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Character Sycorax Laveaux, Senator of Dahrtag


NAME: Sycorax Laveaux

FACTION: Galactic Alliance

RANK: Senator of Dahrtag

SPECIES: "Near Human"

AGE: 40s

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'4" (1.62 meters)

BUILD: Average

EYES: Dark

HAIR: Dark with white streaks

SKIN: Pale


THEME: "The Villain I Appear To Be" - Connor Spiotto, Molly Pease


A Kind Word and a Gun
: What got Sycorax into office? She developed a reputation early in her political career for not taking bribes or making friends with the crime lords and vampire voivodes who rule much of Dahrtag. This painted a target on her back, but Sycorax has proven stubborn and resilient. She never travels without her trusted bodyguards and takes extensive security measures to ensure her safety, but she won't bend the knee to tyrants.

Combative: Sycorax has made many dangerous enemies, and she has grown used to having to fight for survival, let alone for her voice to be heard. She is quick to resort to more aggressive measures, and isn't the most diplomatic of diplomats.
"... and Senator Laveaux was... Senator Laveaux. Natasi had more faith in a Hutt's slimming regimen than she did in Dahrtag's Senator intentionally doing something productive." - Natasi Fortan

Superstitious: Sycorax is a follower of the "old ways" of Necropolis. She believes there are grave consequences for those who disturb the dead, and fears the bocors, sorcerers with the power to raise zombies and capture people's souls. She has a strong bias against Force Users in general, whom she views as amoral people who will do whatever they want with their powers regardless of who they harm or the messes they make.

Isolationist Shepherd: Belonging to the Isolationist Shepherd party, Sycorax is of the view that the Alliance has no business in the affairs of individual planets and should not expand its borders. Given how major factions work, though, she is playing a losing game. She knows that she cannot truly defeat the tides of change and "progress". But she can dig her heels in against the more radical elements and prevent things from going too far.


Sycorax Laveaux's face was disfigured by an assassination attempt over a decade ago. Reconstructive surgery and heavy makeup hides the worst of it, but prominent scars are still visible along her jawline and neck. Regarded as a fashion icon on her homeworld, she paints her face pale white with black lipstick, eyeliner, and bold eyebrows drawn in thin slanting lines. A distinct zig-zagging streak of white runs through her frizzy, gravity-defying dark hair. In contrast, her clothing tends to be simple and conservative, with white sheet-like garments covering her body from neck to toe.


Named after a legendary witch, Sycorax Laveaux was born in the city of Lamont. Her family was wealthy and descended from the city's founders. Spending much of her childhood and adolescence at a series of boarding schools, she grew from a quiet, reserved girl into an outspoken, free-thinking young woman eager for independence.

Her idea of rebellion involved a return to the traditionalism of her forebears. Sycorax adopted the "old ways", an almost forgotten Necropolitan religion defined by veneration of the spirits, or loa. Her parents, who had always showed little interest in her, hardly noticed (nor cared) when she set up a shrine and altar in her old treehouse and began performing the ancient rites.

At school she shunned the companionship of those in her social class, instead befriending outcasts and outsiders. With her preppy boarding school uniform, bobbed hair and plain makeup, she stood out like a sore thumb in a crowd of punks and freaks, many of whom were suspicious of the poor little rich girl's motives. Even Sycorax herself didn't seem sure of what she was doing hanging around these people. That is, until she met a wannabe rock star named Victor at an amateur concert held in a barn. The two soon felt an attraction to one another, though their relationship was turbulent and fraught with the usual teenage angst. After a rocky start, they embarked on a passionate (and doomed) romance and became engaged.

Though she initially felt a calling to a religious vocation, she eventually opted for a career in politics and was elected Mayor of Lamont. Her youthful idealism was quickly culled when her fight against organized crime in her hometown led to an assassination attempt on her wedding night. Victor was killed; Sycorax survived, but was badly disfigured. From then on, it was war.

Sycorax was involved in the formation of a secret paramilitary group, the so-called "Monsters of Necropolis", which infiltrated, hunted down and wiped out numerous criminal gangs. They also uncovered evidence of voivodes, vampire nobility, still occupying positions of power within Dahrtag's government. Fighting vampires proved more difficult, as they often employed supernatural powers against their enemies. Sycorax responded with subterfuge and blackmail; when these tactics failed, she resorted to assassinations. Her critics denounced her for being just as thuggish as the gangsters she had campaigned against, but her zero tolerance policy led to her gaining the support of the common people who had long suffered under the reign of parasites.

Decades after she began the process of cleaning up Lamont, she was elected Senator of Dahrtag, a position which her predecessor left stained by scandal and corruption. One gets the impression that she still has plenty of fight left in her and would much rather be using it to stake vampires and jail criminals, but has reluctantly taken on the role of her planet's representative because she doesn't trust anyone else to do the job right.

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

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Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
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DominionHealing SandsObroa-skaiGA
PrivateLamont After MidnightNecropolis Popel Popel
DominionNew AlliancesHapesGA
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FactionPreservation of the Status QuoCoruscant Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr + Senate
FactionUltimatum: AftermathCoruscantSenate
DominionPreserved in AmbriaCoruscantSenate
PrivateVampire PoliticsNecropolis Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
MissionRebellion of Lohopa IILohopa IISenate
FactionNo Armor Against FateCoruscnatSenate
PrivateAlbatrossUkatis Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
PublicNew Year Gala: Kingdom of NabooNaboo Treoff Kellak Treoff Kellak
FactionThe Way AheadCoruscantSenate
FactionThe Equal Rights ActCoruscantSenate
FactionAnd One More For the RoadCoruscant Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin
Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin
FactionTo Speak With AuthorityFondorSenate
PrivateTwo-FacedFondor Aldric Laurent Aldric Laurent
PrivateRespect the CrossroadsFondor Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
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