Isar had spent more time on Sullust as of late than he would have ordinarily preferred. [member="Aeron Kreelan"], true to her stubborn as feth nature, had taken considerable coaxing and no small amount of outright brute strength to get to the medical facility upon their return from Hoth. She had needed to be kept overnight or anything, but there were certainly some elements of recovery. Their reprieve from the work of safeguarding the defenseless of the galaxy, a thankless, nigh on impossible, but necessary task, had lasted perhaps a day.
Anywhere from ten to twelve hours of his day were spent with Aeron covering a wide range of topics and studies, but that wasn't where the real meet of his development occurred. It was in the hours of self-study, additional sparring, and physical training that Isar found himself most exhausted. The regimen he was used to. However, in the past his training had been for very limited scope purposes and his mind...well...let's just say he used to have a compartmentalized perception of his past life. A mostly inaccurate perception at that.
As a few others apparently had, Isar had taken it upon himself to investigate the entrance of [member="Ashin Varanin"] and her associates. He'd not seen the entrance, but it was quite literally impossible not to feel the arrival. It was as if someone had ripped open the very fabric of the galaxy and stepped through. Around the time Isar arrived, it said tear had just sealed behind them.
He was in time at least to hear the statement made by [member="Jade Whisperwind"]. Isar recognized the woman from the re-opening of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. They'd even had a very intelligent, level-headed conversation. Seemed as though that reality might be past and opening now.
Stepping forward, Isar elevated his voice to be heard, glacier-blue eyes burning with intensity in the direction of the...visitors and Padawan Whisperwind. The Kiffar-Naboo hybrid exhaled steadily, completely unaware that Ashin may well have recognized him be it from similar appearance to his father or some other means of familiarity with Naboo nobility. "Forgive her," Isar started to Ashin in reference to Jade but elected not to utilize any names.
Firmly, Isar placed a hand on Jade's shoulder indicating that she would probably, you know, die if she continued down this path. "She is a very spirited member of the Order." The...not our as Isar, as of yet, had applied for no real official membership. "However, she is acutely aware that any armed conflict here, now, is largely unnecessary."
A pause.
In this instance, Ashin had them at a disadvantage. Sure, the New Jedi Order had numbers on their side...for now. What if this was merely designed to draw them in for a follow-on attack. No. The sooner Ashin departed, the better. Merely Isar's opinion, however.
Silently, Isar communicated a simple thought directly into Jade's mind. You know she just tore through the fething sky, and you think the logical decision is to challenge her to a duel? I'll let you in on a secret. A brief, superfluous so-called stain to your honor won't kill you. Stupidity, however, just might do the trick.
[member="Spencer Varanin"] | [member="Ria Misrani"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Doctor Alura Omen"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]