Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Sucker Punch

There was no hiding the heavy snort of amusement that came from the man. As Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei gave a zap out to the guards, he noticed the color hue. So not quite that into the Darkside yet. Interesting. Not to mention the kid also was out of an arm. The similarities were... eerie.

[ Does this mean I'll get a thank-you kiss at the end? ] Drifter quipped back, adding with notable amusement as he crouched up, sending another wave of potshots towards the scattered guards. The man's backward path would send them closer towards the far edge of the roof, where the air highway lay. The movement just beyond of a rubbish hover truck sealed his decision. This was going to be a tight timeline.

[ Up you go. I'll cover you! Quickly!] Drifter told him, moving backward as his single arm was held out, blaster in hand. [ So, I know we've only known each other for a bit, but I think -- ] another orange blaster bolt went downrange, striking a guard on the shoulder. [ -- we can take it to the next level. ]

Oh, this was not going to be good. There was notable mischief radiating within that mechanized drone.

Off along the side, the rubbish hover truck drew closer, its bed open with trash from the buildings nearby. It was automated and would go a set path at a set pace.
As the duo continued dodging the blaster fire, they had made their way to the top of a building. Wind rushed passed him as traffic sped by.

"Either the dinner or the kiss, your pick."

No matter what their circumstances may be, it seemed as the sense of humor between the two would never die. It felt like the two were best friends, having known each other for many years. He hadn't had that feeling since his old Padawan left.

He watched as Drifter's head looked out upon the air highway. That was when he found it. The man had spotted a trash truck coming straight for them. If their timing was rights they could jump in, escaping the guards. If they missed, well then they will have enough time to gather their thoughts on the fall downward.

"Drifter, uh yeah sorry no. I mean, I'm a guy, I think your a guy, so I don't think this will wo..."

With his ranting they nearly missed the trash truck. Placing a hand on Drifter's back he tried pushing him forward, making them jump together. He sprang off of the roof as he aimed for the truck.

Oh for the love of force please make it...

Drifter Drifter
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[ Holy --] the strangled curse that would rip out of Drifter's mouth would fade as the man went falling down four stories. His one arm would flail, losing grip of his blaster.

Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei had sent him over the brink without so much as a by your leave. Not to self, pay him back tenfold.

The air would rush over him, whipping about, until the sudden crash of his body sent him sinking into the lovely, aromatic, rotten, rubbish heap in the bed of the hover trash truck. A multicolor series of bags would surround him, a few were untied, hell a black, slimy banana peel stuck to the side of his visor, smearing it with its sickly, sweet slime.

If Alex were here, she'd never let him live this down. Glancing up, he did his best to try to wade up to get a good look. Did Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei follow him? He sure hoped so.

Otherwise, how was he gonna make fun about tossing him over without even buying him dinner first?

Though the cool breeze felt nice on his injured right shoulder, there was much more important matters at hand. The two flailed though the air like two Airwhas learning how to fly. He watched as Drifter's gun floated in front of his chest. Using his good arm he swung out and grabbed it. Someone needed to start keeping track of all the things they owed each other.

Spinning himself around mid air his back now faced the open sky. Thinking about it now this was probably a bad idea. If he missed the truck he was screwed. But thankfully he was comforted by multiple colored bags that cushioned his fall. One of the bags cut open as green liquid ran down his leg. Gross.

Soon the building was shrinking in the distance as the duo sped off. Honesty he had no idea where to go next. Or if Drifter was even in the truck. Crap.

Scrambling around he quickly peered to his left where he saw the man laying down. Chuckling he fell back into the trash, relieved

"Well that was fun."

Drifter Drifter
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