Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sunny Side

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Kesh

Kesh the wonderful place she had heard about, the lost tribe had roots here and so did the species from Asobi. THeir ability to travel this far a very important thing though in the long run as she was moving with a lot of her attention on things all around them. She had come out this far to well help the people and see what all the commotion was about while she was bringing food, drink and supplies in case of things. With the new improved sections of Sasori they had converters up and running that could make just about anything they needed. The ships and buildings they made wanted for nothing even air so why not share with the people of Kesh.
The world of Kesh was something to see and even she could appreciate the beauty of the world despite the problems it had... namely the would be king but she could bore others with that later. Slowly the hoverchair with the girl in it went while she had her curtain of white hair hiding her shoulders and chest. Scars and cracks on her face before she inched forward with the crowd. "What is going on." Her voice came out soft while she was looking at the ship arriving and unloading things. "Soemone is bringing in supplies to help us and sell things." Well that was a way to do it and well she had heard good things about the black rose but they couldn't be everywhere while she looked forward.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There were more people gathering as they continued to unload supplies. Taking in the sight of the city as everything came to her the jedi master was glad while they started giving out boots and clothing. The robes were there as well with food. A smile appearing on her face while she set up more of the things before she saw some of the traders. The real ones she wanted to meet with while plying soppme of their stones or sending out the drones. The legends of the crystals here on the planet well they were worth it and any untapped mines or resources would prove invaluable to the cause o Sasori having a foothold to explore. "Welcome all to the shop."
Misha continued going forward while most of her attention was now on getting some food. Some of the people making a small path for her to get through and allow her hover chair when she finally saw who was bringing them things and it was a jedi as was was thinking how best to prepare herself. That they were here offering clothing and meals to people meant something was going on but she couldn't for the life of herself figure it out while she was handed some food and the ghostly white woman looked at some of the jedi bowing her head. "Thank you." She said it with a raspy voice moving along and watching everything going on.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu continued to work on some of the things getting another crate out as some of the people they were meeting with arrived and she spoke to them. "Thank you for meeting us out here." The men looked at her while they were showing some of the crystals and Matsu noticed one of the ones was in a hover chair as she moved. "Yes this was most irregular but we weren't going to turn down a chance for better trade and deals. With the right work we can work the crystals we mine as well as the metals and ores into something for credits and food. Or better yet armors we can use." Matsu nodded her head in agreement as she was looking over some of the things handing another can of rations to the people.
Misha saw then and was heading back but she had overheard enough to understand. There was a lot more going on it seemed then had originally been let on. They were here for the people but also to make a lot of business deals that would well explain it, while feeding the poor and hungry was good there was always a way to have a benefit and if you got them to be there with you while doing it so they would look like terrible people not wanting business for their planet all the better. It was smarter andn harder for doing business she could get behidn and support while looking over some of the things they had going on in the city.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu continued to talk with the mn there, all of their work going itno getting her the crystal and ore mines they could as well as some storefronts in the city. Sasori could do a lot and bringing in credits to help with everything as well as supplies they could use. That she wasn't charging to import it or for them to buy it helped since this was meant for all of the people here and they could distribute to everything. "Thank you, we'll be more then happy to supply the local workers with new mining equipment to handle the job as well as construction for housing. We want those who work for us taken care of and comfortable. Happy workers make better products and want to find more things."
Misha continued to head back while she was eating some of the food, it was actually pretty tasty as more of the people got it and dispersed allowing more to go through. The ones who needed food and the ones who needed clothing had formed into different groups allowing it to become a very nice efficient set of movement. Groups were now sitting before making places they could all do some of the things with the space for her chair opened to sit in. "Thank you." Her voice was raspy enjoying some of the sight they had all around them until she smiled amused. "These jedi might be a problem later on but it will be hard to win hearts and minds when they go to the hearts of the people on the planet."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Good all the crystals and mining rights we can get." The deal was finalized and looking over more of it Matsu was setting up with some of the droids where to make the mines as well as the quarters for the workers to stay. "Very nice work thank you." Matsu was shaking their hands while remaining there with the hungry getting fed and she stayed at it until the line had died down with herself able to sit down while she relaxed a little allowing parts of her hair to rest on the ramp of the lander. Matsu laid there looking at the empty crates the locals were planning to use for the first shipments they would get to take back with them. It would need the droid and processing ships to organize it better.
The whole experience she had to admit wasn't terrible but not exactly something she would want to do again. The woman usually got ignored because of her condition copared to if she had been walking around and radiating the darkside of the force. instead she focused the force energies to just keep herself from feeling the pain while finishing the fod and going back towards the building she was in to operate and observe out here rather then fight. Eventually she'll have a chance to go after and attack some of the ones before long.

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