Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Subtlety 101: How to Be Discreet (PM for Invitation)

Once every hundred years there is a situation so perfectly and profoundly ironic, so incomprehensibly strange in absolutely all manners, that no matter how much you struggle, you serve only to dig your hole deeper. This what Astoach was in, a conundrum so extraordinarily weird that, despite his initial bid into the madness that truly claimed him in the midst of his hunts and games, he found himself dipping into a realm of normality solely through the sheer awe that inspired him. He, for the first time in his life, was content to remain lax as he was carried off into the unknown by a giant woman, hung slack over her shoulder as he waited her to take him to the giant, black pot and cook him up in salty water whilst dousing him in chopped potatoes and carrots like some Loony Toon special. This would be his end, he was certain of it.

Yet the silence, crowding the door to his death, irrationally bothered him, bidding him to speak up and breach the quiet curtains that shrouded the pair. “So, what the hell are you supposed to be exactly?” An oddly normal question presented in a rude manner, but curiosity struck him regardless.



Crazy Never Looked this Good
"Big. Red. And ticked off." She answered. She nudged a little to make her shoulder buckle against him before saying "Now no talking, or you'll ruin the surprise." She carried him off and into the open world before them. Obviously as late as it was not many people roamed the streets, but plenty enough were there to see the odd image before them. A large red gen'dai woman carrying an odd little masked man over her shoulders. Who wouldn't give it a second glance. As she walked she glanced back, smirking at [member="Astoach"] while walking. Her one hand came to his rear, giving it a few light taps, before asking "How you doing, rag-for-face? Enjoying the ride?"
Tanalth said:
"Big. Red. And ticked off." She answered.
Well, as vague and indirect as that response was, there was no arguing its accuracy, especially now with him fettered to her shoulder like a disobedient child. Her shoulder was rather uncomfortable, but as he shifted into a more comfortable position above her bicep, her shoulder buckled and bit into his stomach, easing a discomforted groan from his clenched jaw. He honestly wished that she would just eat him raw, though the trailing scenery of dense grasslands, situated above the cool clean water, illuminated the naked light of the moon, almost made the travesty worth it.

Tanalth said:
"How you doing, rag-for-face? Enjoying the ride?"
“About as much as you enjoy smelling my ass up there you Mynok,” Astoach retorted, roughly adjusting himself against the bulk of his shoulder once again. “Honestly I don’t think you're shoving this cow-size shoulder of yours into my gut enough, I can’t quite yet feel my kidneys rising up into my throat yet.” He feigned the distaste but now, hauled off to the unknown, he found a rather quaint humor in the subject. Though the initial mockery was a bit harsh, he could help little but enjoy in this normality (not that it was ever normal) in the sensation of something new. It was a fresh taste of something else, even if death followed on swift wings in the form of whatever hideous end awaited him.



Crazy Never Looked this Good
More insults that only made her role her eyes while still keeping her devious smile. Eventually she reached where she wanted to bring him. Something of a town square or sorts with a large decorative fountain in the center of a crossroads. There were some people around but not a lot. Fine with her. As long as people would be there to see. She tossed [member="Astoach"] off her shoulder and straight onto the ground without giving hi the chance to land on his feet. After that she reached down and tore off his shirt and anything else he was wearing on his chest. Given her size and strength it would be easy enough. Once she did she tossed what was left away before standing over him.
When he would ask what she was doing she would grin and answer "I said I wouldn't take the mask off. Never promised about anything else." Her knuckles cracked as she reached down and said "Come here, motor mouth. I'll show you what a cow-shouldered rancor or a woman can do!"
What began as a frustrating attempt to rent a hotel room was now submerging into the dark recesses of adult humor, for Astoach now stood half naked in the middle of a Kuat square, shirtless, and the impending threat of full-blown frontal nudity looming overhead in the form of this raunchy titan. Astoach quickly clasped his arms in a self-embrace over his now bare, pale chest, his back pressed against the paved earth and feet attempting to skirt his body away whilst lain down. His black shirt, one of the sole reminders of the adventurous (and pathetically shameful) past few months, much like his machete, now lay tattered well beyond repair by the large fountain. At this particular moment, with the threat of fates far worse than death encroaching upon his poor body, he desperately wished she would just eat him.

Tanalth said:
"Come here, motor mouth. I'll show you what a cow-shouldered rancor or a woman can do!"
"What the- Out here?" Her meaty hand was slowly descending upon his as the harbinger of defeat and in mere moments he would fall victim to the most unforgiveable of punishments: public humiliation. Astoach was never one to express fear, but at this very moment, his hands shot out in defiance in a flurry of slaps and pushes, desperate to dismiss the monster without aggravating further sexual assault. "I thought you just wanted to know the-" He delivered a two-point combo of smacks upon the tremendous paw. "I thought you just wanted to hear some stupid secret not have your way!" He attempted to bend up a foot, to catch her colossal mitt with the heel of his boot and ward off the attack further. "Stop whatever the hell you're doing, this is ridiculous!"



Crazy Never Looked this Good
Despite his little slaps and kicks Tanalth still grabbed for his pants while saying "No it's not. It's payback!" She tried to yank the off of him so he was bare naked in front of everyone. The only thing to cover his shame was his mask. She wanted to humiliate him for calling her so any things. True she could have just broken his little body and left him for dead, but this was better. This was for calling her so many rude things and then trying to stab her. This wasn't just her when she was angry, this was her when she truly hated someone. She kept yanking until he would be as naked as the day he was born, left in front of everyone to wallow in shame before saying "Now what was that about you calling me a cow? Rancor? Everything else that sounded offensive?"

That initial cold throbbed within the dark confines of his ribs as Astoach laid sprawled, barren across the ground. His first reaction to the breath of the wind across his nude body was a natural one, as he quickly squirmed to curl up and conceal his unclothed form to the shocked bystanders and the woman who towered overhead. Yet the spark of light shrunk into his skull, which culled flash of instant, it spoke words beyond any comprehension save his own. What had happened these past moments which cut apart his malevolence into banter, shattered his purpose, even in the face of stark-naked expression as he laid, defeated, upon the town square? Why had he been so content to see it end, to go along with the ploys and playthings, what took him from himself, left behind simple shades of black and white perspective mirrored in his actions?

He paid his only respect to her words with a brief glance, a hollow one, heralding the expression to come and the tortured words, thawed in self-pity and untold wrath, You still want to know my secret?"


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Still on with the secret. Tanalth rolled her eyes at him for trying to enforce the idea that the secret would save him. At this point there was nothing to save him. He was beyond it at this point. Still, as of now, she did her best to humor him. The least she could do after basically turning him into a walking nude nightmare one would hate to find themselves in. "I think I have an idea on what it is." she said, pointing at his nether region. She recoiled and said "But please do tell me what it is. I'm anxious to know." Her tone was a little more sarcastic at this point.

Astoach convulsed, not obviously so but he still shook, twitched and stretched his body in the most hideous of ways. He was in pain, emotionally, for the first time and now, here he was, strung out, cruelly, naked, barren and humiliated. It shattered all that he was, all that he sought to be and in the depths of his depravity that sense of humanity snuffed out, killed, massacred and slammed to death, shattered against the barren brick walls of apathy. "I'm going to kill you," he said, eyeing the Gen'Dai through the glittering coals of dead sight that shimmered beneath the mask. His fingers dug into the cobblestone, the nails scratching along the street and, bit by bit, tore from flesh, drawing blood as the budding, black talons slowly peeled from skin, drawing long tendrils of flesh as they picked away upon the rocky ground. "I'm going to kill you."

"I'm going to kill whatever family you have."
"I'm going to kill your friends."
"Your kids."
"You kind."
"Every trace of you, its going to be white-washed, bleached from existence and by the time I draw my final breath, so help me Force, the only thing that will hold your memory will be me."


Crazy Never Looked this Good
As he sat there, naked and shamed, Tanalth could feel it. He meant every last word he said. He was going to kill everything she held dear before trying to kill her himself The fact she could sense his words were true should have frightened her. But instead they only brought a smirk to her face. When he finished the giant red woman leaned down and kissed his mask-covered forehead before whispering "I'll be waiting." From there she stood and turned, walking away and leaving [member="Astoach"] to recover in his own way. She was done with him...for now.

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