Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sub city encounters

The neon soaked gloom of the Underworld of Coruscant was a fascinating occurrence; the proof that an entire planet dedicated to high-rise metropolis could not be without its flaws. Very much it could be said that all the Underworld of Coruscant is just one big flaw, where people tumble from the upper levels and lose the light of day. Becoming trapped in the biggest mechanism for slavery and mistreatment, right in the heart of a city where the upper levels spoke of peace and tranquility, sending aid over the galaxy while ignoring the problems buried beneath their own surface. A place where survival was harsh, but for those cruel or twisted enough, the rewards far outweighed that of any other place in the galaxy; slaves were easy to come by and hard to be missed, and large areas could be turned into factories for creating all kinds of money draining luxuries such as Spice and blasters.

The only problem for Lanta Rosa was that he was not really cruel, in fact he tried to be as polite he could in this society, granted that still meant talking with his fists and spending days on end in a deadly game of hide and seek with the various gangs who were after his head. Years ago the man dreamed of leaving this place, however to him it seemed his luck was never going to come through. After all how could anything good or kind find its way this far down into the depths? So once again he spent the day sat on a step in one of the more isolated areas, a burning husk of an R series astromech lighting the area and giving a measly amount of heat, casting his hooded face in shadow.

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