Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Submission Modification Request Till Dec 2019

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Moved to pre-codex here as requested.

Please be aware that the codex is now shut down for the holidays and no judging or moving of subs out of pre-codex will occur until after the codex opens again in January.


Well-Known Member
Is there a way to have these also not show up under my profile? I don't want people to get confused and think they are active.

Submission Name: The Ryiah Family
Link to Submission:
Move to PreCodex or Codex Archives?: Archives
Reason for Archival (if applicable): I want to reboot my family and this is no longer applicable

Submission Name: Angelic
Link to Submission:
Move to PreCodex or Codex Archives?: Archives
Reason for Archival (if applicable): I want to reboot my family and this is no longer applicable

Submission Name: Aviprine
Link to Submission:
Move to PreCodex or Codex Archives?: Archives
Reason for Archival (if applicable): I want to reboot my family and this is no longer applicable

Submission Name: Guardians of Aviprine
Link to Submission:
Move to PreCodex or Codex Archives?: Archives
Reason for Archival (if applicable): I want to reboot my family and this is no longer applicable
Last edited:
K KitKat The codex is currently closed. Your submission modification request will be taken care of when the codex reopens.

Just so you are aware, because your planet is located on the map, we will be unable to archive it along with the rest of your modification requests.
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