Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Su cuy'gar

Hello friends. I am a roleplayer of some small experience, and I am considering offering some of it to this site. A quick question, I am fond of an alien race known as the Taung. They are canonically considered to be extinct, but I would like to play one as I have before, probably as some sort of time warped transplant from the Mandalorian Wars. If this is a problem, that's cool, just curious as to the ruling on such a character.

Oya mando'ade!

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun and shout if you need help at any time.


Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.

Olarom! Welcome to Chaos. There's plenty of mando'ade scattered around the board, both major and minor factions, so you'll never be short of some vod.

As Connor said, if you ever need help or anything, please give a shout.

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