Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion SWRP: Chaos 22' Resolutions

With the start of a new year, often comes new goals and ambitions looking to the future, so I figured why not see if there aren't any big plans on an individual level for us players here within the Chaos Community. These new year resolutions don't have to be large, but significant to you, perhaps enough to want to share with the rest of us.

For myself, I want to shed all of the weight and shade of the previous year I've had.

After all, life is too short, right? As far as Chaos goes, this means forgetting the past and moving forward into what I hope will be more enjoyable times! A clean slate, bygones are bygones and the like. My one desire for 22' is to refuel that addiction I once had with writing, to focus solely on enjoying myself within our shared space here, and to make some amazing new adventures for characters current and soon to come!
Personally, I'm doing a Year of Wellness.

If there's a decision to make, I'll opt for the one that's the most healthy for me. Be it physical health, finances, interpersonal relationships, etc.

Done are the days of spontaneous 2 am Dunkin Donuts runs.

Chaos-wise, I'm doing a Year of Fun.

If there's a decision to make, I'll pick whichever option is the most fun. Easy peasy.

Shitpost.exe has launched.
Ah shit people are being serious. I will be too.

For me: Keep loosing weight. 2021 sucked, but I went from 400 to 250. Now, I'm in the 240s. Gotta get down to the 200-220s again and keep fit as an example to my son. Oh, and get him into board games. He's getting old enough to enjoy that kind of stuff now, and soon I'll get him invested in DnD.

For Chaos: Keep posting, making cool stories. Most importantly, only posting when I feel like it. Sounds crazy given the 'top poster' thing, but it's gotten way more important to me to only write in things I feel like writing in. Not letting the idea of "but I need to post to x" get in the way of me writing what I want to.
OOC: Stay healthy, try new things, but don't go too crazy. My year got off to a rough start, but I'm hoping things will get better. Or at least not worse lol. I'm gonna get my bachelor's soon, I can keep going if things don't calm down enough for me to get a job, etc, so I do have a lot to be thankful for.

Chaos: I managed to pare my roster down to only 3 active characters, and I want to keep it that way. No more creating new characters on a whim because somebody had an idea and I want to play in their sandbox, even if it's tempting. I wind up not enjoying myself if I stretch myself too thin. I need to focus, avoid trying to get involved in too many things at once, and learn when to put my foot down and say "no". Even if I'm saying "no" to a friend, if they're really a friend, they should understand.
I suppose I've not reserved my resolutions to the new year as I quit smoking back in June cold turkey and have really cut down how often I've had a drink since last year too.

So now for this year, I'd like to moderate how much I do drink when I have a wee shandy in the evening, less binge drinking, going mental and being up at seven in the morning and more having a sociable few and then going to bed at a decent hour.

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