Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suro'kalist Csapla


NAME: Suro'kalist Csapala
FACTION: Iron Empire



AGE: 25

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2 Meters

WEIGHT: 175 Lbs


HAIR: Jet Black

SKIN: Blue

FORCE SENSITIVE: Non-Force Sensitive


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Cunning mind for battle tactics - In larger scale battles Suro has the innate ability of being able to keep track of both Micro-interactions and macro-interactions almost flawlessly, making him a very well placed Admiral.

Nobility - For some this is a weakness, for some a strength, the reason that this gives him strength is the ability to be political in times where it's needed - he's very well versed in political discourse.
Weaknesses: Lack of the Force - Obviously without being able to use the force in close hand to hand or any type of close combat he's at an extreme Disadvantage when fighting a force user
Vanity - Suro is under the impression that the Chiss are meant to be the rulers of the galaxy and almost did it with the Chiss Ascendancy
Ground Combat - Suro out right refuses to engage in ground combat, he doesn't have an issue with directing it from the safety of a vessel in space; however, does not want to be one of the generals staging the attack on the ground, it's too bloody for him.
Paranoia - Suro can at times believe that the entire galaxy is out to get him and so will at times lash out to those closest to him if he feels he's being teamed up on.

Always militaristically dressed, even in social gatherings he feels the need to represent the fact that he's apart of a Military/Navy. Being a Noble of Cioral he also prides himself on having proper posture constantly.


Suro grew up a noble on Cioral a vassal planet of the former Chiss Ascendancy and one of the planets under the control of the Chiss Former Ruling Families. Being located on the Path of Houses a hyperlane running directly through the system Suro was exposed to many different types of cultures as well as traders coming in and out of the system.

However, being a Noble he had a typical normal upbringing that you would suspect of a Noble child. He was quite sheltered from the wars being waged in the rest of the galaxy between the Sith and or external factions attempting to destroy sentient life. His mother and father were more or less the ruling local covernment on Cioral and were busy for the majority of his child hood keeping the peace and making sure that their people were well fed and well taken care of - due to this Suro ended up reading a lot of literature on Naval battles in particular.

Upon becoming of age for University Suro attended the University of Sanbra and enrolled in their Naval Commandant School. While the University of Sanbra is typically known for their sentientologist and xenobiology programs their Naval school is unrivalled by most in the galaxy and perhaps only rivalled by the Galactic Empire military schools.

Suro graduated top of his class from Sanbra and wears that title proudly making sure that everyone who knows about him knows that he was top of his class. The competition was stiff, but none who were there were as dedicated to victory as Suro'kalist Csapla was.


Sekotan Personal Starship -

Will reguarly update this.

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