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Submission Name: Sith-Imperial Legionnaire Combat Armor Mk. II Link to Submission: Click Move to Pre-Factory or Factory Archives?: Pre-Factory Reason for Archival (if applicable): N/A
Submission Name: GI-6 "Thunder Armor"
Link to Submission: Link
Move to Prefactory or Factory Archives?: Prefactory
Reason for Archival (if applicable):
Submission Name: Helios Luxury Yacht
Link to Submission: Link
Move to Prefactory or Factory Archives?: Pre-factory
Reason for Archival (if applicable):
Submission Name: The Black Iron Throne Link to Submission: Click Move to Pre-Factory or Factory Archives?: Pre-Factory Reason for Archival (if applicable): N/A
Submission Name: Spectre Custom Underslung Scattergun
Link to Submission:
Move to pre-factory or factory archives: Move FROM factory archives to factory
Reason for Archival: I need it moved back from the factory archives because I accidentally submitted before it was finished and it got approved before I could finish
Submission Name: Tsukkian Escort Corvette
Link to Submission: (x)
Move to Prefactory or Factory Archives?: Prefactory
Reason for Archival (if applicable): N/A
Submission Name: Maia-class Interceptor
Link to Submission: (x)
Move to Prefactory or Factory Archives?: Prefactory
Reason for Archival (if applicable): N/A
Submission Name: Ciniel and Istatha
Link to Submission: HERE
Move to Prefactory or Factory Archives?: Pre-Factory
Reason for Archival (if applicable): N/A