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SWRP Demographics: Political Compass

Here's the test (you'll have to link your chart rather than embed it as an image)

Just a note, not looking for any debates. I'm just curious about where people stand.

Been playing Democracy 3 and I've been wondering what some of the political demographics of SWRP are - as well as stuff such as whether there's a correlation with political compass and general RPers, or if mainly Sith writers have a certain life viewpoint, and more.

Maybe if enough people post their compass, I can make pretty graphics to show the statistics of SWRP. I'll use the results of the test.

And just so people know before going in this, a political compass actually uses two scales to measure people's political leanings. One is for someone's view on social issues, another is for one's view on economic issues. It's a little different than thinking of things in just a "left vs. right" or "poor vs. rich" type deal.

Here are some popular, historical people and their approximate locations on the compass as an example:
And since I posted the lead, I'll go ahead and post my compass first:

Economic Left/Right: 1.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.08

And when I look at the 2015 UK Elections:

I sadly don't have a party that represents my views well. And usually, the lower-left corner is very lonely. I don't see many people in it along with me.
Economic Left/Right: 0.88​
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.33​

None of the parties quite match me. But that's how it's usually everywhere. While I may be located at that point in the compass, I struggle with understanding what I consider right in politics. And so I guess my results will vary a lot every time I take the test.
Lurcano Car'dann said:
Don't mean to sound like an idiot, but can someone better explain the results in a laymans terms?

Economic Left/Right: The left is more Socialist. The right is more Capitalist. The line, "those that have the means provide for those with the needs" might be a strongly held opinion by you. Going by your results, you seem more likely to support a law that taxes wealthier people and uses that money to provide for the needs of those that can't provide for themselves. Likewise, you are more likely to demand regulations and caps on large businesses going strictly by your results.

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: Authoritarians want the government to enforce traditionally moral standards. Libertarians don't want the government to enforce traditionally moral standards. Going by your results, you may be indifferent to social issues or have a mix of opinions that favor some traditional standards while opposing some in kind. An example: one can believe that gay marriage should be allowed (Libertarian), yet at the same time believe that all drugs should be banned (Authoritarian).

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
[member="Sabena Shai"] Thanks for the explanation. I honestly couldn't be bothered to read through the explanation of all the stuff. Would have been fine with just.

"Up and down is your views in politics. Left and right is your views on economy."

Would've made my life easier. Your post cleared up my confusion.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
[member="Trenchcoat Man"] Ew. I honestly don't understand anyone who identifies with the Republican party or the Conservative Tea Party. I don't see how someone with a basic understanding of economics, human nature, and politics could be a Conservative/Republican. Not trying to be BM here, so sorry if it seems like I'm insulting you. Trying to have a normal discussion.
Well-Known Member

I'm almost wondering if the test is biased towards forcing people to choose left libertarian choices :p

Not that I mind, I think it probably describes me fairly well, I only wish that "indifferent" was an option for some of them.
Wow. I totally surprised myself. I got 0 Left/Right Economics, -1.85 on Authoritative/Libertarian. I was expecting top right-ish results because of some of my views, but I suppose they balance out oddly to make it seem like I'm dead center.

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