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Approved Tech 'Subtilis' Ocular Implant

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Image Source: Link.
Intent: To provide those without sight a subtle way to regain that sense.
Development Thread: If necessary.
Manufacturer: Tractatus Industries
Model: 'Subtilis' Ocular Implant
Affiliation: Open Market.
Modularity: Can be exchanged with other Tractatus ocular implants, which will be submitted in the future.
Production: Mass-Produced.
Material: Cybernetic, Electrical Components.
Description: The 'Subtilis' is on the surface, an average ocular implant; it provides those with missing or damaged eyes with the gift of sight, with one special advantage: subtlety. It was specifically designed to look as much like a regular humanoid eye as possible, with a fair amount of success. Aside from a slight glow from the cybernetics, the Subtilis fakes a humanoid eye almost perfectly. However, the Subtilis requires extensive microsurgery to install, due to the level of intricacy in the implant. Another weakness of the implant is if it gets hit by an EMP wave or other electronic disabling weaponry; the implant will completely shut down, due to it not having any defenses against such a weapon.

Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

Pending initial review

Pending Initial review

Pending Inital review
Sorry for the wait.

Can I get you to beef up the description a little bit. It seems light, could you include how it reacts to EMP weaponry and other electronic disrupting weapons and effects.

Other than that, it looks fine.
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