Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SWRPs Most Interesting Character 2013

Saeldar - 2
GONK - 1
Seroth Ur-Rahn - 1
Dharma Vessia - 1
Ashin Varanin - 1
Fabula Cavaiojeiofiawj - 1
Spencer Jacobs - 1
Aleidis Jet Plane- 1
Siobhan [Sarah] Kerrigan - 1
Val'Ryss Zankar - 1
Dranok Lussk - 1
Asha Saren - 1
Feena Mason - 1
Verz Horak - 1
Sarge Potteiger - 1
Put mine down for Aleidis Fighter Jet. A sixteen-year-old who can make some of the most powerful individuals in the free galaxy squirm uncomfortably with political leverage is just...amazing.

Runners up:
Spencer Jacobs
Dranok Lussk
Siobhan Kerrigan
Val'Ryss Zankar
Velok's nephrostromy bag
Ayden Cater's hat
I love all the people I RP with. I feel it unfair to place any one above the other. Everyone's writing styles are so different and unique. Every character has something about them that keeps me coming back for more.

There are those that I have watched from the sidelines, however, that I would jump at the chance to write with. Sadly my schedule only allows me to keep track of so many threads.
>just copy paste and put your vote in, make my life easy
>I'm also lazy and only counting the first vote because I really don't want to have to tally five votes from one person
Ashin Varanin - 2
Saeldar - 2
GONK - 1
Seroth Ur-Rahn - 1
Dharma Vessia - 1
Fabula Cavaiojeiofiawj - 1
Aleidis Jet Plane- 1
Asha Saren - 1
Feena Mason - 1
Verz Horak - 1
Sarge Potteiger - 1
Siobhan Kerrigan - 1


Disney's Princess
Daxton Bane said:
...I think this is a great idea in that it would give people an idea who the majority think are people fun to rp with, and I really think we should encourage new folk and talent to step up their game so to speak. New blood is what drives us forward, forces us to up our game even more every time we post. I personally find that exciting in the sense that I can't wait to get home from work and see what wild fun things they have thrown my way.
So bold. So epic. So win. :D


Well-Known Member
@[member="Ashin Varanin"] - 3
@[member="Feena Mason"] - 2
@Saeldar - 2
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] - 2
@GONK - 1
@[member="Seroth Ur-Rahn"] - 1
@[member="Dharma Vessia"] - 1
@[member="Fabula Cavataio"] - 1
Aleidis Jet Plane- 1
@Asha Saren - 1
@[member="Verz Horak"] - 1
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"] - 1

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