):To assist the LS with experience space, to help with their medical teams
Focus of Study: Medical, Officer

Isaiah Dashiell
Planet of Origin: Saleucami
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Exploring, getting into mischief with his Brother
Focus of Study: Exploration, Navigation

Kaia Starchaser
Planet of Origin: Dawn Treader
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Find place in the galaxy, round piloting skills out
Major: Vessel Operations and Technology; General Diver; Master Pilot Cert

Name: Kaili Talith
Planet of Origin: Borleias
Goals: Learn everything about ships, really.
Focus of Study: Hyperspace Nav and Pilot, Spaceship Design and Medicine.
Kela Thayne
Planet of Origin: Rendili
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Unsure. to develop skills as a starfighter pilot, goal to eventually liberate homeworld. Potentially starmapping in the future
Focus of Study: Piloting. Navigation. Astrogation. Exploration. Military Combat.

Jinelu Dysedri
Planet of Origin: Liaran
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Successful career in starfighting for the Galactic Republic
Focus of Study: Piloting, Navigation

Juliette Sasko
Planet of Origin: Bovo Yagen
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): TIE pilot in Imperial Service
Focus of Study: Piloting, Military Combat

Laura Navarro
Planet of Origin: Annaj
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Adventure, developing into a well-rounded adult
Major: Navigation and Piloting, Engineering

Mara Merrill
Planet of Origin: Zeltros
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Get intot he Family Business: Hyperlanes and ugly freighters
Major: Hyperspace Navigation and Pilotting

Minerva Doral
Planet of Origin: Dathomir
Goals: Find place in the galaxy, learn piloting, perhaps become an explorer for a Major Faction
Focus of Study: Freighter Piloting, scavenging, navigation, exploration

Morgan Redeaux
Planet of Origin: Mayferria
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Rounding Out Skillset
Focus of Study: Exploration, Navigation, Salvaging

Sam Turain
Planet of Origin: Kal'Shebbol (grew up on freighters)
Goals: Possibly join LS, expand knowledge
Focus of Study: Engineering, Command, Tactics, All

Shakk Awaud
Planet of Origin: Monastery Space Station
Goals: Science and Intelligence Officer
Focus of Study: Science, Espionage, Weapons Training and Tactics

Token Waters
Planet of Origin: Corellia
Goals: To expand knowledge of flora and fauna and become a SAR pilot
Major: Humanities Major, First Contact Minor, and working for her Shuttle Craft License

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Name: Alec Rekali
Planet of Origin: Yavin IV
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Return to service as a captain of exploratory ships
Focus of Study: Master Pilot of Civilian Vessels Certification

Isaiah Dashiell

Name: Isaiah Dashiell
Planet of Origin: Saleucami
Goas (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Exploring, getting into mischief with his Brother
Focus of Study: Exploration, Navigation
Name: Hakota Feanor
Planet of Origin: Corellia
Credentials (Highlights of qualifications):
-Bloodline= Half Eldorai , Half Echani
- Echani Combat Expert
- Former Jedi Shadow
- Current Vitae Shadow Commander
- Vaapad Expert
Courses Offered:
-Echani Combat
- Military Combat
- Weapon Training
- Speed and Endurance training
- Assassination and Stealth Training
Name: Morgan Redeaux
Planet of Origin: Mayferria
Goals: Not sure yet - just rounding out this character's skill set
Focus of Study: Navigation, exploration, salvaging
Name: AErin Firebrand
Planet of Origin: Midvinter
Goas (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Exploring (Viking sensiblities and all) also to increase skills and work for LS.
Focus of Study: To piloting and exploration.
Name: Anija Ordo
Planet of Origin: Mandalore
Credentials (Highlights of qualifications): Engineer on the Deep Black Sea II mission, Highly skilled combat pilot
Courses Offered:
Starfighter piloting: Introduction; Intermediate; Advanced
Dogfighting Tactics: Or how to survive in a space Battle
Engineering: Introduction, Intermediate, Advanced

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Name: Kela Thayne
Planet of Origin: Rendili
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Unsure. To develop skills as a starfighter pilot, goal is to eventually liberate homeworld, willing to work with whichever group is better. Perhaps star mapping someday afterward.
Focus of Study: Piloting. Navigation. Astrogation. Exploration. Military Combat.
Name: Camellia Swift
Planet of Origin: Rendili
Credentials (Highlights of qualifications): Head of Starship Shipwright (Rendili Stardrive). Ex-Republic Naval Officer. Has taught a few pilots before.
Courses Offered:
Fleet Tactics: The Art of Naval Warfare
Starship History and Design (Totally won't be biased)
Engineering Mechanics: Know Your Starship
Name: Friedrich Stahlmann
Planet of Origin: Kuat
Credentials (Highlights of qualifications): Republic Admiral for (as long OOC as the Republic has existed), victor of Battles of Manaan and Prakith, CIC Republic military response during the Netherworld crisis.
Courses Offered: Military history, fleet tactics and strategy, starship design, leadership and command.
Name: Mya Jesel
Planet of Origin: Susefvi (Suarbi 7/5)
Credentials (Highlights of qualifications): Professional freighter pilot in the Suarbi System, elected representative of the Susefvi government
Courses Offered:
-Freight Economics
-Shipping and Politics: Where do you fall?
-Community Organizing 101

Name: Fadeyka Hina
Planet of Origin: Unknown
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): To help serve the LS with experiencing the space, to help on their medical team.
Focus of Study: Medcial, Officers
Staff / Occasional Guest Speaker
Name: Rygel Larraq
Planet of Origin: Mandalore
Credentials (Highlights of qualifications): Is Larraq, killed a planet, owns and operates a Tier 5 starship manufacturing company, built or rebuilt most of the Mandalorian Navy, is Larraq, killed a planet, made a sentient spaceship, is Larraq. Did I mention he is Larraq?
Courses Offered:
- Space: Concept and Reality. A practical application of the laws of the void.
- Down is what you make it. Common misconceptions about Naval Combat and spacial perceptions.
- Beyond the Physical. A study on seeing beyond the limitations of a starship, and how to realize its true potential.
- (Advanced) Abnormal Design. Recognizing and contending with an A-typical opponent in Naval Combat.
- (Advanced) Space is an Environment. Using celestial object to your advantage.

- Busy. Busy busy busy. I can only commit to a few threads every now and then. As such, only one thread/lecture will be active at a time, and only at the request of multiple interested 'students'.

Name: Maya Whitelight
Planet of Origin: Haruun Kal
Credentials (Highlights of qualifications): Founder of the Silver Cross Aid fleet, Deep Black Sea Missions as Medical officer, Head Mistress of Voss Academy, Matriarch of Sage
Courses Offered: Plant lore, anatomy and physiology of species, Survival 101, Creatures and other things that creep along.

Matron Malgus

Name: Minerva Do'ral
Planet of Origin: Dathomir
Goals (where will you take what you've learned at LAA): Legacy Building, Exploration & Salvaging, Becoming a better pilot
Major: Salvage and Reclamation, Hyperspace Navigation and Piloting

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