Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Survivors

Having more or less lived in this training center over the past week, Tydeus took fastidious care of it. Every training weapon was magnetically clipped into place. Every weight secured but those in use. When the world tilted, Tydeus slid along the floor and winced as two weights he’d had tied around his ankles earlier for pull-ups slammed into the wall.

Gesturing, he levitated those plates back into their racks with a thought and exertion of will, then his pale gray eyes turned to Sol Dara. He glanced at the training saber in his hand, then nodded. If there was a threat waiting for them, it would have to do.

He followed Sol Dara out of the room and in moments they’d sprinted through mostly empty corridors and skidded to a halt at Bay 3.

Sol Dara Sol Dara | Dezorath Barcu Dezorath Barcu | Bernard Bernard | Kyric Kyric | Laphisto Laphisto | Ali Kare Ali Kare
The ship lurched. It executed abrupt evasive maneuvers, causing the inertial dampeners to strain under the unexpected forces. In the cavernous hangar bay, stacks of cargo and equipment slid precariously, some crashing into each other with loud metallic clangs, while others tumbled towards one side of the room.

Other crew members, mostly near-humans, were caught off guard, their bodies jerked sharply with the transition. They stumbled, struggled to regain their footing, and clung desperately to any available handholds. Shouts and cries of alarm echoed through the bay as personnel tried to steady themselves and prevent further chaos.

Dezorath on the other hand. His towering form remained remarkably composed amidst the turmoil. As the ship began its sudden shift, Dezorath moved with an almost preternatural grace. His steps were deliberate and minimal, only two needed to maintain his balance. It was as if he anticipated the ship's motions before they could be felt.

" Mmm. You lead and I will follow."

And that was what he did. He followed after Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion and Sol Dara Sol Dara gripping a training blade and lifting it up to rest on one shoulder of his armor.

Tags: Kyric Kyric Bernard Bernard Laphisto Laphisto Ali Kare Ali Kare
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto rocked and groaned against the inside of the escape pod, grabbing at his head and shaking it with a small rumble, he looked out. And counted one, two. Three- sixteen pods in total. A small frown rolling along his face as he sat down in one of the seats. While each pod could hold approximately ten people, - more if they crammed in there - his mind looked to his own pod, which only held five crew members. They would be lucky to have the pods at max capacity, let alone more than one person. With a soft sigh laphisto looked over to the pod's console and got himself up, walking to the pilot's seat and tapping at the console, trying to bring communications online though failing and only able top bring the pod's distress beacon online "well now we wait for our saviors it seems. "

And there they waited, each pod being recovered and transported back to the star destroyer. Once his pod sat down, he made sure he was the first to step out into the light, blinking away the overhanging lights and glancing over towards the other pods as they were brought in. giving a head count until the last one was set down in the cargo bay. Thirty-three crew members. Out of six hundred officers and ship crew, only thirty-three had survived the ordeal. laphisto shook his head and looked towards the Jedi that were assisting them. His eyes flashing a teal blue as he moved to peer into each one of them. Pulling at their alignment and trying to identify which side of the force they leaned towards

Kyric Kyric Dezorath Barcu Dezorath Barcu Bernard Bernard Sol Dara Sol Dara Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion Ali Kare Ali Kare

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