Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SWRPs Most Interesting Character 2013


Well-Known Member
So I just decided to do this out of the blue, as myself and my dad were talking about multiple characters. I already came up with 3, the most spoke of by my dad and I. Any new nominations will be added into the poll, and the poll will last one month, so as to allow proper time for some that don't get on as often to vote. But don't just make your vote on whose the most badass, or whose strongest. Choose someone you genuinely enjoy reading about. What is it about their personality that peaked interest? Was it some specific decision they made in the past? Their mentality? What makes them interesting?

The vote will be done at 12 PM PST, on Dec 15.

Talon Vosra

Why is Gonk not on this list? I am deeply disturbed by. .. ooooh something shiny.
*walks away*
That is a terrible list. Names you missed:

Spencer Jacobs
Aleidis Ijet
Siobhan Kerrigan
Val'Ryss Zankar
Dranok Lussk
Asha Saren
Feena Mason

And the list goes on and on. It's a bad idea to make this into a poll when the number of candidates is potentially limitless.


Well-Known Member
Added a few from your list @[member="Fabula Cavataio"], and I agree but the same could be said for the sexiest woman and man ones done a while ago. The thing is, it's not your favorite group of people. There will be many whom enjoy Ashin, as well as others. It's strictly to name another title for the site. Kinda like a go to symbol for new comers.
It's impossible to create a limited list of a quantifiable number of "most interesting characters." I wouldn't mind having a vote, but it should be held by nominations and votes, rather than a single preset selection of characters from a single person's point of view.
If you're going to do this, remove the poll. It gives the impression that only the people on that list so far are up for 'nomination'. At the end of the month, go back through and tally up the votes yourself.

You want the competition, you can have the work.


Well-Known Member
o_O as clearly done however, ive been adding the majority of everyone's votees. @[member="Fabula Cavataio"] lol it even says so in my first and second post. I'm adding everyone's choices.

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