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SW:TOR - Knights of the Eternal Throne "Betrayed" Trailer

Valiens Nantaris said:
"No Commander, we can't do that" is the most used line, with some variation. :p

The Alliance is run by a bickering committee riddled with traitors. The Commander just looks pretty and hits things.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Z'Zharen said:
*Also Senya, the mother in the trailer resembles Daisy Ridley alot....Rey's family connection solved shes a descendant of the Eternal Emperor haha.

Yes! Someone should write a blog article about the manifold theories regarding Rey's lineage. Would be amusing.
The trailer got to me, I'm playing it for free though. I have a speeder so Im good to go in game!
Is it worth it? That's a very difficult question to answer because it varies from person to person. It's subscription based but there is a Free to Play mode which lets you play through the basics but limits stuff like playable species, storage space and EXP gain. If you've not even tried the game before it I'd recommend that.
The gameplay is pretty much World of Warcraft with a Star Wars skin and it's my biggest issue with the game as I'm not a fan of that style. I find combat repetitive, dull and unrewarding. I'm not the type who cares enough about rare loot to grind away hours mindlessly mashing keys until that one foe drops the 0.07% chance of a fancy belt. I'm also a single player gamer in an MMO where you're expected to fight alongside other players to overcome challenges. Didn't work out so well for me.
I give The Old Republic credit in its ambition though. A fully voiced MMO is incredibly impressive. I read somewhere that all the voiced lines in The Old Republic placed one after the other has a longer runtime than the entire run of TV's The Sopranos. There are 8 unique storylines for each of the class characters (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Smuggler, Trooper, Sith Knight, Sith Inquisitor, Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter) which are all entertaining. However it seems the Sith Empire has the better story lines for its characters which is a shame as it creates a player imbalance. At first I dismissed the larger number of people playing as Imperial characters as mostly teenage edgelords who want to kill everything and played Republic :p Thanks to more interesting writing, both my main characters are now on the Sith side. The Republic's story's aren't bad (though I find both Jedi PCs really generic and bland) and they have great moments and stand out characters but they're generally outmatched by their evil counterparts.
Brings me onto how I don't think such a story rich environment works well in MMO format though. In the story you can win a war for a planet yet the enemy will be in exactly the same position they were when you landed. The entire galactic landscape can change with no visible effects on the environment. It's just not satisfying for me. I don't like being given a pat on the back by Darth Evul for throwing the Republic off-world and crushing their retreating transports then leaving the Sith base to see the entire Republic Army has respawned just outside. I don't like growing to love an NPC companion, marrying them to my PC then walking around the fleet to see two dozen identical versions of that NPC following other players and likely married to around a third of them. For a game which prides itself on story and mostly does a good job, it's all so immersion breaking.
[member="Samka Derith"]


Immersion breaking can be an issue, this is my third time I believe coming back to the game. I subscribed when it first came out, but was IMMENSELY annoyed by it because I compared it to it's predecessor Star Wars Galaxies. SWG had player operated cities, housing, piloting your own ship etc... But SWTOR didnt touch those until recently and both games are almost a decade apart from when they started.

There are alot of things to point the finger at and proclaim TRAITOR! with this game. But it does have redeeming aspects as well. I havent really played the Republic story lines, but the Sith Inquisitor is alot of fun. Im not a loot hunter either, but I take what I can get to survive in the game no matter how badly I miss match haha. The cinematics for every NPC interaction and mission cut scenes are great. Sometimes certain phrases get re-used too often, but for me I haven't seen any other MMO come close to the attention of detail and desire to bring your character's in game story to life.

Because of SWTOR I have a hard time trying other MMO's like FF, WoW, DCUO etc... because as soon as an NPC begins with a quote bubble and I have to read it, my immersion is instantly broken.

I have no interest in marrying my companions, but the interaction between the crew is very reminiscent of the KOTOR games which is what the game strides to match. Their dialogue is fun, witty, interesting to engage in, (marriage pun not intended) there's actual depths to their stories when they talk to you. Key word is they TALK to you, the voice actors are very talented.

The game is also based on Legacy lore, Naga Sadow, Korriban, KOTOR series it's self. The gameplay can get repetitive, but I have not encountered a single MMO that does not have awful grinding missions of "Kill ten rats to get an item" I laugh aloud because I played the Jedi Consular briefly in SWTOR and that was literally one of the first missions.

Some of the dialogue and choices you get to make are very entertaining. As a Sith apprentice at the academy, I electrocuted a prisoner during an interrogation session. He offered to confess, but my character had this option. "Sing for me!"

NPC: " want me to what?"

Me: "SING!"

NPC: "Sing are you serious? Wha..what should I sing?"

Me: "I dont know, something cheerful!"

NPC: "...They say its um...a perfect galaxy...a to be...alive."


NPC: "Im...Im sorry I cant remember the words."

Me:"You really need to learn to project your voice." *ELECTROCUTES HIM!*

There are alot of fun aspects throughout the game. Although the choices are literally outlined in blue and red, the fact that you can work for the Republic as a trooper or Jedi and be a selfish vile person who doesnt bash an eyelash to shove civilians out an airlock or side with the Empire, but demonstrate logic and kindness to those you encounter makes for interesting stories. Or you can role as the typical destructive Sith, or the over bearing self righteous Jedi Knight.

There are also instances that depending on the decisions you make can influence future story lines. For example an imperial male citizen is whisking his son away from his abusive wife, because she's crazy obsessed with the Empire and wants their Force sensitive son to be sent to Korriban for training. The father tells you he knows for a fact Sith students there dont last very long and only wants to keep his son alive. If you allow the man and his son to escape and lie to the wife, she tracks you down later to kill you when she finds out you lied to her.

Play the game for free, enjoy the fun aspects of it and bask in the story telling. And if it gets repetitive well no money lost at least. I do recommend an Imperial story line though.


Active Member
Echoing what others have said that immersion breaking can be an issue however if you play it through as I have as a single player experience you will really enjoy it. My favourite story was the agents because it was really something different. My favourite republic story was probably the Jedi Knight. But essentially they're all fantasies, want to live the fantasy of playing a Sith? Warrior or Inquisitor are wonderful fun. Also I spend far too much time dressing up my toons and making sure they look good for the cinematic. I'd honestly advise you to start at level 60 as the Knights of the Fallen Empire game stuff is fun and very immersive. The chapters dealing with the force even as a non force user are interesting mysterious and strike the right balance in my mind between gameplay and story.

Though I do mostly play it for story I've never been too interested in the MMO part. Honest advice avoid Nar Shadda Cantina. If you go straight to level 60 though I would say that for me it made more sense to either play the Sith Warrior or the Jedi Knight as they have had personal interactions with the Emperor beforehand that are referenced. Though it works for every class honestly.



The issue with KOTFE was the hammering home of the slogan "choices matter". They ultimately didn't. Example (Spoilers):

You cheat on your ingame significant other? Alls forgiven when they return!

You let some people live, some people die, but everything comes to the same conclusion. Funny thing is I haven't heard the "choices matter" b.s. so far with KOTET (or at least not to the extent I had with KOTFE). I've done KOTFE on two complete run throughs (all dark and all light); it was just so similar except for small minor things here and there (except for one surprise death I wasn't expecting in a certain chapter).

Is it worth it? Thats really in the eye of the beholder. Will I keep playing? Yes. I'll give it a run through just to see. Perhaps my biggest concern is the companions we DONT have back yet. Remember they hyped companions new/old for KOTFE but the most significant companions have received radio silence (ex: Kira, Ashara, Malavai, etc.) SPOILERS BELOW:

and datamined information about KOTET doesn't reveal anything about old companions where as datamined info before KOTFE was released revealed the companions we got as returning during the sixteen chapters.

And this makes me sad.

Great trailer though.

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