Ashelotte's ears twitched upon the sound of another's footsteps. Enter [member="Alicia Drey"], her rival and walking punching bag. She eased her caressing hold on Circe's arms, sitting up in the bed beside her as the woman arrived.
"Morning, Circe and Co." she mumbled hazily.
The vixen pouted as her fiance rose from the bed, seemingly completely forgetting about her. She returned a dirty, blank stare to Alicia before finally getting up to tail [member="Enigma"] into the wardrobe. She had watched as Circe slipped free from the black silken blouse, grabbing it herself and tossing it to the side for a moment. She gently reached to grab the robe from her love's grasp and gently pulled it back.
"Hmm, maybe you'll need these after all, love," she continued, grabbing a fresh set of Armor-Ani Shimmersilk microbikini from her satchel by the doorway. "Mmmh..." Ashe moaned in a sultry tone, grabbing Circe's shoulders from behind to pull herself closer to her fiance's ear. "...I won't lie, I really want you right now.... You Sith and your pickiness. You're as drab as the Jedi, only with even less colors and more shapes. What happened to your 'White Current' attire?"
Before she could get a solid response, the 'cur' started speaking again, this time addressing Ashe. The tailed vixen bud herself in before anyone could talk, clearly annoyed.
"You know, this isn't a peep show. If you want something to see, you should go back to Coruscant."
Ashelotte let her trusted crushclaw slip free from her hand, letting it clank to the ground. Her free hand was revealed, ever so slightly different in tone than her porcelain skin but clawed like no Ruferalahuin, no Vampire had ever had. In a flash movement few could have predicted, she rose her arm out towards Alicia, letting the spears of her fingertips shoot out and stop only a few centimeters from the girl's throat. No Force could stop them and no saber could cut them, for they were Vong. Ashelotte's voice grew flat and monotonous.
"No.... Don't dare presume to think she is anything like you. You are no Lord. You are nothing but a stray dog, a worthless tramp, who can't even stop a simple girl from harming her. You Sith are all heartless, hollow, devoid of all hope and all purpose. You destroy in envy of that which you can't gain; foolish. She is nothing like your kind, whom serve only to be put down."
Ashelotte whipped her wrist back briefly, recalling the finger spears straight back into the tips of her fingers, leaving only their thick, sharp points to remain as claws.
"You're only still alive because I haven't decided how and when I'm going to rid this world of your filth in the cleanest way possible. I don't want harlot blood on my silks or my wife. Food for thought."
Ashelotte returned her vague smile to her face and went back to fitting the bikini around her lover's body for her as though nothing had happened. It had become more and more clear with each passing day just how insignificant Darth Ayra actually was to Circe; she'd never protected her... merely asked she be handled with delicacy as though she were a piece of property. No, there would be no further emotional attachment to a pawn. This girl was foolish and had walked into the wolves' den blind.
Just how valuable is she to you, my darling, truthfully.