Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Supply Runs


Disney's Princess

She wasn't fired. The Captain was just wondering about his, (as of now,) completely destroyed sitting parlor. And, no. Crushing Andy's headset was not personal. Heck. It wasn't even business. It was an absolute necessity to keep him from destroying this entire ship. Clearly. Clearly, his powers were out of control. Unchecked. Worse yet. He didn't even know how powerful they could get? Ugh. What if he listened to the wrong song or the wrong beat and suddenly, the whole ship exploded?

Gods. Kat couldn't handle this. This was just too much.

"How should I know what's going on?" She stammered, "Let's recap, shall we? You're a stranger. Who came out of the night to ask for a ride. And who is now destroying another man's ship with Force Powers he doesn't even know how to control. End of story. ...Andy? What part of any of that makes sense? Do you think Jedi Knights just know how to handle situations like this? What am I suppose to do. Fix you?"

She began pacing around near the window. Furious again. Not even her calming techniques were working now.

"Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to escort you to Mercury Station and then you are going to catch a ride back to Monastery. Alone. There. You will approach Bethany Kismet about seeking to control your powers. Or,.. I will alert the Jedi Council of Sullust to purge you of your powers. Completely."

It was called Sever Force. A power that could seperate a Jedi from his connection to the Force. And, it just so happened that Kat knew another woman who could do it. That would keep Andy from destroying anything else. If only as a last resort.

"Can you do that Andy? Can you find a ride back to Monastery and talk with her? Because otherwise. Gosh. You're danger to anybody who even comes close to you. A walking time bomb of... I don't know... Music maybe? Ugh."

What a terrible, terrible day.

[member="Andy Khor"]
She talk serious about the subject. And after the threat of taking away his powers, he crossed his arms "Alright i´ll do that. No music and going to the Monastery...after i get my equipment in Mercury Station" said not in a daring way, but Andy wasnt the type of guy that would just nod against a threat. Even if that meant dead to him, he would fight. But he wasnt stupid or in search for a death wish. He thought about a song that calm his nerves down and it worked.

Andy closed his eyes for a moment and in a moment he was calm. Although he saw that the music he was thinking feel similar to the one heard, he didnt try using the force "Well if this brings a master that can teach me to use the control the force" with that being said, he retreat to his room.

Once he was away from Kat he took out the small ball from his pocket and try thinking of music, then on levitating the ball. It lift a few centimeters up. When he felt it wa going to be out of control he stopped thinking of it and the ball just fall in his hand "This is interesting. Depends on the kind of music then...just as she said" thought.

[member='Kat Rivers']


Disney's Princess
Kat spent the next few minutes away from [member="Andy Khor"] . It gave her a chance to speak with the Captain and update him as to the situation. Yes. He was angry. However, it just so happened that Andy's travel fare would pay for the damages. I guess they both got lucky in that regard.

The ship docked at Mercury Station mere minutes later. Kat was near the unloading ramp and waiting for Andy to join her. Alas. She could already feel Mr. Khor manipulating the Force again in his room. As a skilled Knight, Kat could sense such untempered manipulations of the energy field. Damn. Not surprisingly either, it told her two things. One. That Andy could use the Force without his headset. And two. That he was probably lying to her this whole time about the music thing. Great.

Kat waited for Andy by the exit door to the ship. It time for them to enter the Station.
Him thinking in music didnt worked that well. He could use the force and stop it if he wanted, but it wasnt as strong as when listening to music with a headset. It was more distracting he suppose. Although he could think in a lot of tasks at a time, thinking a whole song and thinking about lifting things using the force was a mix too confusing for him.

For now he would stop doing that, and walk towards ramp. After picking the equipment he would take the first flight back to the sanctuary...or maybe try the table at a party club. Either way he had the pickup address from Hex, so everything would come out good. Andy met with Kat. She was waiting for him "At least i didnt destroy the ship" said stretching his arms

"What are you doing here? Are you going to escort me into the station? I dont think i can hurt anyone...Oh and i discovered that i can use the force in a clumsy way if i think a song, and at least i can stop it now"

[member='Kat Rivers']


Disney's Princess
Kat frowned,

"Good for you. And no, I'm not here to escort you anywhere. I'm here to close the door behind you. Captain's orders."

And so it was that Andy left the ship and ventured into Mercury Station. Leaving Kat to close the blast door behind him with a loud ssspt. The End.


[member="Andy Khor"]
*ooc: exit thread

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