Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff SWRP Map Restriction

Hexes with two or more planets already occupying the hex may not have a third planet added to that hex ON THE MAP. The ON THE MAP portion is important, as you can still add planets in the Codex and not request them added to the map.

Problem: There's too many people jamming their custom stuff near popular stuff. It's not creative, there's so much room on the map, so I'm once again restricting how many planets we'll allow per hex.

Codex Team, Fellow Admins - Just move these people's planets. We could skip these martial law moments if you just solved it before we noticed it. It's in the rules that their requested spot is not guaranteed, but you don't give any feedback whatsoever, you just literally give them what they request.

Get 'em ouuuuuut of those heavy density spots. BY FORCE IF NECESSARY.

Miri Nimdok

There are hexes on the map with 3 canon planets in them. I can understand if there were people cramming their custom worlds into a select few hexes, but the 3 planet limit seems a bit much.
I honestly concur with Miri Nimdok 's writer, and am embarrassed I didn't bring it up first.

I made a planet, and no one warned me it's location was a problem. It was especially jarring to go to all the trouble of designing a custom Planet just to be told within one to two hours of submitting a map update request that it couldn't be added to a Hex hardly anyone will visit on the site anyway.
Planets don't have to be represented on the map. Every time a name is mentioned of a new location in a Star Wars book, movie, etc does not mean it needs representation on the map.

Writers shouldn't come with the expectation that if they create a planet, it will be represented on our map. I imagine one day we'll make it bigger to represent a good portion of the Galaxy (we're already the biggest map in existence of the Star Wars galaxy), but the problem is there there's just simply too much to show in 2D.

Anyone who's seen the Essential Atlas knows this. They show empty squares, listed by X and Y axis, with thousands of random entries in the appendix of planets you've never even heard of. So many entries, in fact, they can't show them all on the map.

The restriction is because people keep making planets and trying to cram them into populated hexes when there's still so many empty hexes.


Just for viewing comparison, Essential Atlas clustering vs Chaos atlas clustering. We have roughly 1000+ more entries.

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