Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Studying (Open to join)

Cold yet warm,
Hollow yet complete,
Feel the flow...
Relaxed yet focused,
There is only the force...
Heavy yet light..

There it was, he no longer felt the cold stone floor beneath him. Instead the warmth of the force was embracing him. Allowing his body to levitate. He was relaxed sitting with legs crossed. Hands resting on his knees. He did feel a tint of happiness as he had achieved the task. But he also remained focused and he managed to push away the usual thoughts that made this impossible. Because this was really impossible. Yet he was doing it.
He simply was levitating without collapsing to the ground.

slowly he tried to not think of the fact that he was levitating. Instead he began to recite the text that was most precious to the jedi order.

"There is no emotion, there is peace..."
"There is no ignorance, there is knowledge..."
"There is no passion, there is serenity..."
"There is no chaos, there is harmony..."
"There is no Death, there is the Force..."

That fourth row.
"There is no chaos, there is harmony..."

He remembered it had been questioned in the past. But he could not remember why.


Champion of the Light
Varius walked...Or rather attempted to, his legs hurted terribly, his face was full of sweat, most likely he had another hard training. He rarely trained in anything related to the force, tehre was that once time when he trained with his master, but from tehn it was either used in combat or sometimes in training. It was then when he noticed [member="Mantic Dorn"] aparently meditating, varius suddenly stopped not wanting to interrupt his meditation, it would have been rude especially when at the first look everything seems to go well.

He decided to sit down an relax a bit wiping out the sweat from his face and beginning to breath normaly again. After that he took a closer look at Mantic, he wondered how waas he doing that, he was rather studying his posture and tried to understand his words.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Control, focus, ease of mind.... he was accomplishing it. this was it. what the master's back at his first academy on Shedu maad had tried to describe. Do not use the firce. Be one with it.

Unaware of it his features radiated warmth and peace. This was harmony.

He titled his head lightly sensing something new. Still with his eyes closed he was confident that this was not a threat. Not that it would be logical to assume so in the Jedi Orders bastion. But Mantic was still amazed on how he seemed to realize, no sense that the person entering his vicinity was a friend.

One with the force...

He opened his eyes and smiled at @Varius
slowly his body lowered itself the few inches he had been floating.

Once touching down he took a deep breath and let the sensation be remembered by his body. It was one he would seek to experience again.

"Padawan Varius." he greeted and touched his fore head. "It is good to see you again? How are you?"


Champion of the Light
"Well... I just trained with dual wielding... doing good so far I thing." He said with a smirk, he was really tired "Nice trick by the way, no wonder why I haven't seen you around yesterday... looking on the ground, bad idea." That was a trick he didn't experienced before, he learned to see through the force but never to actually fly, he knew it's not probably possible to actually fly around but it was amazing anyway, for him at least.

In moments like these one could and maybe would wodner what else can you do with the force, Varius thought it was a good question with many answers...

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Mantic remained seated with his legs crossed. He nodded.

"Yes padawan [member="Varius"] - I have found a deep need of understanding what the force is to me. Why it has chosen to guide me." Mantic answered, to his friend but just as much to himself.

"The sword is my path, but to master it I need to open my mind to allow the arm be guided or the saber will always be blunt. To have that option at my side at al times I have found that I need to be able to enter and exit meditation on the blink of an eye. So, this has been my priority for the last month brother." Mantic smiled and shrugged

"While I sometime move slower because of it I hope to master the technique soon. I am in need of it."
Orphen head the glint of chatter from the training room and peered in, hearing overtly formal language he had hoped that the person he was looking for was in here being one of the masters he had used to study under, but was quickly disappointed in what he had found. The Jedi padawan miscreant known as Orphen had been here and there in the Jedi Temple, but mostly had been given a short leash due to his master being one of the busiest women in the system. Looking over at the two of them, he shrugged and entered, looking the part of a wayward padawan on sight as he didn't wear the Jedi robes at all, even were he in the temple, not to mention he wore his eye covering Visor as well as having four pistols on his person as well as his usual equipment lining the interior of the long coat he wore. Not saying much to begin with he entered the area and looked over at the two of the padawans who were there, each of them looked interesting to begin with, but, to him, they seemed to be cut from the same cloth of oathsworn Jedi which the order was so good at breeding.


The Padawan spoke casually, raising a hand and entering the training room, hands in his pockets and swaying side to side as he walked coyly as one would approach an awkward situation with all the melodrama and flair of a theater student.

"I heard that'cha trainin' that meditation... that's kinda cool... but why do you sit still?"

Orphen cocked his head to a side not quite understanding the thought process behind what was going on, the two of them did not appear to be younglings, though the Jedi order was more known in the current day and age to take on people far older than the Order used to historically. Orphen himself was a prime example of that, though, his age of appearence was somewhat false, having stunted in growth from a younger age he had not grown like many others, and thought his potency in the force seemed to be changing some of that, the trauma of his experiences was still there. The only signs of which were the metallic nodes which could be seen on the back of his neck, like Orphen had once been jacked into some form of machine, or as if he had a power-plug of his own.

[member="Varius"] || [member="Mantic Dorn"]


Champion of the Light
"I didn't think about that..." He said with a weird look on his face "You think It would be easier for me to train if I stregthen my connection with the Force?" Could that be possible? Maybe that could help him to better understand the lightsaber forms and master Ataru completely at some point, meditation wasn't his strong point though he was kind of good at it, yet never did that too much. Then a thought suddenly got into his mind... How would Blane look like a jedi? Meditating? He was sure the answer would be "Meh, I can find my own way to loose my time, thanks." That would have been a sight to see...

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
With the soothing sensation slowly dripping away from his mind Mantic climbed back from his meditation. He realized that he missed it already.

"I would say meditation is the center piece for all jedi training my friend." he continued to [member="Varius"]

"It is the central core of the jedi to harness and control our emotions. At least for my it is the strongest tool to withstand temptations and the lure of the... darker thoughts that are bound to follow us in our endeavors." Mantic had experienced allot since [member="Varius"] and his saber training on that field when they first met. Death and violence were so easily underestimated. He had learned that while many, stronger then him in the force, disregarded the importance of remaining calm and keep once emotions neutral during such stressful events they were walking a thin line, on the verge of abandoning the values of the jedi order and their code. Something Mantic more and more realized was a grave issue for the jedi. Perhaps one of the greatest threats the order were facing. But he kept that thought to himself.

As [member="Orphen"] entered Mantic looked up and inclined his head.

"Greetings brother..." he started guessing this was another padawan. He had seen him around bu t never really spoken to him.

"I find that it is easier for me to find peace at mind when my body is still. I am not skillful enough to claim mediation while on the move." he replied to [member="Orphen"] a bit surprised. An odd question he thought. Was not this how most people meditated?
Orphen thought about that, he could remember the days he had as a youngling, trying to sit still and maintain a mantric state, reciting the code of the jedi over and over in an attempt to reach that zen like mind-set of the Jedi when they were in a state of deep meditation, but, being still like that, only allowed his mind to race, emptying an over-active mind was not something which stillness could achieve, so, it was the wise knight at the time which taught him moving meditation, a handy skill which he had honed and practiced ever since.

"I think you're missing the point... Meditation isn't going to make you a stronger person... you're either strong or you're not..."

Orphen said moving to a side of the room, jumping slightly to sit cross-legged on one of the training dummies, having strangely and suddenly lost his childish accent.

"And also, Meditation, isn't about skill, but rather your ability to concentrate on what matters... Your goal is to gain a deeper connection to the force, right? Being still and clearing your mind is not going to work for everyone, for some, that's hard, for me... it was impossible. There are other things that calm one's mind, rituals, actions, sounds... the archives speak of Jedi who would sing to meditate, deepen and maintain their focus and connection on the force, others would practice meditative martial arts while, I, like to tinker with machines. So, in the end it's all relative... and there is no point wasting time on an action which is only going to further frustrate you... which is kinda the exact opposite result you want to achieve with meditation."

Orphen smiled a little looking around the room as he watched the screen of his visor, taking in every little aspect of data and processing it for his over-active mind. Calculating temperatures and acceleration of their moving bodies and swaying arms no matter how slight. Calculating the sensations of wind which touched his skin and hypothesizing the mass and kinetic energy which was active within the air and the temperature shifts required to have created and maintained the gust... enough information constantly to drive a person mad...

"Do you really think it's going to be the Jedi Code which makes you a better person? I mean, think about it... Vader was a Jedi once... So were the Fallen Je'dai who began the Jedi Civil war... "

The Padawan finished, and, although he somewhat knew that he was getting a little preachy, he was just trying to inspire thought... but he would leave should the two of them seem uncomfortable with his presence.

[member="Mantic Dorn"] || [member="Varius"]
Mantic followed [member="Orphen"] with his gaze as the man jumped up onto a training dummy and found what must a comfortable position for him on it. Still seated on the floor Mantic listened intently upon the fellow padawan. He was sensing that he thought Mantic was new to the ways of the force. But he shrugged that away.
He had seen very many jedi, less or more experienced taking that more laxer position on etiquette and positions.

Perhaps id did not matter anymore either.

"I thank you for your insights brother. I would love to hear more on the topic." he replied and smiled.

"whether or not it matters, I am aware of different ways to meditate. This is just my prefered position. Perhaps it comes off as simple or less effective to you?" He shook it off.

"The jedi code has saved me on many occasions. Failed jedi, like Vader, are sad examples when it has not. I belive because they did not take it seriously enough in the time of deepest need of it." Mantic did his best not to sound overconfident. He merely spoke his mind on the matter, as he perceived it.

Lyari had been returning from the library, and had thought to drop into see Master Venci, but as she passed the meditation room, she heard the voices of her fellow padawans.

She peeked her head and smiled, as [member="Orphen"] was sitting onto of a training dumming. She stepped in the room, but leaned against the door frame.

"What's up, guys?"

She looked around the room, waiting for someone to say something.

[member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Varius"]
While waiting for his padawan brother to response [member="Lyari Bonmi"] entered the room and Mantic turned his head toward her.

"Greetings," he nodded.

"I guess we are all taking a short break in our training to contemplate on meditation and its various forms. While I have found the rising meditation technique to my likeing [member="Orphen"] here is, if I understand it correctly arguing for the Alchaka technique." he showed with hit hands at the others in the room.

"If I dont remember incorrect Alchaka is your preferred method as well [member="Varius"] - or?" he turned slightly to his former sparring partner. Then he gazed back on the new arrival.

"Feel free to join us, perhaps you can bring new insights on the topic?"


Champion of the Light
"Well yeah kind of, I might not do everything perfectly all the time but is what I usually trying to do, if done corectly however, it can clear the mind and attune the body to the strength of the Force." He said with a nod to Mantic about the Alchaka then turned to [member="Lyari Bonmi"] with friendly look "Greetings to you." Then gave a thought about the topic on the jedi code, where he really felt like he needed to speak his mind "Although the code serves well as a guide, It is not perfect, it's meaning can guide you through the path but in the end is merely an advice. For example the part with "There is no emotion, there is peace" should not be taken for what it is, any other jedi should know that there is always emotion, being able to control them and use them only when is necessary would be something we should learn rather than avoiding them as some of our friends try to do." It was a strong opinion he created, it is possible for this to be in fact what the jedi code says and the otehrs just took it wrong, but in his mind it was clear:Nothing is perfect then smiled and remembered something very important "As a wise person said once, we are all padawans troough our life."

[member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Orphen"]
[member="Varius"] [member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Orphen"]

"I think the point of our lessons and the different techniques they are teaching us are to illustrate that although the end result is the same, the path we take to arrive at it is a matter of personal taste. Quieting the mind in order to be more...present is a the thing we must master."

She chuckled as she slid down the wall, sitting down with her legs crossed. Her hands rested in her lap, her headtail in the rear making her sit a little more forward.

"Or at least that is what I need to learn. I do find myself gravitating towards Alchaka, but it's not doing me any favors with my telekinesis lessons. I have been working harder to find a quiet center without having to physically exhaust myself. I thought though it was just me."
Orphen thought a little, Alchaka was something which was only very rarely touched on in the Jedi Archives, though, he could recall some mention of it within the more ancient recollections of the Je'daii... it was not something that was ever often bought up and even with his own permanent memory it took a moment to recall all the relevant information and decrypt it to make sense in the context which they were talking about it. Orphen tilted his head up to the group and looked to the more formal of the group first. [member="Mantic Dorn"] seemed to be a well learned padawan and well on his way to attaining strength and notoriety.

"By my recollection Alchaka was a very specific form of moving meditation, one which was based in combat forms used by the most ancient of our order. The only people today who do anything like that would be the Echani... their form of combat is very spiritual as were many of the older ways of our order, not so much now, the Jedi way has turned more into a way of tradition than having its views really truly followed literally or as dogma."

Orphen spoke giving a wave to the new entrant and a smile.

"I don't look too much into the code, it seems like a pointless riddle to me, while I know it's helped many people, I'd say just as many Jedi have fallen to the Sith because it's our way to teach abstinence from emotion and attachment, rather than teaching how to control them when they inevitably come to pass. The order is so filled with fear in that maybe one of us might loose our master or friend and we'll magically fall to the dark-side... like, we're in a war... we already have that stress-load without needing to worry about turning into the people we're fighting against... at least the Sith, in learning to draw from their emotions actually learn about them... it just seems like more flaws in an old system..."

Orphen was a little bitter on the fact, he didn't cope with the looming pressure well, stemming mostly because he had already been passed from one master to another, neglected as a padawan, but, [member="Taeli Raaf"] had been good to him so far, trying to reign him and his free thinking mind in... he only hoped that she hadn't heard his little out-burst.
Mantic rested his hands in his lap as the group started to give different views on the topics at hand. He felt warmth as [member="Orphen"] described his position. The man had a heart and he tried to use it to better himself, admirable in itself. [member="Lyari Bonmi"] made him feel the group was complete, adding a new perspective on the matter and [member="Varius"] made his mind focus as the mans natural determination shone through.

These were the very pillars he had found to successfully manage the rising meditation form. Was this a coincidence or something else. He should take these peoples insights into consideration seriously.

Looking up from his thoughts he felt compelled to answer out from his own interpretation non the less.

"While I can not speak of the Alchaka method myself I like to think that the form of meditation does not matter ot the individual. I do believe that the form I have chosen as my prefered one is more attuned with working with others. Meditation is just as much a mean to reach insight and understanding of your fellow sisters and brothers. The jedi order is resting on being a collective and mass-mediation using this tecqnique creates bond between us. Or at least that is what I have heard. Alchaka is a more personalized form of meditation. More out of practical reasons then anything else is my guess." Mantic tried a feint smile when picturing a crowded meditation chamber with eager padawans trying to perform Alchaka, lightsabers ignited, while a desperate master urged for concentration.

"As for the code, I am not sure. Yes the code is not easy to understand. I have yet to found everything making sense in it. the phrace 'there is no emotion..' is one of them. Naturally we use emotions, compassion being the finest trait in a jedi. So no, that is not a literal interpretation to be followed at all times. But in the heat of battle the dark side is always present lurking with promises of swift victory and easy kills. In those times, the phrase, 'there is no emotions, there is peace, guides me into shielding all emotions away, since they are dangerous in that time. There is only one reason to fight, to focus on that this battle is fought to one day create peace." Mantic wet his lips trying to make sense. He knew what he meant but he was uncertain if it sounded like rubbish to the others.

"So, I have not had the code explained to me by a serious jedi master and most I meet seem to consider it of lesser importance. But I dare say it is dangerous to neglect it." Mantic looked up and his face was sudden a combination of seriousness and sorrow.
"Over the course of time many jedi has said words to diminish it, turning from the code and in the end the order. All in good intent but almost always ending up creating more chaos then order. I consider the jedi code as a mantra to remember who we are. It binds us together and while it is not meant to be interpreted literally it has served a great and good purpose for millenniums, admitting in slightly different forms. Those who stayed true to it has never failed the order, never failed to heed our role as servants and protectors. It is easy to forget this and go out and take matters into our own hands. I am confident it would be great to feel that one make a difference and that the constraints of the order is loosed up. But it does involve letting ones emotions decide ones actions. there is danger in that."

"If the code is abandoned or bent to fast by individuals II believe that in the long run the jedi order is threatened in its foundations. In fact, I believe that the current chaotic state of the galaxy with too many force adepts doing with the force as they see fit, perhaps with good or evil intent, contribute far more to the dark side then the light."

Mantic looked up. He was sure they did not agree with him but he had to speak his mind. He too missed a masters guiding hand. He himself being the cause of it since he left his master in the silver Jedi's side because of the words he had just spoken. A decission that haunted him still.

[member="Orphen"] [member="Lyari Bonmi"] [member="Varius"]
Lyari chuckled as she listened to him expound on the Code and the role of mediation.

"I think you are overthinking this just a bit. You sound like Master Vihn."

The smile was chased away as she took a deep breath, and let it out. The jovial demeanor was replaced by calm neutrality on her features.

"Perhaps it is because I'm a little behind you in studies, or because I came to the academy late, but the application of the Code to my daily actions here is difficult. I'm not saying I actively flaunt it, but I don't think the first line is meant to be as literal as you're taking it. Obvious we must know emotions and allow them help center us."

[member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Orphen"] [member="Varius"]


Champion of the Light
Varius thought for a long moment then spoke, his face still looking as if he would be thinking deeply "I don't know Mantic, is it not respecting the code why so many jedi left? Or... maybe is because of the code why they are mroe tempted by the darkside? In the past they were not allowed to love, to have a familly, didn't some of them leave because they were not allowed to experience the wonders of life itself? What they swore to protect? Maybe some left because in the past they realised how much they needed to love... To feel. If the sith can use the negative emotions to "strengthen" themselves why couldn't the jedi do the same with the positive ones? Being thought to control them and use them whenever they need would be a good idea, allowing them to use them would mean they have one more reason to be a part of this, they would fight for something they understand, the positive emotions could be exactly what they need to have an iron will and resist the taint of the darkside." It was merely an opinion he had, though he was fond of it. Then he looked at every one of them "An old man and a child falls from a bridge, the old man has more chances to be saved, the child has a family, which one do you save?"

[member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Lyari Bonmi"] [member="Orphen"]
Mantic looked at them both as they spoke and nodded.

He could not argue against that they had good points. He did not agre though. To him, being a jedi was to embrace servitude to life, not control it. A jedi in love was a danger to both himself and the fellow jedi. He turned to the orders code of conduct.
If love was a vital part of a jedi's life it could be used by the dark side. To tamper with the code. Stretch things, until they eventually went to far. After all, how would anyone in deep true love manage to sacrifice that love for the sake of the jedi order. To him this was dangerous thinking but he was also very certain that it would be merely impossible to change the course that the order was taking with a more lax attitude toward these rules. He had yet to meet a jedi who actually brought the code up as a guideline in all matters. Perhaps he was the last. Following an old dying tradition that meant less then it used to.
His fellow padawans were underlining the obvious to him and he decided to stop his argument. He needed to mediate on this at a later time.

"Thank you for helping me see things in new perspectives." he offered to the group. Then he turned to [member="Varius"]

"If I am incapable of saving both, which I assume is your point," he smiled "then I would try and save the child. While all life is valued equally a younger life has yet to see and learn through a hopefully longer life span. Even though the odds are at the old mans side I would consider the old phrace - 'Do do not try' - when choosing."

[member="Lyari Bonmi"] [member="Varius"] @Orphen
Orphen almost rolled his eyes at the discussion, he felt like he was in parts being ignored, or his message or view not being taken on by some of, if not most of the people in the conversation, looking to manic, who seemed to be the only of the group of them which had at least answered him directly, choosing to pay him closer attention over the others. Cocking his head to a side as Manic had seemed to be taking the more direct route to things, though it was a voice to the side of Orphen which caught the first of his responses, one of the few things that he thought had been common sense about the code with its no attachments policy, as stupid as it was in some respects.

The code had a point.

"The code says to not love and not draw from positive emotions because that is the beginning of the cycle which leads to the dark side, our current order says to fight with passion, which, is ridiculous because the code of the SITH begins with 'peace is a lie, there is only passion...' which... already begins to make me wonder... but, any-who, the reason we are to abstain from attachments is because you WILL inevitably loose them. The ability to wield the force stems from your emotions, and when you feel hurt, or loss, or greif, or anger, or hatred or spite... the power of the force within you will magnify that emotion and as seen by history you are likely to loose yourself in the power you do not understand enough to control... which is my problem with things entirely. Jedi are not taught to control them, we preach abstinence, not preparation.

The Jedi code comes from a good place, but its practicality is vastly skewed in my opinion... Also, my answer to which of the two i save, the answer is both... for if I am incapable of saving both of the potential victims, then I have failed to assess my situation in such a manner that i could have. I am at fault... My master Taeli posed to me a question the other day about learning light-saber forms... she asked me how i defend myself if I'm made to fight a Sith in prolonged close combat... My answer was: I surrender or run, because if I am forced into that situation, either my opponent is so potent that I could not keep the flow of combat on my terms, or I have failed in placing myself in a position where i cannot take any advantage. It's just logic... with the child and the man, that situation should not have come to pass, and it is a failure if it does."

Orphen shrugged. Placing his hands on his pistol and pulling it off from its holster, aiming it at one of the dummies and firing, as the charged particle ripped through the fabric and wood as if it were nothing, ending splinters everywhere around where it had once been. Nodding and seeing that the weapon was working fine, Orphen began to focus on the weapon, the screws and rivets began to twist and come undone as the small fire-arm began to dis-assemble within his hands, the young Jedi moving each of the parts around as if they were nothing pulling them apart and apart into their smallest possible forms in a small orb in front of him.

"Mantic brings up a few good points though."

[member="Mantic Dorn"] || [member="Varius"] || [member="Lyari Bonmi"]

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