Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sudden Long LOA 7th to the 16th (Torra, Nox)


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Yeah, something pretty major came up, and it's going to take me from the board from the seventh to the sixteenth. I'll try to post, but I doubt they have service where I'm going, so expect posting whatsoever to be non-existent.

People this affects as Nyx:
[member="Spencer Jacobs"], our thread will have to wait until I get back. I don't want to start something only to leave it for that long and lose interest.

[member="Pavor Clauditis"], our thread will have to be put on hold as well.

[member="Solan Charr"], our training thread will have to wait, but feel free to move on in the skirmish without me.

[member="Noah Corek"], I won't be able to post in the invasion. Feel free to find a new opponent, if you feel that's too long a time to wait.

People this affects as @Nox:
Sith Assassins, our faction thread will have to wait as well.

Covenant of the Black Rose, I'll have to get more involved when I get back.

People this affects as [member="Torra Orion"]:
[member="Matsu Ike"], I won't be able to respond in our current thread until I get back once I leave.

I'll try to post at least once in all of my threads before I leave.

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