
N A R // S H A D D A
[ Can't we talk about this guys?] the metallic voice would call out, eyeballing through the polarized helm the seven Kadas'sa'Nikto at the bar.
[ Just looking for some --] The punch from the Kadas'sa'Nikto struck Drifter right on the lower jaw, sending him flying back to crash against another table, sending the contents of the drinks and the half-naked escorts darting to all different directions.
Guess not...
The pain would lance along his back and he was sure that despite the armor he wore, there was a bruise or two that would bloom there shortly. One hand came up, flexing his jaw from right to left, hearing a crack. A weary sigh fell from his mouth, and he gave a cant of his head from left to right as if to say, alright, so we are doing this.
[So you want to dance?] Feth it, why not? At this point, he was frustrated, pissed, and right now, itching for a fight. Cracking his knuckles, Drifter would stagger to his feet, gesturing with the universal sign of open arm - since he only had one.
[ Let's dance.]
With that taunt, it was all it took for the fight to break out.
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