Kira Talith
Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee

"Whatever Anil Kesh can imagine Vur Tepe can make real."
S U L L E S TJ E D I A C A D E M Y | H O U S E E G L A R E S T
The newly constructed Sullust Jedi Academy House is now open!
The Headmaster of House Eglarest would like to cordially invite all Jedi Academy students and professors to join with the Galactic Alliance and Fringe Force Groups for a social mingle. Find a master, join a specialized group, or simply enjoy the buffet table!
House Eglarest is molded after the ancient Je'daii temple of Vur Tepe.
Taking inspiration from the ancient Jedaii Temple of Vur Tepe, House Eglarest came to be. Moderate sized, this academy would utilize the deep volcanic hotsprings and slow moving volcanic eruptions to create natural forges. While it catered to various areas,, it’s specialty lay in being a place of study where students learned the ways of the Force through metallurgy and the construction of tools and weapons.
Under the guidance of the council of Masters and through the advisement of several alchemists and metallurgists, the establishment of a massive brick and stone temple was set on the lip of the active underground caldera. A monument to the art of metallurgy, the students of the new Eglarest Jedi House Academy would craft their weapons in the fires of the Sullust volcano; the bottom of the temple formed an interior dome which harnessed the heat from the flowing lava to power the forges.
Within the halls of Eglarest, the House Masters would focus on practical applications; focusing on the ways in which the Force could be applied to create or improve physical things. The House Masters served as stewards of the facility and oversaw its functions, instructed students in the finer points of craftsmanship and encouraged new discoveries.
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Galactic Alliance : The Dawn of Vur Tepe