Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Su'cuy everyone! I'm new :)

Peace offers the potential for many things: creativity, trade, rest and relaxation. War is good for one thing only: violence and more violence. Cities burn, people die, civilisations vanish into the dust, and at the end of it all, what are we left with? Memories of terror, blood and anguish. Hope that keeps you warm at night, because it sure as hell won't leave you fulfilled. Those who crave killing simply want more - never satisfied, and never likely to be. 'tis a vicious cycle that leaves you no room for peace of mind.

Me, I prefer the cookies.
Welcome, Darkpane! I'm new, too and I love it here so far. Hope you will, too!
I second Tegaea on the Omega Pyre thing - great faction. Full of badass redheads and now up by one dancer. Join us! *does a little shake* ;)
See you around the boards.
Do bear in mind that Malica might have a darker side. She might 'shake it' to entice you, but only so you get close enough that she can kiss you and slide a vibroblade softly between your ribs as she does it. I suppose most of the male members around here would consider that a 'perfect' death, yes?
All armour has joints in it - if it didn't, you'd be unable to move. Groin, neck or armpits - best way to whack at a major artery through the joints of your suit. I don't care what it's made of or how pretty it looks. If it's armour, it's got vulnerable spots, same as you. Happy coincidence that many of them are in the same places :)


*covers crotch and shakes head* Noooooo Back off.

@Equa I used It as a referance photo if you want me to change it to the one as my profile I currently have then I can.

Ava Solborne

No... That's not a problem. I just understood, that your new faction is the Halo thing Yoda, oops, Teferi was talking about.


Yes about this we are currently stopping our faction growth and evaluating what we exactly are standing for, are set up as super soldiers (strenghts ad weakness), and to make sure that we dont cross any Halo company lines, or Star Wars RP lines. If you have any more questions just PM me or The Meta. I dont want to flood this thread.
Don't listen to Alpha about Project Freelancers. He was momentarily distracted. ;) Everyone knows that Omega Pyre is the best faction!

It seems like Teynara might have some darker tendencies of her own that she's getting out vicariously through me....You'd make quite the dancer Teynara, if you weren't a Jedi. Maybe I could show you some moves sometime. Or perhaps we could seduce a Sith together and stick a vibroblade in him as he sleeps? Does that count as part of your Jedi code?

Or maybe we should just eat one of Bane's "special" brownies and play video games. I'm all for that. Omnomnom. ^^

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