Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alric Kuhn said:
That being Major factions support Minor factions they like rising to power. This can be seen in the real world(US has begun several dozen coups) and in Star Wars over and over again(The Republic giving supplies and training to the Rebels on Iziz). These rules stop that completely and entirely.
No, it wouldn't stop your example from occurring. Nothing prevents alliances or underhanded scheming from occurring between Minor Factions and Major Faction. There is a big difference between simply having access to resources by default and purchasing resources (equipment, ships, etc). The former is reserved for Sub Faction, the latter can be done by anyone (and has always been the case, thus not changing).

This change is far less dramatic than what you're making it out to be.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug

Alric Kuhn said:
My problem with it is that the wording has no nuance to it, so in that very scenario that you're talking about that Minor Faction starts a Rebellion using the resources of the Major Faction they were gifted. They are then quickly reported because someone argues that the use of those supplies makes it so they have an allegiance to that Major Faction, thereby stopping the Rebellion because of the report.

Even if RPJ's decide that, no, it does not create an Allegiance the Rebellion was needlessly held up and things were complicated. Momentum is probably lost and interest is gone. Boom there is now no longer a Rebellion. Some might say I'm being paranoid, but I guarantee you that exact scenario will happen.

Essentially what I'm saying is that this ruleset isn't required or necessary and generally just makes things more complicated then it needs to be.
Alric Kuhn said:
Some might say I'm being paranoid


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