There was no hiding the heavy snort of amusement that came from the man. As
Okkeus Dainlei
gave a zap out to the guards, he noticed the color hue. So not quite that into the Darkside yet. Interesting. Not to mention the kid also was out of an arm. The similarities were... eerie.
[ Does this mean I'll get a thank-you kiss at the end? ] Drifter quipped back, adding with notable amusement as he crouched up, sending another wave of potshots towards the scattered guards. The man's backward path would send them closer towards the far edge of the roof, where the air highway lay. The movement just beyond of a rubbish hover truck sealed his decision. This was going to be a tight timeline.
[ Up you go. I'll cover you! Quickly!] Drifter told him, moving backward as his single arm was held out, blaster in hand. [ So, I know we've only known each other for a bit, but I think -- ] another orange blaster bolt went downrange, striking a guard on the shoulder. [ -- we can take it to the next level. ]
Oh, this was not going to be good. There was notable mischief radiating within that mechanized drone.
Off along the side, the rubbish hover truck drew closer, its bed open with trash from the buildings nearby. It was automated and would go a set path at a set pace.

[ Does this mean I'll get a thank-you kiss at the end? ] Drifter quipped back, adding with notable amusement as he crouched up, sending another wave of potshots towards the scattered guards. The man's backward path would send them closer towards the far edge of the roof, where the air highway lay. The movement just beyond of a rubbish hover truck sealed his decision. This was going to be a tight timeline.
[ Up you go. I'll cover you! Quickly!] Drifter told him, moving backward as his single arm was held out, blaster in hand. [ So, I know we've only known each other for a bit, but I think -- ] another orange blaster bolt went downrange, striking a guard on the shoulder. [ -- we can take it to the next level. ]
Oh, this was not going to be good. There was notable mischief radiating within that mechanized drone.
Off along the side, the rubbish hover truck drew closer, its bed open with trash from the buildings nearby. It was automated and would go a set path at a set pace.