Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Sucker Punch


N A R // S H A D D A

[ Can't we talk about this guys?] the metallic voice would call out, eyeballing through the polarized helm the seven Kadas'sa'Nikto at the bar.

[ Just looking for some --] The punch from the Kadas'sa'Nikto struck Drifter right on the lower jaw, sending him flying back to crash against another table, sending the contents of the drinks and the half-naked escorts darting to all different directions.

Guess not...

The pain would lance along his back and he was sure that despite the armor he wore, there was a bruise or two that would bloom there shortly. One hand came up, flexing his jaw from right to left, hearing a crack. A weary sigh fell from his mouth, and he gave a cant of his head from left to right as if to say, alright, so we are doing this.

[So you want to dance?] Feth it, why not? At this point, he was frustrated, pissed, and right now, itching for a fight. Cracking his knuckles, Drifter would stagger to his feet, gesturing with the universal sign of open arm - since he only had one.

[ Let's dance.]

With that taunt, it was all it took for the fight to break out.
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Sitting in the back of the bar he sipped on his drink. Nothing to fancy, just something to get him through the day. Or the week. It had been a rough couple of days.

After the fight with his Padawan he was told to leave Silver Jedi space. Nar Shadda was his last stop before leaving for good. No way he was going back. Not afte what happened.

Instinctively he lifted up his drink, just seconds before a man flew across the table. Just another bar scuffle. No reason he should join in on it. Too many people would be lying in the ground.

But something felt different about the beaten up man. He wasn’t sure what it was, but something told him to help. Well, why not. Downing the last bit of his drink he stood up, wiping his mouth.

Dropping a few credits on the table he walked up to the man. After some taunts and gestures were made he grabbed the man’s shoulder, hopefully getting his attention.

“Don’t mind me, I just want to give a good ass kicking.”

With the he stepped to the left of the man. Reaching down with his robotic hand he grabbed he newly built lightsaber. Tiring it outward he flicked it on, the red glow piercing through the room.

He charged at the attacker.

Drifter Drifter
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It was the familiar snap-hiss and sphere of crimson light that sizzled to life that caught Drifter's attention.

Well feth.

Not that it mattered, because by that time, aware what the lightsaber meant, the four out of the seven of the Nikto gang drew their blasters. A volley of green blaster bolts flew at Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei 's and Drifter's direction, while a table was flung in front by one of the gang members to provide a measure of cover. If anything, they learned enough that it was best to try and dispatch them from a distance when it came to a Force user.

[ Oh come ON!] the man cried out in disbelief. Whatever happened to having a good brawl?

Screams would cut the upbeat music, escorts, and patrons alike doing their best to get out of the way. Drifter had to throw himself to the right to avoid the blaster fire. The anger and frustration rose, curling within, the voice in his head tempting him to give in to it.

[ Gorram it!] he growled out, unable to draw the weapon he had depended on for so long. He really, really, wanted to punch someone in the face. Well, he wasn't going to pass up some help.

To his right, he caught sight of one of the Nikto attempting to go for the cover. Target acquired, the man threw himself at the larger gang member in an attempt to tackle. The thud and subsequent tangle of arms and legs were rather satisfying.

The punch he got in the face again was not.
Stepping to his left and right he easily dodged the wild shots. They weren’t aiming directly at him, more of just shoot-to-survive. The bolts went in all different directions. A handful of them made it his direction, which he deflected back at the thugs.

Taking out three of the thugs he watched as the man went to take on a larger thug. After taking out a fourth thug he simply walked over to the man, watching him tangle on the ground. As the two men fought he saw the dude get punched square in the face. Ouch.

As the dude fell backwards he easily took care of the thug. Once the bar was left in a mess of groaning thugs and scared patrons, he then walked over to the dude he fought with.

“Hey, what are you doing getting into fights? I just wanted to enjoy a drink.”

Drifter Drifter
There was so much adrenaline pumping through his system. All that unfulfilled energy practically thrumming within his body. Sure, his face was aching from the strikes, but it had been lessened by the helm. Getting to his feet, he panned his gaze around, fists clenching and relaxing only to result in a solid kick at the Nikto's stomach who'd punched him last.

The resulting gargle and groan as the larger alien clutched his belly was only mildly satisfying.

Turning towards the kid who'd gone full saber during the fight, Drifter gave a scowl, but while it wouldn't be seen, it could certainly be heard in his modulated voice. [ I just wanted some information -- and maybe to punch someone in the face. ] he admitted.

Eyeballing the illuminated saber, Drifter vacillated between determining if this was a Sith or someone who just so happened to get a synthetic crystal. Actually, who the feth cared? It saved him from having to deal with seven bloody Nikto.

[ You always bust out with the lightsaber in a brawl, kid? ] he asked, as Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei had the baby face of a teenager and the styled hair most guys at that age tried to upkeep. That just woke up cowlick sort of do. He then moved over towards the olive-skinned Nikto he'd been trying to have a simple conversation with. What the hell did it take to get logs of holovids around here?

Bending down, the man began to search the unconscious Nikto's pockets.
The man’s mask drifted down toward his lightsaber. He could sense the man’s concern, but he was too smart to attack.

“You always bust out with the lightsaber in a brawl, kid?”

He hated being called a kid. He was a knight, a deserved more respect. He shut off the saber before clicking it to his belt.

“Yeah, I do actually. Gets the job done easier.”

The masked man squatted down to sort through the thug’s pocket. What was he after?

“So, you know these guys? Or was this a first time test-run for this fighting thing.”

Drifter Drifter
There was no missing the scowl that went drifting across Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei 's face. Whether it was for the commentary on the lightsaber or the mention of a kid was up in the air. He was no telepathic and he thanked Inari for that. Amusement rose in his eyes but that would be recognizable in the slight rise and fall of Drifter's shoulders in a half chuckle. The wryness in the modulated voice didn't leave any more doubt either.

[ A little of column A,] Drifter began, upturning and pulling out the Nikto's pockets. Nada. On to the next. [ A little of column b. ] this time, he managed to find a small, rectangular-shaped card. It was a key card.


[ Does one really know anyone? ] random philosophical thought. With a satisfied flick of his finger, Drifter gave a click of his tongue. Panning that polarized helm back towards Okkeus, Drifter let his attention fall over him. With the mirrored visor, Okkeus was able to get a nice, if the scuffed view of his own reflection. Lighting eyes and perhaps, the barest tinge of the Dark that tinted his saber so red. Of what he had become. Of what got him here today.

[ So, you got a name? Gotta at least thank my knight in shining armor.] that was clearly a joke, but Drifter couldn't help himself. It was either that or curse at the pain that still resonated along his jaw and his nose from the sucker punches. He might be going through a shit show, but even with an extra voice in the head driving him mad, it couldn't cut through the notes of easygoing punk attitude he'd been known for.
A small chuckle left his mouth. He couldn’t hold back his humor. Trying to uphold this serious dude act wasn’t working. He may have fallen to the dark, but that didn’t mean he lost his sense of humor.

“Okkeus, Okkeus Dainlei. Resident dark-sider. You got a name?”

He noticed the man slip a small keycard into his pocket. No idea what it was for. But he decided to take note of it.

His right hand extended out for a shake.

Drifter Drifter
Ah. Right. A name. One had to have those to be among social beings.

Still crouching low, the man extended his gloved hand to clasp Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei 's own. A firm shake and the usual measuring up between guys ensued. So, the kid was a Darksider. A casual inspection that searched for corruption brought back the knowledge that Okkeus had barely dipped his toes into that dark pond or he was some high-level master who managed to keep up the facade of a pretty boy.

He sure hoped the former because he was already up to his neck dealing with Sith Masters and a former Moross God.

[ Drifter. I'd say the pleasure is mine -- actually, yeah the pleasure is mine, you saved my ass. ] he gave gratitude when it was due. Sure, the kid might be a little overzealous but there was a distinct nagging in the back of his mind that odds were the hunter wouldn't have been able to take care of all seven at once. Well, not without some serious repercussions.

He got to his feet. Now to try and break into a security room.

He's young. Moldable.

Shut up.

[ You don't look like a Darksider. ]
of course, he had to ask. Why not. Be nosy. Maybe it was because he was already fighting his own demons.

However, before that could be answered, a call out from behind informed them of new arrivals. The bouncers. Two huge Gammorians and a Trandoshan.

Drifter had a firm handshake. Good, so that meant it wasn’t a girl under that armor and mask. Not that a girl would be bad, but it was so much easier to fight with a dude.

“No, no, the pleasure is mine. Kicking ass is always fun.”

After a small laugh he watched as Drifter got to his feet. The man got to his feet and went over to the security room. He wondered if the man was a part of Darkwire? Dealing with them in the past, he knew first hand that your partners may as well stab you in the back. Fortunately, he had the better stabby-tool.

The lightsaber bounced against his hip as he walked. He hadn’t had it for long, but it was serving him well. Leaving behind his old blue and white sabers he settled for the much better red one.

“You don’t look like a Darksider.”

Guess that was true. An energetic, joke-telling, frizzy haired teenager didn’t exactly scream “Sith”.

Before he could answer he turned around to see two Gammorians and a Trandoshan standing there, obviously mad. He unclipped his a held it in his robotic hand. Lifting it up he waved it around in front of him, taunting the trio.

“Guys, I don’t think you want to do this. Maybe that is just me.”

The Trandoshan growled. Oh well. He turned the saber on

“Guess it is just you guys.”

Drifter Drifter
There was this balancing act with morality. One voice reminded Drifter of his training. His past and family. Duty and responsibility. Another was just fed up with all the bullshit he had to put up to get the information he needed. The past few months had been like pulling teeth. Barely any information, as if all trace of Nohei had vanished. Gone. Nothing at her shop but a thick layer of dust. Nothing from her messages before they stopped. Zilch from anyone that could give him one fucking bloody clue. Even his creations had turned against him, the very armor, weapons, and focuses he'd created no longer able to help.

It was as if his very core and identity that made him had been completely stripped away.

All was great with jokes, but now he had enough. Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei had once again ignited his saber, the scent of ozone thick in the air. However, for the man in the full polarized helm. He had enough. Anger rose, thrumming through his veins like wildfire. From under the visor, twin orbs would glow with the color of the Tatooine suns, the Darkside licking and kissing through his being. A rush of energy and a call of the Force through his organic arm set it extending out in a telekinetic blast that would jut out with the intent to slam the trio back against the wall.

As soon as he did so, Drifter let out another curse. [ oh for feth's sake! ] was it at the bouncers or himself? It was up in the air. It didn't matter. He had one key objective. To get into the security room and the entire lot looking to stop him could die in Erebos' consuming grasp.
Something had clicked in Drifter Drifter . He wasn’t sure what it was, but the man had all of a sudden became very enraged and anger. He extended out his arm. Suddenly a blast of energy shot from it, sending the trio flying toward the back wall. They came crashing into it, then falling to the floor.

“Oh, ok then. You can have all the fun.”

Deactivating his lightsaber he shut it off, then clicked it to his belt. Turning he saw Drifter break into the security room quickly, obviously after something. He decided to follow.

“Hey uh, Drifter? What was that all about?”

Drifter Drifter
What was this all about?

There was no mistaking the purposeful swipe of the keycard. It beeped red, not registering. He swiped it again. Again, that taunting red indicator light would be a red flag taunting a Reek.

What. Was. This. All. About?

You did well, Draith. Take what you need.

Underneath the helm, the man closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, trying to control himself. It failed. Snapping his eyes open, orange eyes would flicker between the silver-green of the Sith imprinted within his body and mind. There was a razor-sharp focus on his objective. Nohei.

[ I just want information. Just wanted some damn access to the holosecurity feeds. Is that so much to fething ask? ] gone was the sarcastic joviality, the witty quips. In their stead was a man whose sole focus was now being entirely fed by the coils of the Darkside. However, there was a distinct sensation of the presence of another. Coiling clashing energies that stirred within.

Another vicious swipe. Hell, had he used any more strength with his arm, he might have very well ripped the scanner off the wall.

Again. It beeped in error.
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He waited a couple of seconds for the man’s reply. It never came. Anger could be sensed rising inside of the man. This didn’t seem like the man he fought together with mere minutes ago.

“I just want information. Just wanted some damn access to the holosecurity feeds. Is that so much to fething ask?”

Taking a step back he processed what the man said. Drifter seemed frustrated, but not at the door. He continued to viciously swiping the key card, trying to open the door. Yet again he unclipped his lightsaber.

“Here, I got it.”

Cautiously he switched it on. Aiming the blade at the door he cut out a large hole. Once he was finished he pushed out the center, revealing a dark entrance. Switching off his lightsaber he waved his hand toward the entrance.

“After you I guess.”

Drifter Drifter
It was a good thing that Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei had taken the initiative. By then, the man's chest was rising and falling with a ragged breath, as if barely able to contain himself.

Frustration fed the machine. It was a terrible cycle. One will clashing against the other. Temptation slithering within, snaking its tendrils deeper into his skin. Gloved hands rose to press against the visor of his helm, and if he didn't have it on, Drifter would have pinched at the bridge of his nose.

Laughter echoed in the depths of his mind. Your mind is so busy, I know it is hard to stay still.

A woman's voice would murmur encouragement. A snapshot of the past.

Breathe, Draith. Focus. You have to center yourself. Let the Force guide you.

A deep breath. He let it in, letting the filtered air get into his lungs. Opening his eyes, those orange orbs would drift over to the young man beside him. A sense of sheepishness rose, along with a weary, mocking sigh.

[ I owe you a drink. ] Drifter told him. Ducking his head to step inside the security room, that modulated voice added, with a gesture of two fingers [ Two drinks! ]

It was as if the original wise-crack had returned again. Straightening to his full height, the polarized visor took sight of the two Duro security guards holding out their blaster pistols.

"Stay away!" One cried out in warning, his mottled blue and green skin reflecting the thin sheen of sweat over his bald head.

"We have called more guards! You will die tonight! Do you know whose bar you are attacking!?'

Drifter gave an indifferent shrug of his shoulder, like a little kid who didn't understand the ramifications of his actions. There were distinct objectives in his mine.

[ Nope, don't really care. But if you just leave me alone and let me get your holovideo archives. We can-- ] enter finger guns to point exiting right [ Be right on our merry way!]

Thumbs up were flashed for extra encouragement. Whether or not it worked remained to be seen.
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Drifter seemed to calm down after the door was opened. Unsure of what happen he just followed the man, seeing if he could help him.

“I owe you a drink. Two drinks!”

Gladly the man’s sense of humor returned. Back to normal, or at least the normal he had seen. When they stepped inside they were created with two Duros and pointed blasters.

After the Duros let out some unconvincing cries he watched Drifter just shrug them off.

“Nope, don't really care. But if you just leave me alone and let me get your holovideo archives. We can--be right on our merry way!!”

Some laughter came from him as the Duros whore a confused look on their faces. Drifter pointed finger guns at them, trying to lighten the mood. But the Duros didn’t seem to take the hint. Well, his turn.

Stepping forward he lifted his hands, walking toward the duo.

“Guys guys, relax. There is no need to be...shocked.”

Sending out two quick lightning bolts from his hands they struck the Duros, quickly knocking them out.

“What was their problem?”

Drifter Drifter
What at a little overkill? Mayyyyybe.

At least they were still alive, if slightly charred. His conscious nagged at him, but Drifter did his best to shove it away. Not right now. He had a goal and it would be easier to get it done without anyone trying to stop him every step of the way.

Ends justify the means. Well, when it came to those close to him. That was the one hypocritical critique one could lug at him.

Nonetheless, the shocking pun was so much of a dad joke that the man couldn't help but chuckle. Turning towards Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei , his head went tilting to the right in amusement, modular voice adding, [ Did you just say a dad joke? ]

The chuckle continued, as did Drifter sauntering his way over towards the security data computer and the multitude of screens. There were many holofeeds that would lead to this particular security room. The local Hutt had to ensure that each room was covered in the event of needing to utilize blackmail or some sort of extortion. He was banking on this being the reason that they would not overwrite the databanks and instead keep a filing system.

[ At this rate, I'm going to have to get you a steak and potatoes plate. ] Drifter told him, stopping in front of the console only to bent forward. Okay, this should be pretty basic right?

He paused, then scratched the top of his helm. Turning towards Okkeus he asked, [ You... wouldn't know how to slice into this thing to get a download of holovideo archives would you?]

Goes to show you that he might have conducted this plan by pulling it out of his ass.
“Did you just say a dad joke?”

He couldn’t help but laugh. It was true, he did just tell a dad joke. In fact, it was just meant to be a regular one. But nonetheless, they got a good laugh.

“Yeah, I did. Just my type of humor!”

Drifter made his way over to the computer as he started to fiddle with it. The man types away, trying to access something. One of the Duros let out a small groan. Sending out a small bolt his head hit the floor, passing out. He chuckled.

“At this rate, I'm going to have to get you a steak and potatoes plate.”

“Well you better pick up your game then! Sooner or later I’m going to see a new starship in my future!”

Continuing to joke around was a good sign. They were both back on good terms. Drifter was a good man, and he could see them maybe working together in the future. But best not get ahead of himself. Lasting relationships weren’t currently his thing.

The man took a step back from the computer, rubbing his helmet.

“You... wouldn't know how to slice into this thing to get a download of holovideo archives would you?”

Some of his hacking skills stuck with him when he became a Jedi. But he was most definitely rusty.

“I’ll give it a try. But hey, no promises.”

Walking to the computer he started his work. The files were very much protected. What was in them? But he continued, trying to hack into them. After what seemed like an eternity he found an opening.

He took a step back from the computer, raising his fist in accomplish.

“Haha, I think I got it!”

Drifter Drifter
Enter a match in fist pump.


[ Score one for the underdogs. I owe you. Big time. ] Drifter told him, and the wealth of emotion that would cost that empathic line was enough to provoke intrigue. [ Not quite a ship, but maybe we can talk favors.]

Digging into a small pocket at his hip, Drifter would pluck out a slim data stick.

[Small, but mighty!] he told Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei with a quip, adding, [ That is not what she said. Just for the record.]

Inserting it into the data computer, the man set his hands onto the keyboard and began his search. There was no time to waste so he basically headed for the folders that would contain the compressed archive files.

There were so many.

[ Feth it.] selecting a date where he knew he last saw Nohei, he clicked and dragged the bulk selection to transfer to the data stick. It would take at least three minutes.
Excitement was rushing over the man, he could sense it. Whatever information Drifter needed he had found. A small data chip came put of the man's pocket. Lifting it up he got a good view of it.

"Small, but mighty!"

You know, you can't just say those things. But before his mouth could even open Drifter shot back.

"That is not what she said. Just for the record."

Nerf. And it was the perfect setup too. Laughing anyways he watched as man inserted the chip into the computer. The screen flashed before he say the download bar appeear. It seemed to be moving at a Bantha's pace, so he decided to make small talk.

"So, what is on that computer? Must be pretty important."

Drifter Drifter

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