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SWRP Demographics: Political Compass

Here's a comparison of myself (you can use this to infer for yourselves if you missed this hyperlink) versus the political parties in the UK for 2015
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"], to give some clarification on what each quadrant means:

US Parties:
Blue: Republican
Green: Democrat

UK Parties: See second post.

Worst governments of each quadrant:
Blue: Fascism. Through our strict traditions, we will fuel our industry and companies! Throw in a few genocides for those that don't conform.
Purple: Anarchism. The state may not even exist! The strong/rich rule over the weak/poor.
Green: Brave New World. With a few state sponsored orgy porgies, the people are too coked up to realize the state dictates their economic well-being.
Red: Stalin Communism. People's freedom must be taken in order to secure equality! All people end up equally poor.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Trenchcoat Man said:
A lot of green.

[member="Avadreia Lacroix"]

Get in here. We need to make sure the right side's even working.

I'm much less a fascist than most people think. Although honestly, as far as I'm concerned, I'm middle of the road and the rest of you are crazy.

By the way, not one but TWO separate people linked me to this thread. I didn't realize my reputation still preceded me this much.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Sabena Shai said:
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"], to give some clarification on what each quadrant means:

US Parties:
Blue: Republican
Green: Democrat

UK Parties: See second post.

Worst governments of each quadrant:
Blue: Fascism. Through our strict traditions, we will fuel our industry and companies! Throw in a few genocides for those that don't conform.
Purple: Anarchism. The state may not even exist! The strong/rich rule over the weak/poor.
Green: Brave New World. People are controlled by the state since they provide abundant distraction by enabling their hedonism.
Red: Stalin Communism. People's freedom must be taken in order to secure equality! All people end up equally poor.
This is an outright distortion, at least as it pertains to modern American political parties. The Democratic Party has been inching higher and higher into the red over the last twenty years. They are advocates of state control, not libertarianism. Even more than the GOP, the Democrats have been personified, particularly over the last decade, by a distressing trend towards statism.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Lurcano Car'dann said:
[member="Trenchcoat Man"] Ew. I honestly don't understand anyone who identifies with the Republican party or the Conservative Tea Party. I don't see how someone with a basic understanding of economics, human nature, and politics could be a Conservative/Republican. Not trying to be BM here, so sorry if it seems like I'm insulting you. Trying to have a normal discussion.
Don't worry, we feel the same about you ;)
I'm pretty sure Nyx's views line up almost directly with mine.
This is the result I got (using my own views):

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08
Though I'd like to note that I'm a young'un who was never taught much about politics until the last six months (which is still late in the game). Not all of these terms (both the result terms and ones used in-question) have been fully or properly explained for me. Some of my answers were based on partial knowledge while others required me to google things.

So essentially I have no idea whatsoever what this result means.
I only know that I certainly don't agree with most of my parents' views. Whatever those are.
Avadreia Lacroix said:
This is an outright distortion, at least as it pertains to modern American political parties. The Democratic Party has been inching higher and higher into the red over the last twenty years. They are advocates of state control, not libertarianism. Even more than the GOP, the Democrats have been personified, particularly over the last decade, by a distressing trend towards statism.
I see both sides as pretty statist. And yeah, in practice both are solid top-right. Democrats just talk as if they're in the bottom-left and appear more towards that than Republicans (Hence common complaints of Obama not being liberal enough).

Pretty much a big incentive for any government to maintain the status quo.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Sabena Shai said:
I see both sides as pretty statist. And yeah, in practice both are solid top-right. Democrats just talk as if they're in the bottom-left and appear more towards that than Republicans (Hence common complaints of Obama not being liberal enough).
I think the trends are opposite, actually. As the GOP gets younger (thanks to the Establishment getting old and retiring/dying/being primaried out), the move is more towards libertarianism (see, inter alia. Rand Paul). Meanwhile, as the Democratic Party gets younger, they are moving more towards statism (see. inter alia, Tumblr, twitter mobs, and the American collegiate left). The complaints aren't that Obama isn't liberal enough, it's that he's not being sufficiently authoritarian in his progressivism, which is the direction in which that party is moving (the same phase the Republican Party went through in the 70s, only they wanted to be more authoritarian towards traditionalism).
*attempts to understand any of what [member="Avadreia Lacroix"] is saying*
My education has failed me, and Google is providing 10,000 paragraphs of history instead of the 3-5 paragraphs of explanations of the modern equivalent I require so desperately...
Avadreia Lacroix said:
I think the trends are opposite, actually. As the GOP gets younger (thanks to the Establishment getting old and retiring/dying/being primaried out), the move is more towards libertarianism (see, inter alia. Rand Paul). Meanwhile, as the Democratic Party gets younger, they are moving more towards statism (see. inter alia, Tumblr, twitter mobs, and the American collegiate left). The complaints aren't that Obama isn't liberal enough, it's that he's not being sufficiently authoritarian in his progressivism, which is the direction in which that party is moving (the same phase the Republican Party went through in the 70s, only they wanted to be more authoritarian towards traditionalism).
It'd be nice (for me) to see a party start leaning toward the bottom-right. And with me working in the oil industry, definitely don't want to see an authoritarian party with (sadly usually misinformed) opinions on environmental issues.

Kind of interested to see how Rand Paul turns out in the upcoming elections. I kind of liked Ron Paul (it's happening) even if he was a little weird. Though, I haven't followed him enough to know if he really mirrors Ron Paul's ideals.
Valiens Nantaris said:
I am going to strongly caution anyone from making comments or views about other people's results.

This is their views, don't question them or argue them.

Thank you.
Hey guys. Remember this? Let's observe it a little better.

I don't wanna go militant liberal on everyone.

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