Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Swords of Imperialism: NIO dom of Maridun


Tags:// Izoshi Izoshi Don Belkora Don Belkora

Yubari followed the gas-masked pair into the facility, datapad in hand and firearm in the other. She didn't need a gas mask or a flashlight to operate in environments like this, so she cut a somewhat awkward figure out of the trio navigating the darkness. The place was eerily silent, save for the distinctive pitter-patter of movement that the agents made traversing the labyrinth. Agent Izoshi soon split off and made her own way ahead of Yubari and Belkora, leaving the replicant alone with the Tetan criminal once more. She shot him the same blank look of someone who wanted to be anywhere else but with this lunatic before the familiar tone of the Chiss's voice crackled through their comms.

<<"It would not be wise to die so early Agent Izoshi, not when it concerns the paperwork needed to file a report on your death.>> she responded, in such a matter of fact tone that it could've been morbid humour, but it wasn't. The replicant didn't understand humour.

<<"Noted Agent.">>, she signalled for Belkora to put his mask on before the pair descended to join Izoshi.



Izoshi Izoshi | Don Belkora Don Belkora | Rika Hiro Rika Hiro | Salvor King | Daina Bragg | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

This would be complicated.

There was interest in the research facility that was once commissioned by a defunct nation from a bygone era. Had intel worthwhile for intelligence operatives to even bother with this relic of the past. Many would argue this was a waste of time, their efforts could be directed something else more productive; however, that wasn't his place to argue or think whether this was worthy of his time or not.

The Imperials were after whatever data was within the complex.

The question was which Imperial would arrive their first?

There was already tension amongst the Warlords and Moffs, only for that to escalate with the drastic events occurring within the Empire. Schemes and moves for power was the game, and he acted as a pawn to help one particular Warlord accomplish their goals.

The other agents had their orders, and he had his own; unknown to them of his intentions or his whereabouts. Suited in armor and equipment that was foreign to the standard issues of the New Order, Crik would be open as a hostile target for the others to attack.

On the move he would find his own entrance that was remote from the other operatives, keeping to himself for as much as he could.

The race was on.
Following along behind the armoured vehicles hadn't come with much in the way of anything interesting. Sure, he'd had to duck out of sight a few times, apply some clever little uses of the Force to make people's eyes just kinda glaze over him if they came too close, but there was nothing particularly impressive or stimulating about that. The column just continued to move along without much fanfare, the noise of their engines and repulsorlifts drowning out anything that they might have been saying.

Still in the dark.

It didn't seem too hard to guess what they were about, though. New Imperial Order forces on Maridun? Probably solidifying control in some manner. Getting rid of various unsavory elements. Distracting themselves from the fact that the Sith Empire was gone and Irveric Tavlar was dead. The usual sorts of things.

It got more interesting as he reached a point of being able to see what they were going for. Some large compound, it looked like—probably Hutt make—and with a forward operating base swarming with troops. He lagged behind for a moment, thinking to himself about how best to deal with the situation. "Alright, I'm counting..." he squinted, and decided to stop counting pretty quickly. "Too many to just walk up. Gotta stay hidden somehow."

He glanced up further towards the front of the column. Couldn't just hide on the ACV; it was actually tracked, covering ground the old-fashioned way. Too noticeable. The repulsorlift personnel carrier right behind it, though, or any of the vehicles just ahead of it, those were workable. "Behind," he decided in a moment, and with the aid of the Force, rushed ahead at a near-blinding speed, maintaining the illusion of non-presence the best he could.

Undoubtedly, though, there was going to be at least one driver in the column who would turn to his buddies and say "Hey, wait, did you see that blur that just shot by?"

Once he was up by the vehicle he intended to reach, he dropped into a slide; coming under the engines and just barely between the repulsorlift coils holding the vehicle aloft, he latched onto any hand- and foot-holds he could find, riding along on the underside of the personnel carrier. "Alright, infiltration moderately successful," he muttered, hoping that he hadn't made too much noise grabbing on and nobody would decide to quickly investigate.

Sure enough, the pace slowed somewhat as they reached the forward operating base, and it didn't take long at all before Cotan heard a familiar accent, though he didn't exactly know who had the voice. Right from the ACV ahead of him. Perfect.

He crawled along the personnel carrier's underside, a veritable master of upside-down climbing, and brought himself up onto its nose. With a turn back to the shocked drivers—and a signature Naboo wink—he jumpd ahead, landing on top of the ACV. "Hullo!" he said cheerily to the gunner, before brazenly stepping further ahead, leaning over the front of the vehicle, looking—upside down, hair flapping in the breeze—at the next driver.

"Permission to enter?" he asked. "Also, you wouldn't happen to know if Erskine Barran is on this deployment, would you? I've got some brandy he might like."

DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie Jaryg Syn Raijan Sol Raijan Sol

Jaryg Syn

Objective: 1
Tags: Raijan Sol Raijan Sol | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
Equipment: In bio

He seemed to get the reaction he was looking for as the colonel in the vehicle joined in on the conversation. Jag grinned under his helmet as he looked at the colonel and gave a casual salute. "Fair enough, sir, but I do have a habit of pressing people's buttons." he quipped. He listened to what the soldier had to say before he gave a shrug at the mention of the captain. "Every rank has its pros and cons." he joked, giving the captain a nod in thanks.

He removed his helmet as the colonel continued to speak and rested it on his lap, running a hand through his hair as he rested back in his seat. A quick glance out a viewport confirmed that they were on their way to the stronghold. He hoped that it was a quick trip. He looked back to the colonel as he finished talking. "Luckily this isn't my first rodeo, sir. I'm used to more low profile missions, but trips like these are a welcome change. No need to worry about stealth or cover, just kick the door down and start shooting." he admitted calmly. "I just hope my squad doesn't overshoot their drop point." he continued with a smirk.

He was about to continue when he heard a noise on top of the ACV. A quick glance forward to the driver and he realized what was going on... they had a freeloader on the roof. Jaryg looked back to the colonel with a puzzled expression. "He a friend of yours?" he asked as he looked back to the stranger outside of the vehicle.


D E M O N ' S _ H E A D
Ridin' Solo | Searching for Defoliator intel
Abandoned CIS Facility
Being stripped off direct command of troopers within the 501st Legion had been a low blow to his ego; one, at first, he seemed unable to cope with until he found victory in the loss. Yes, indeed, being drafted into the military intelligence brigade of the 501st had been a blessing in disguise. No more questionable leaves of absence to pursue his own ambitions when he could easily contrive a thousand and one security reasons to his direct commanding officers and be left alone. The game, after all, was rigged right from the start.

The young assassin weaseled through primordial ventilation shafts and crevices created over a few centuries until his way was halted by an ancient, and apparently indomitable, grate. Life sensors pinging up ahead called for caution. Silence. Just like he had been taught. But fiddling with the grate produced no results, so with a powerful kick, he burst through the grate and down at the hall in his lighter version of the Strorm Recon armor Milintel often utilized. His shoto was drawn already with a vibrokunai hidden in his free hand ready to be thrown if needed.

It wasn't.

Konrad recognized their affiliation by the only one among the three not wearing a hazmat suit of any sort. It was not any droid, but an Eris replicant. His eyes narrowed into a frown beneath the helmet.


The agency, or rather organization, which was personified by none other than his own father - the late Jaeger Harrsk. A man he both loved and resented equally. A man he would enact vengeance upon the Vizier, but also a man he would not fulfill the legacy of. Konrad had his own.

"From subverting governments to picking up scraps. Oh, how low has COMPNOR fallen." he sneered behind the mask, lowering the shoto level with his hip and subtly putting the kunai away.

Rika Hiro Rika Hiro | Don Belkora Don Belkora | Izoshi Izoshi | Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres


Abandoned CIS Facility
Tags: Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk | Izoshi Izoshi | Don Belkora Don Belkora | Rika Hiro Rika Hiro



As a newly fledged agent, she was keen to prove her worth, not only to fulfil her inherited legacy but also in perpetuation of her own self-worth which had been nurtured throughout her time at the academy. As such, there was little she would complain about, even if she felt the task was beneath her such as their current directive.

With their hands full trying to restore limited power to some damaged consoles that lay abandoned and decrepit, the group began to splinter off to give the unoccupied members a chance to be useful by continuing to scout the area.

All necessary precautions were taken to ensure their safety as far as it could be but there was no remedy for the unease that grew with the eeriness of the facility the further within its belly they ventured. At least such discomfort was noticeable when alone and surrounded by darkness.

She continued on alone, checking in abandoned offices as she did, most of which had already been cleaned out totally. With each room grew the feeling that her time was being wasted. They had been trained for greater purposes than glorified bailors. Even military intelligence couldn't have messed this up.

Or so she thought.

The crashing sound of metal followed by a thud on the ground nearby drew her attention and with peaked curiosity she gravitated towards the origin of the noise via an adjoining corridor, only to underwhelmingly find the source was a rowdy trooper who had managed to locate and subdue his own allies, rather remarkably.

"And yet, you're here with us." She replied with distaste, stepping towards him from behind where the two corridors had met.

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Post #4

Maridun '69
Objective 1

Tags: Jaryg Syn Raijan Sol Raijan Sol Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
Jaryg would find his response interrupted by the chance encounter with an old friend of the Blue-Hearts, back when the Tuaths still held a presence with Barran's brigade, though Lord Aron would have no trouble recognising the voice; for legends such as Grand-Marshall Sar'andor would always find fame and recognition across the board, especially with the warrior-caste of Galidraan III, given weight by the epic battleground they shared in their fight against the Sith Empire. Jaryg would not know of the storms, the orbital-bombardments and the holograms the Zambrano dynasty had hurled at the NIO to keep their frothy-mouthed envelopment at bay, nor of the 2nd Brigade's great cohesion that annihilated an entire repulsor-tank division without any assistance from allied elements whatsoever; but what he would know, and see with his own eyes, was the Tuath's friendly sentiments to a man their history-professors would refer to as,"The Honorary Woad". As the top-gunner cheered and dropped down the hatch to let Cotan inside, Lord Aron knew exactly who would drop down to make his acquaintances, knowing that only Sar'andor could drop down the hatch of any Free-State tank without the worry of then brawling for his right to be there.

'I have an idea.... We let the tanks an' all the rest push forward an' do the,"Door-kicking", for us, an' we take the ACV back to your friends' drop-zone - in the spirit of multi-rank coordination, so to speak.'

'And as for you, sir. If I heard you correctly, then I might have some good-news/bad-news action for ya.'
, the Kellas continued after turning his attention back to the allied commander, standing with a harsh growl of pained exertion that had the others worried for a moment. The wound across his stomach and chest was something else Gowrie would have to wait for further surgical assistance on, though it would be a further month before such a procedure could be endeavoured on him, yet it still wouldn't stop him from deploying as soon as the pains he hated more were finally seen to; despite the fact he needed stitching on his spleen and kidney amputation in the earlier days of his recovery, the pains in the nerve-endings on Lord Aron's head were considered far more aggravating when compared to the sharp agonies in his gut and chest, proven by the pains he would specifically endeavour to numb in the later stages of his recovery. Yet, as soon as his back was straight, the wounded Lord-Colonel offered a fist-over-heart salute in the process of informing Cotan of his good friend's whereabouts.

'Barran was in the room at the time of Irveric Tavlar's assassination, sir. However, Lord Erskine did, in fact, survive it somehow - hit, but recovering well for the most part. He can be found in Fort Imperator's hospital if you fancy visiting after this chit-show of a deployment! And if I know oor Barran, he would probably thank you endlessly for bringin' him brandy.... Best keep that back for the man himself, though. I can get us all hammered on Cladhan in the meantime.'
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Iron Skin | Lightsaber

Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber


As a leader should of his subjects, Rurik listened as Rausgeber spoke. The Prefsbelt perspective was a great deal divergent from most others in the Galaxy. While the Imperialist stigma was often one of hardline pragmatism, no fiefdom took this to a greater degree than Prefsbelt. The language of Prefsbelt was numbers and quotas, little else mattered, only what you could produce and Rurik had a keen enough awareness to realize Rausgeber was a man willing to do what need be done to sustain that. The liason from Prefsbelt to the Empire greater to ensure the machine was never interrupted. While Rurik was raised amidst nobility, learned under Jedi was a perspective he could understand. With all the strings of chaos being pulled around them, there was something to be said of putting ones head down and simply doing what need be done.

"I am grateful for your vote of confidence, Admiral Regent. And from what I am led to believe, there is little reason of concern over Prefsbelt. But even so, there was a great deal of Tavlar's administration which I am unsure if can be so easily continued. He spent a great deal of time and effort stringing together the alliances we hold now. They've been fruitful...but for how much longer?" He pondered aloud.

"Regardless, I am tentative to believe things are in all too fair of straits for our Empire. While we continue to eliminate the last of the Sith Imperial seems the threat of Sith had hardly diminished at all...only moved. Such is their nature, they are but the resilient roaches of the Galaxy. Lurking in the shadows, scattering when the light shows on them. And even so...there is still the nature of our own homefront. Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal was an Imperial war hero...the man who raised the flag over the Fortress Imperator...and he was found dead within a mile from that very site." Rurik said.

"Assassination. The seeds of chaos are planted within the Empire, Admiral...we need only make certain they never take route. But the question becomes then...where to start digging."

Nile Hark




Raijan Sol Raijan Sol DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie
Jaryg Syn Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor

Always the same dream.

"A penal legion, Hark?" she asked.

"It's an honor to be chosen."

"I never realized I agreed to marry a scoundrel!"

He reached out to stroke her face, willing things to end differently this time. Just like before a baradium blast set fire to the horizon. Her frozen look of terror seemed to stretch on forever. Then the blast wave scoured flesh and Captain Pellaeon woke suddenly to the sound of screams and pounding on the outer hull of his Cataphract.

"Imperator's iron bones!" Hark cursed, "What the hell is it?"

"Cap'n Pell'n! Cap'n Pell'n! Come quick!"

With a permanent scowl on his face Pellaeon descended from an old battle scarred chariot and into the muck of alien wilderness. There was no point in correcting the trooper's unrefined pronunciation. Chances were she wouldn't last to see next week. For the NIO's penal legions attrition rates were almost a point of pride. It was purifying work.

Of course when he saw the young man, barely more than a kid really, writhing in agony with his legs crushed by the tracks of an armored personnel carrier Hark was confronted with a stark reminder that pure didn't mean pretty.

"What happened?"

"Tracks caught in a ditch," one of the troopers hesitantly explained, "Was trying to push it out when he fell."

"He fell?" Pellaeon echoed in suspicion.

They all nodded. Maybe he fell. Then again maybe he was pushed. Difficult to trust criminal scum like this about anything.


Hark closed his eyes for a few moments. Then he drew his sidearm and put the screaming man out of his misery.

"He died a loyal servant of the Empire."

And it was true. Once his tags were retrieved the dead trooper's criminal record would be expunged. With sacrifice came redemption. Some of them might even live to see the end of their tour and walk away free. Pellaeon gazed up at foreboding mountain peaks and wondered if this might be the world where he earned his place in the annals of dead Imperial heroes.

"Contact Bloodlet Command and request permission to advance into the mountain pass. Let's get this over with."
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He was right, it was a collection of Galidraani accents he'd heard! That fact alone would make his life infinitely easier for the rest of the day. If it had been anybody else, he doubted his reputation alone would serve to keep him from having to dodge stun-blasts or shock batons for so brazenly walking into the middle of a military operation. Without wasting any time, he dropped down the gunner's hatch, taking his place next to DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie , Jaryg Syn, and Alun Reed. No sooner had he found his place, though, than the Lord-Colonel stood to offer him a salute.

While making some vocalisations that left Cotan rather...highly concerned in the man's state of health.

"Somehow?" he asked after a moment, raising one eyebrow. "I fell thirteen stories out of a captured Sith fighter and nearly landed on his gunner, and his reaction was to pull me into his vehicle and hand me his flask. He's still alive because he's too rare of a creature for the universe to let him die that easily." Good to know the Woad had survived the last few months, though. He'd have felt bad if he showed up after an enforced vacation to find out that Erskine had been blown to bits too.

Trust the Galidraani to always get themselves hurt in either worrying extents, strange manners, or both.

"Thinking of that, though, are you sure I should be giving it to him when I find him? Or sipping whisky with you? It seems like every officer from your part of the galaxy that I run into is leakier than a worm-eaten barrel, and it'd be a waste of a good single malt to have it start pouring back out of a hole in your stomach."

The joke was delivered with his trademark cheeky grin, though it didn't take long for it to drop to a more serious look. "Really, though, my—" he paused, trying to think of a good word choice— "My partner is an accomplished healer, and I'm not half bad myself, especially with one of the artifacts I've found in my travels. Once we're done with whatever this is, y'know."


TAGS: Izoshi Izoshi Rika Hiro Rika Hiro Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres
Belkora shot a look of concern at the Replicants cold words towards agent Izoshi, opting to keep a small distance away from the Atrisian droid as the pair found their way through the dark, claustrophobic confines of the complex. If Yubari were an average breathing human, he might've laughed at the remark, but she wasn't. She was a droid with no inhibitions or feelings. All she did was silently brood and occasionally converse, he'd shared a ship with the droid many a time, and he still wasn't any less paranoid about waking up and finding the droids cold, unfeeling hands around his throat.

All he could hear was their own footsteps and the pained sound of his own breathing in his mask, although the pairs solitude was interrupted by the arrival of others. He couldn't see properly through his mask, and his brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to wipe the condensation from the glass before realising who it was.

Jaegers boy.

"You're stuck down here too I see."


"My, my," the chiss hummed with amusement, snickering impishly, "what a little party we've gathered here." Vermillion eyes flashed out from the glossy surface of her mask, looking at the collection of tense comrades. "I had no idea this was a competition or I would have broken all of your masks after the briefing." It was a jest... mostly. Regardless of the new company, the infiltrator rose and pressed onward, ignoring the inciteful words the others espoused toward one another, with her focus solely on the task at hand- and the unceremonious appearance of potential hostiles beneath them all.

She moved with the deft agility of a cat, darting over debris and obstacles, and maneuvering her way toward where the next staircase leading downward should have been by her assumption. The facility, at this depth, was an outright labyrinth, though she had been submerged in it long enough by now to have a general directional sense. Keeping eyes on the data provided by her scanner, she glanced briefly into the netted window of the door guarding the stairs. Clear up. Whether or not it was clear on the descent, she could not glean from her position, though her scanner indicated there were no life signatures in her immediate area excluding her allies.

Safe enough, she decided.

Her shoulder pressed against the bar and the door popped open, ushering her through the threshold and into the rickety grate stairwell. <"We can kill each other-zzzzzt!-stairs is done with us, hmm?"> Her voice crackled through the comlink, disrupted by the increase in radiation levels with her furthering descent into the belly of the ruined facility.
Rurik Fel Rurik Fel


Carlyle listened to the Sovereign Imperator as they crossed through the empty, pre-arranged corridors of the Tregessar. The route for the Sovereign Imperator and Admiral Regent to take had previously been mapped. Meaning there was no wry personnel about. Not that there was any security risk whatsoever. But still. Surrounding the two was a stillness as they walked and made their way through the winding passages and corners of the New Imperial flagship. Carlyle cautiously, and politely listened in utter silence as the Imperator relayed his concerns regarding the Sith. Vyshaal, and of course the alliances of the New Imperial Order with the Silver Jedi and Galactic Alliance. This was all crucial in Carlyle's opinion, especially given his own implementation of CASE RANCOR, PHASE ONE.

Regarding," Carlyle addressed, as he lead the Sovereign Imperator through a door, and into a conference room. In all their walking, they had wound their ways up to one of the towers mounted on the Tregessar's city scape. Now they could see Maridun below them, along with the Dissident Aggressor in the distance, "The Alliances Irveric Tavlar forged, I do not see a reneging or collapse of them imminently." Carlyle continued, "I think that, as you have noted, the displacement of the Sith, we still have a strong madnate to finish the job." He gestured for the man to take a seat at a circular conference table, "The Brotherhood of the Maw, it's insidiousness and the threat it poses certainly raises itself as a shield for us to maintain friendly relations." Rausgeber mused, "But," He sat down himself, and raised a finger, "This is no substitute to the work of the military." Carlyle steepled his fingers, "We must rely on the strength of our forces. Show both our allies that betrayal will be met with an immediate, indiscriminate demise."

Rausgeber then licked his lips, "Karlist, some water if you would." The Fleet Admiral got up from his seat, departing, while leaving Rausgeber, Braisley and Fel together. "Regarding, the unfortunate demise of the Moff." Carlyle paused for a moment, and furrowed his brow in thought, "You must understand milord, I don't say this to at all admonish the departed. But..." He wavered, "I think that the contributions of Moff Vyshaal are better looked at as a legacy than in life." Carlyle looked right at the Sovereign Imperator, "His death, for all intents and purposes should be politicised. Along with that of Irveric Tavlar's, to maximise public anger." He raised a clenched fist, "And temper it into a war effort against the culprits. That of course, being the Sith."

"But," He looked at Rax as he returned with an urn of water, and glasses, pouring one for Carlyle, himself, Braisley and Fel, "Thank you Karlist." He gave a nod to the man and a smile, "Returning to my point, Empire's need a sense of counterbalance. Our government by its nature relies on law and order. But the individual," He smirked, "Is far more fickle than that." He placed his glass down with a an audible clink. "And that is what Moff Vyshaal did quite well. He and Prince Dooku acted as a populist counterbalance to the Empire's agenda. They were the ones who spoke up for the fickle." The Admiral Regent took a healthy sip, "Who could act as a voice for the more liberal denizens among us." Carlyle mused, "Who could work and cultivate the adulation of the media and masses."

"To placate any fears of insurrection we have to have a political channel for such fears. To have someone within the Assembly who can legitimise many of the anxieties people face." Carlyle informed Fel, "We need to find, or have COMPNOR create an ideal politician. Perhaps, some farmer from a podunk moon who signed up for the Navy. The Stormtroopers. Something which ties our government to them. And binds us. But at the same time," He allowed that devilish grin to surface, "Someone who can act as a champion of the working man. But," Another small sip, "Someone whose smart enough to know where the line is drawn. If we don't have this, I fear we may need to fall on more... Traditional methods of suppression."

Jaryg Syn

Objective: 1
Tags: Raijan Sol Raijan Sol | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor | Jagged Pellaeon
Equipment: In bio

To Jag's surprise, The colonel and the stranger seemed to be well acquainted. The injured officer even forced himself up to give the man a salute which gave him an indication of how important this individual was to them. "Shall I leave you two for some private time?" he quipped with a smirk as he listened to the two speak.

Glancing out of a viewport, he noticed that the column was getting close to the fortress. Overhead the gunships were seen in the skies. He really wanted to be there right now, getting ready to jump out and see who would activate their jetpacks last. And those Mandalorians thought they were all that cracked up to be. He was dragged out of his thoughts when the column came to a halt. He glanced to the colonel and his friend before opening the door to glance outside. A couple vehicles ahead of them, a tank seemed to have bogged down along with an APC. He watched for a bit as he saw what was likely an officer put the soldier out of his misery. Rather excessive, but a glance at their markings quickly cleared things up for him. Suddenly it seemed like a good solution to the problem.

"We need to get this convoy moving, for kark's sake." he grumbled as he glanced back at the fortress. However things took a turn when several booms echoed from the fortress. In the air, flak filled the skies and impacted a number of gunships. A couple white trails appeared in the air as missiles came straight for the convoy. Majority of them landed uncomfortably close to the tanks leading the column in front.

Jag quickly slipped his helmet on and glanced at the occupants of the ACV. "Taking fire." he commented casually as he hopped out.


Post #5

Maridun '69
Objective 1

Tags: Jaryg Syn Raijan Sol Raijan Sol Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
'Alright then, Syn. Suit yourself.... Reed?', Lord Aron responded to the new face in the group before bidding Alun to open the door for Jaryg, seeing the genetically-enhanced warrior jump out to find his comrades before turning back to answer the face that was previously known to them. Cotan had been worried by the pains caused by moving and stretching tender abdominal muscles in the process of standing to salute. The Laird of the Tuath clans understood and appreciated the gesture, though because of his non-magical customs, Gowrie had no choice but to refuse; understanding also that the pain made him hungry for a definitive victory over the Mongrel, with each pang, stretch or sting serving as reminders of what he wanted to inflict on his Mawsworn rival in their next duel. Before answering his friend's offer, Lord Aron would sit back down and reach into one of the storage compartments underneath the holographic-plinth, pulling out a bottle of Cladhan-814 as he responded,'Not for me, sir. This pain is motivation for something I must finish.... But Erskine? Sooner the better, an' whether the dafty likes it or no!'

'An' we'll see how airtight they stitches are in a moment, eh? There's only one way to find out after all- well, there are safer ways but I digress! Reed, get the whiskey-glasses please.'

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TAGS - Jagged Pellaeon - DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie - Jaryg Syn - Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
Years ago, his expertise had only gone so far as to what means he would end a persons life. Now, as a Spectre, he put his tactical mind, one that he thought to be only calibrated for squad tactics and special operations, to the task of analysis and operative deployment.

On one part of the screen, armed forces, the other, COMPNOR's mission progress, whether they knew it or not.

The intelligence agency could do as they would. They were untrusted, for good measure he imagined, but the war-bred Spectre had yet to be slighted by the organization. Likely on account of his keeping his own reservations for them to himself up to this point. Raijan knew though, that within the near future, Rurik Fel's ascension would see him and the man meeting. Sooner or later.

Is he worth the same loyalty of my first Master?

"The 45th Legion are requesting permission to advance, Sir."


Vacant eyes refocused and Raijan nodded. "Granted."


Iron Skin | Lightsaber

Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber


Rurik crossed his arms over his chest, listening intently to Carlyle's suggestions in kind. Rurik had previously been so blind to the deep, wounding divides that existed within the Moff Council. The First Crusade Fleet was rarely at port and almost entirely had its existence in permanent deployment. While its crew was cycled out regularly, Rurik never conceded command, be it in battle with the Sith Empire, Bryn'adul or Brotherhood of the Maw. He was after all, the Lord Executor, the Champion of the Empire and the Imperator where Tavlar was not. His mind operated in the means and obligations of war. While Tavlar retired to Bastion, Rurik was still in the trenches.

But was ever the tenuous transition that Irveric had to make. To swing himself from the saddle and take charge in ruling, not merely conquering.

"And propose propping up a populist ruler in order to siphon the sympathies of the common man...and to manifest our own agenda."
Rurik thought aloud, audibly considering the proposition.

"But such may very well be manipulating with the very doctrine of which makes our Empire the state that it is. That rulership and responsibility belongs to those most worthy of it, most capable of the responsibility." But then Rurik stumbled upon another epiphany.

"But it is in this 'freedom'...that we may very well pollute the identity of our New Order. This degree of allows us to serve as pray to outside interests which do not bare the ambitions of the Empire in its well being. As much as Vyshraal was a war hero...and may very well have been the ideal leader to the Togruta, the Pellaeonist ideal is a dangerous one, a stepping stone in degenerating our Empire into democracy and the degrading ideals that it breeds. We allowed the profane to breed under our noses on Carlac, as much as I am skeptical of the states surrounding us, a great deal of work needs to be done internally...but of course...we also have another of ours to fight." Rurik states.

"As much as it is important to educate ones self on differing ideals and beliefs...let us not forget that Lord Kezec mirrored a great deal of the sentiment within the Moff Council as his liberal counterparts, in some matters, logically, but in others in ways that defaced the Imperial identity...and if his peers sharing in the ideology are similarly, merely projecting virtue to hide darker truths...then when we must carry our investigation into the matters of not only Moffs and Warlords who shared his beliefs...but all of them." The Imperator states before his gaze rested squarely on the Admiral Regent's in a foreboding, eerie placidity.

"As much as I acknowledge that great efforts Prefsbelt Command has taken in patriotically serving the Empire...I need to know...what you know."
Rurik said, a vague request, given in a manner displayed in the hopes of provoking truthfulness from the man.

Rurik Fel Rurik Fel


Carlyle listened slowly and cautiously to the statements made by the Imperator. He felt his face twisting from interest to that of a temperate scowl. Regarding Rurik's thoughts on politics, Carlyle intersected. "Of course, those who are worthy to rule shall rule. That was never in dispute." Rausgeber interjected, "But, what is key is understanding that the populace, on a base level do not entirely understand that. Arrogance of such a sort to believe that they do not need the occasional bone thrown at them, is why men like Tarkin fell on projects like the Death Star." Carlyle continued, "We have examples from the past to learn from milord. And the lesson to take from them is the absolutism of authoritarianism leads to nothing but rebellion. Which is dangerous, and cannot be underestimated."

Carlyle uncomfortably shuffled in his seat, and swallowed. He shot a glance to both Rax and Braisley, who both equally looked uncomfortable at the words coming from their new leadership. Carlyle knew at this point he stood at a nexus. Rurik was of course a force user. He could smell, detect and disseminate spin. So a degree of earnestness was neccessary. But the full nature of that could not be exposed. "I understand your trepidation in the wake of Lord Halketh's betrayal." Carlyle conceded coolly, "But, given the nature of Prefsbelt Command. How many of my good soldiers have bled for Irveric Tavlar's crusade. How many more work to advance your war effort, to consider me on the same level would be... A mistake." He offered. His demeanour distinctively more defensive now. "We are not cut from the same cloth. I am not some, force user. Some sorcerer. I am a soldier by trade, who has considered his fortunes entwined with the Empire. Which is now what I seek."

"The weapons production now from Prefsbelt IV, have only decayed slightly since the collapse of the Sith Empire, I do concede." Rausgeber glowered, pausing, and sinking his teeth into his lower lip. What could he say? What should he admit? What Prefsbelt Command did was certainly, distasteful. At least in the eyes of the Assembly. And there were great pains undertaken to cover up. To dismiss such evidence. But now, he was questioned squarely. And he could not afford to deny everything. "What I will concede to you at this time, is that there have been certain diktats from the Imperial Assembly, regarding labour policies, which have been strategically ignored. We still retain, approximately close to eight hundred thousand Sith Imperial forces within our custody, labouring in our foundries." Carlyle conceded. Although that was a gross understatement, "And that," He glanced at both Rax and Braisley whose own expressions betrayed a veritable discomfort, "There are certain experimentations undergoing, to create special weapons." Another understatement.

"But," Carlyle glared back at the man in the iron mask, "These projects, have only been undertaken to maintain one, Prefsbelt Command's position as a competitive industrial faculty within the Empire. With AVCorp, the Galidraani, the Thrysians, there are only so many means upon which Prefsbelt Command can maintain it's position." Which was an earnest truth to some degree, "We have found a home here. A new Empire upon which to pledge our loyalty, and to lose that potentially, to corporatists, or lesser imperials would be to cast the men and women I have served with to the periphary. To be without purpose or cause." Carlyle elaborated on. Chest puffing out. "And secondly, as a legacy of your war with the Sith." A patent lie, "The weapon, I describe. We've already rolled it out in limited capacity milord. But there are more on the way. Far more powerful, and virile than even a man like you could imagine."


Unknown Location


"From the top." The inhuman voice ricocheted off the soundproof walls of the bunker, reverberating through my bones in a manner I couldn't quite understand. It was the only thing I could hear through the screeching whine rattling my skull, that endless noise that started up the last time my head bounced off the concrete floor. I could barely move, it felt like, my legs were numb, my feet unresponsive, and whether it was from the freezing temperature of the room or some sort of injury, I couldn't quite figure. I tried to pick my head up off my chest and push my eyes open, but somewhere between the last swing and now, my lids turned into lead and my neck into jelly.

It didn't matter though, my captor was impatient, I'd figured that much out hours ago.

A cold grip clasped my chin, jerking my head back and my face upward, and against the blaring white lights, I squinted instinctively. Through the blurring ripples and smearing colors, I could barely map the features of that apathetic face, but the eyes- those red eyes- were not something I could easily forget. I felt them piercing into me, even now, as I drifted between consciousness, threatening to keel over unresponsive just as I had done only moments ago. Cold metal pressed just beneath my eyes and applied force to my crooked, bloody nose. It was enough to make me scream, but I could barely hear that, too.

"From the top." the stranger stated again.

"Imperial... Assembly... meeting... told... selected for guard duty..." I felt my breath fogging the steel hand still pressuring my face, "hadn't... done that before... thought odd..."

The hand fell away from its obstruction and I could gasp for air again. "Who told you that you were selected?"

Greedily, I gulped down breaths of air, ignoring the burning pain it caused in my chest. At the raise of the same malicious hand I shrunk back out of reflex, and as a result, felt the sharp stab of the zip-tie binding my wrists cutting even deeper through my skin. "It was... an officer... a c-captain... I think..."

Something obscured the light beaming down on me from above, though I was too afraid to focus on it long enough to figure out what it was.

"What did this captain look like?" the voice pressed more sternly, far, far closer now. Right in front of me. I tried not to flinch again.

"W-white... uniform... Navy... maybe?" I struggled to remember but the last few weeks had been nothing but a blur for me, endless question after question, regret, grief, I couldn't escape from any of it. I had disgraced not only the Empire, but myself, and my comrades as well. Those of us that survived the bombing and made it out of the Sith butcher house that followed after didn't realize then that the nightmare was only just getting started. I felt like I was never going to escape it. I'd been assigned to Ravelin, Fortress Imperator, it was a dream, really. I could see my family daily. I was not under the constant fear of dying every time I opened my eyes.

How did this happen?

"Navy, what's a naval officer doing giving you orders, hm?" Another question, this one sounded like it came through gritted teeth and with it, the return of the horrific pain that twisted my guts into a knot. I screamed, at least I think I did, I couldn't really tell. My head fell forward, only this time my forehead struck something solid. I couldn't tell what it was either. "I need you to think very clearly for me." The voice was right against my ear, "What did this captain look like?"

It felt like my lungs seized up.

"S-she... zabra-zabrak..." I spat it out, tasting iron with each syllable. The pain intensified. I knew for sure I screamed then, as the blood pooling behind my teeth splattered the object supporting me.

"A zabrak woman in a white naval officer's uniform told you that you were on watch during The Assembly meeting, is that right?"

I couldn't move. I couldn't think. Fear had overwhelmed me at last, boiling the blood in my veins, but there was absolutely nothing I could do. I was at the mercy of the one questioning me, and it didn't seem like they had any to spare. "Y-ye-"

"Good, that's all I needed."

I gasped a final time as the shadow left my vision and the surface holding me upright left, leaving me to tumble forward and collapse against the cold, concrete floor. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw only a flood of red pulsating from the gouge just beneath my chest. I swore, for a moment, I could see the sterile light of the room peeking through the split tissue from the other side. I screamed for my hands to press over the wound, to do anything to save me, but even as my shoulders twitched and twisted, my wrists remained bound behind my back. There was nothing I could do.

The icy floor started to fade from my cheek. It was... warm.

Red trailed from where I lay to where my captor stood, and with the few dying moments of clarity I could grasp, I stared at the monster in the room with me. The cyborg stood there silently, wiping my blood from the blade one of her cybernetic arms ejected. The same stained the shirt she wore. It soaked her pants and glistened off her boots. There was too much of it to be just mine.

I felt those red eyes on me, though their pierce did not chill my blood, not anymore. No, now there was nothing but this soothing warmth and numbness. It was overwhelming me now, a gentle lullaby, a voice in the deep, luring me into its embrace.

I looked into those eyes.

And I felt nothing back, even as I faded away into the dark.
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Izoshi Izoshi | Don Belkora Don Belkora | Rika Hiro Rika Hiro | Salvor King | Daina Bragg | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

No encounters yet; none with internal security or the other foreign, Imperial elements within the facility. Wouldn't be long until something was triggered to make this rough for the Storm Commando. Strange how the Sith never repurposed this whole facility, it would be a waste to not utilize this and reignite meaning into it rather than let it sit and collect dust.

"Need to find a terminal," to understand the internal layout of the complex and better navigate its corridors.

And speak of the devil...


Moments after slicing the terminal to retrieve the data he sought for, something triggered from his work. The sudden red and annoying screams of the klaxons came alive, each sector within the research facility coming to life as the eerie silence was broken.

"Ah, chit."

Although, that wouldn't be the least of his worries as a metal march joined the disharmonious klaxons. Looks like a curveball came at his way, along with the other operatives inside.

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