Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Student for the Sky

Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She gave Morrigan a small smile, rubbing her almost healed burse, thinking over what to do next. From their fight but a moment ago it was clear the women almost excelled her in sword fighting, she was not sure there was anything to really teach her. The Padawan had formed their own effective fighting style, all Sukai could do was spar with her to hone the skill to the point of becoming a master. Letting the women heal from the nose wound Sukai decided to quickly run through what force powers she could teach upon, "Hey Morrigan, tell me what do you usually do to help yourself see in the dark? when on assignments and mission with similar nature"?

[member="Morrigan Jeth"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

She looked at her master with a raised eyebrow. "I light a torch." Standing there and curious about it. Life on an island didn't do a lot and it let her practice in the dark when the sun went down. "I can fight one handed and we don't make a habit of going outside when it might be dangerous in the dark around home." SHe stood fairly confident in her capabilities as a fighter and being able to protect herself or the village. THe jedi children were the most important part of it and they didn't want to be alone. "Our masters on the island make sure the older ones know how to defend the village in case something gets through the defensive sonic fences or the barricades."
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Light a torch, she should have expected as much, though it was hard to tell if it was a joke or what she actually did in such a situation. "Well that sounds kind of like a folk tale, no going out at night, but, what if I told you there is a rather simple force power that allows someone to see in the dark"? "That way you can use both hands while fighting", along with her deadly spinning attacks. "Now I should note this is a low level night vision power, means you need some minor light source to see and it does not give one hundred percent vision". "You kind of see stuff in a hazy grey, but still it's better then nothing and you can use it without drawing attention to yourself, want to give it a shot"? She would wait for an answer before continuing, though the power was more a neutral side force power maybe by the follower of Twi'light.

[member="Morrigan Jeth"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

ANother raised eyebrow, she knew of the discipless of twilight from stories. They were not entirely unlike the Fallanassi something out of a storybook. Morrigan though didn't argue with her master or say no, seeing in the dark wasn't drawing on some emotion or power. It was augmentation of the body, shifting the senses to see as it were and something most jedi could practice easily. "I would." Standing tall and ready as she adjusted her shoulder strap to be more comfortable and relaxed just a bit. THe look though was serious and she had prepared herself to better work on and understand the force techniques that her master was going to teach her.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She gave her a small nod walking closer as she contemplated how to pass on the skill, she herself had obtained it via the use of memory rub. "The main component of such a force ability is to make your pulps open as wide as possible while using force sense to keep in touch with the world around you". "Any blanks can be filled in by your mind, giving yourself a light grey view of the world that one could never normally attain". She moved over to the side of the room, turning the lights down to shroud the area in darkness, "such a skill become easier with the art of small already under your fingers but most people can learn it relatively fast without, I want you to start by focusing on your eyes, imaging them opening up to the world and taking in as much light as possible". Just make sure not to over work yourself or it can be a strain on your vision.

[member="Morrigan Jeth"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Listening to her master as she spoke about the technique she was unsure about it. Trying to think about it and how best to utilize it. THe lights went down and darkness was around her more as she focused on the force and her breathing. Allowing her body to go still... her mind to clear and the sounds around her became muffled SHe opened her eyes for a moment and was working with the low light itself enhancing her pupils and eyes to pick up the smallest glimmers of light. Letting it come to her mind and see as she visualized then moved a hand in front of her face to see it shimmer darker against the darkness and grey all around her. "Hmm." She was uncertain about where to have the goal but moved around a little and was looking down and around.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
"hmm? well you don't seem to be reaching around and stumbling over yourself so I will have to assume you have got some of the skill down pat, enough to see instantly in dim light without having to let your eyes ajust to it". "Make sure to get yourself comfortable with this feeling, each time try and go a little bit further until you can see in the dark, but again this is a low level night vision skill, can't really compete with proper tech". "Still it's useful for sneaking and if you don't have access to such tech, when used in conjugation with force smell and other sense lightning powers one can become one with the dark...". That last part sounded a bit off now that she thought about it, vampire urges? probably, she have to talk to mother about that, seemed of late her more vampire like traits were starting to surface. In speech and action, that could become a small problem if not taken care of soon. Giving a small cough Sukai turned back to Morrigan. "Want me to make it darker and see how far you can go"?

[member="Morrigan Jeth"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Morrigan gave her master a look on her face that said she was ready for any of it where she could move. "Yes." She was not for doing things to half measure, she wanted to push herself to the limits and was focusing on the force itself and her senses. Listening to her master was secondary to that for the moment at least until she got an idea of how to push it inot the background and do it without having to divide and give her attention. She was moving around carefully but not stumbling and she was not risking herself falling on a blade as she grasped lightly with the force in her hands to feel what was around her. A grin on her face though before she looked around. "I can see master."
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai gave a small nod, dimming the lights to almost pitch black, but still leaving a small amount of light to illuminate the area. No matter how good someone was at this skill pitch black would always be dark, can't really see if there is no light what so ever. She gave her time to adjust to the enviroment before walking towards, watching as she walked around, "good, you re picking up on this quite well, time to put it to use". Using the force she called her Katana into hand, but kept it in the sheath, "I will start with some very basic attacks, simple thrust and swipes, I want you to parry and black them, you may find yours having to use this skill in combat, like a ship that's power has gone out and the lights no longer work, that sort of things, ready"?

[member="Morrigan Jeth"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Letting the force work and shift her body... she could fel it. That familiar warmth and hum along her body... the gooseflesh of her arms and skin. SHe could feel her connection to the force and it was expansive... reaching out with all of her senses to the room, to fill it with her awareness. SHe could feel her master and then she could see her, allowing the force to guide where her sight needed to go to move around and she was careful. Feet slowly moving and almost lgiding as her toe remained in contact with the floor, her footfalls silent and she brought her blade out holding it. THe soft glow from the force crystals within the blade giving her a warmth and purity of thought. She listened to what her master wanted her to do. She focused on the darkness around and could make out the faintest glimpses when she blocked with her blade and prepared for an attack letting her hearing amplify and her nostrils flare a little taking in the scents around herself.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
With her own natural night vision activated Sukai looked on as [member="Morrigan Jeth"] slowly adjusted her own sight to the dim enviroment, a small smile appearing across her face before the training began. Each easy to telegraphed strike sent towards the white haired women was blocked or pushed to the side, the clang of the blades touching echoing through the training hall. "You are doing well but lets see how far you can go with this". With each passing strike Sukai's attacks slowly became faster, more precise and refined, though not going over the top of on a full scale attack. Her goal was to train this Padawan with the fighting skills necessary to take on different opponents, not simply beat her in a fight.
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

She allowed herself to move, her mind reaching out to feel the room with the force itself... her mind sensing in the dark where they were. Her master was making the strikes faster and faster, the sound of the blades in the air between them as she moved letting the force guide her body instead. There was many things that the altisians could o but this was something their master had taught them.... detachment and focus... to lose yourself into the force itself as a means to achieve a state of balance and drive.... or in some cases others had managed to enter the state of hyperawareness with oneness of the force. "Understood master." Morrigan said it while she was moving with the force itself and struck to match and rotated the blade in her hand.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai could feel her student becoming more connected with the force, letting the mythical energy guide her actions, protecting her from the incoming blows, even if it wasn't life threatening. This would benefit Morrigan greatly allowing her an easier time to connected more deeply with the force on later occasion not just have her practice fighting in the dark. It was killing two birds with one stone, nothing revolutionary but it was convenient to get two things covered at the same time, while doing an exercise that was productive for both parties. "With yourself relying more deeply on the force it should be able to guide you hand and protect you from all sorts of things, like this"! In that instant Sukai's attacks became more erratic, the women drawing on her skill in Ataru to suddenly press a flurry assault against the Padawan. Confident that her connection with the force would empower her to defend against the onrush.

[member="Morrigan Jeth"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

She gave a nod to her master and was moving her blades. Ateru she knew as a skill and its benefit was erratic strikes able to go through defenses but it was also.... movement and speed. Her master was taking it easier for now and not leaping around like she was a frog on speed.... no she moved her blade shifting the grip itself to block and turn it into a rotating fan with her dagger that resonated with the force itself. She was moving to block and allowing the force to guide her movements as opposed to her eyes or senses... they weren't fast enough even with the experimentation and augmentation the arkanians had made to her... she needed to be able to move around and let herself breathe in deeply the scents around as ozone from the saber came to her nostrils. She used the main blade to strike at her master and was going with shii-cho style to allow herself to strike at more random angles.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Morrigan was doing well, but she wasn't the only person learning. As Sukai flew into her most known and comfortable method of fighting she too slowly released her control to the force, letting it guide her movements to try and bypass Morrigans defenses, though retaining a small amount of control to keep the speed at a lower level. Soon the two were flowing in a flurry of strikes and parries that seemed more like a very elaborate dance then an actual spar. seeming to perfectly counter each others actions. For now it may not have had the most practical application but in time and with more intense training such a way of fighting would be very beneficial. Sith and other dark side users reveled in being unpredictable and using dirty tactics though the force saw eveything and would protect those fully trusting in it, no the Sith how abused and trued to control it.

Morrigan Jeth Morrigan Jeth
Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi was skilled and she could feel it... their master on the island had taught the jedi with a refinement to technique. Where she was looking through the force she could feel her master here and ow was holding back but it made sense as she faltered for a moment. A single breah but it was enough and she felt something smack her arm then she went back a little holding the blade up. Her eyes focused on her master as she came out of the force focus and was breathing heavier now... her control had been tighter then she usually made it b that little slip had cost her much in the way of momentum. She could focus her mind to sooth the burning in her lungs and holdher breath for a longer time. "That was intense."

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