Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent:
    • Create powered armor for Svenja as a Sith that she can use to compliment her fighting capabilities.
    • Set a basis for powered armor for her troops.
  • Image Source:
    • Artstation - Adepta Sororitas, Vamptacus
    • Artstation - Warhammer 40k - Adepta Sororitas Seraphim Squad, Jaime Martinez
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Classification: Sith Powered Battle Armor
  • Weight: Extreme
  • Resistances:
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • EMP/Ionic: Extreme
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Disruptors: High
    • Radiation: High
    • Thermal/Heat/Cold: High
    • Acid/Corrosion: Low
    • Sonic: Very Low
    • Light Side Force: Extremely Low


  • Powered armor done so through the Force. Requiring constant concentration in the force and the connection to it to have Superior Strength, Speed, Durability and capabilities.
  • Host of Force Related applications of artifacts connected and formed with the armor to aid in using the force in conjunction with the armor.
  • Armor can repair itself and the wearer over time. Effects can be influenced through the force.
  • Pain harness can heighten pain to be used as fuel to the wearer, and thus the armor.
  • Cloak of Hate incorporated into the clothing of the armor can provide a sizeable boost to hateful emotions to fuel the Dark side of the force. This can fuel the wearer and thus the armor.
  • Draws blood from the Wearer when armor is damaged to repair itself and empower them.
  • Prayer Seals upon the armor provide increased defensive capabilities, at the cost of becoming a Zombie-Like being.
  • Powered Force Armor.
  • Extreme durability and resiliency.
  • Increases Physical Strength
  • Increases Physical Speed
  • Enhances users physical Capabilities
  • Enhances users Force Capabilities
  • Draws from the users power in the force.
  • Can sap blood from the wearer to power the armor in a pinch, and increase effectiveness. Keeping them alive to the last drop.
  • Extremely Heavy. Near Impossible to wear without Concentration in the force.
  • Requires Wearer to constantly channel the force into the armor to move it.
  • Any break in the concentration to the armor can remove any movement, physicality or render them a living paperweight.
  • Dark Side influence, means weak to purifying Force Light.
  • Force Weapons can damage and destroy this armor.
  • Self-healing of armor and individual require time. The more it is damaged, the longer it takes.
  • Self repairing of armor requires parts to be close to one another. Cannot just make new parts or regenerate out of nothing.
  • Armor can drain the wearer of blood. Thus if too much blood is taken, it can hamper their mental processes, and even kill them.
  • Drawing upon the force of the wearer, should they become unconscious while still attempting to connect, it can drain them of the force.
  • Armor can remove their ability to use the force due to its draining usage. it can be temporary, but in extreme cases, it could drain so much to remove them from the force entirely.
  • Prayer Seals housed on the armor can make the wearer become a Zombie after death.
  • Armor has no HUD systems or tied systems. Requiring the user to keep active mental note of everything happening.
  • Armor has no internal cooling or heating units. Thus if the armor is worn for too long, the user can overheat.
  • The armor was meant and built to be uncomfortable. The aim is to make them angry and irritable so that it can empower them through the force if done correctly.
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