Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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T6 contract - procurement - ship parts wanted

I run a T6 that modifies ships, and I've seen a lot of interesting ship systems go through the Factory. If you make ship systems and need a T6 contract, let's chat IC and see what we can sort out. This is a standing offer - hit me up whenever.
hmm well a contract for Phenex a subsidiary of Sasori would be good and they help make a number of ship parts. The most advanced already sent to you as a gift. I would want to work on something of a joint ship or more contracts. Some of the new parts being produced like the automated repair and defensive screens might be interesting to you... and getting ideas of how one of the better shipb uilders might be able to make iuse of things can help improve it. Also well the rack module might work to increase hanger capacity

and updated [member="Jorus Merrill"] with all of the new things

Sor-Jan Xantha

I'm not looking for tier up. Tier 5 for a telecomm is ridiculous in terms of the resources I have access to (hello, fleeting multiple star destroyers...)

But, I do have starship components and I'm always willing to thread.

Subspace Radio Shack
CD-9 Subspace Radio (capital ship/starbase)
CD-9i Subspace Radio (medium transport)
CD-9s "Sprite" Subspace Radio (starfighter/speeder/skiff)
CD-9x Crytologic Key (encryption module)
Autonomous Analytical Difference Engine

Bring the Noise
CHX 5.0 Acoustic Theater (high definition sound system for capital ships, starbases, or terrestrial holovid theaters)
CHX 2.1 SoundLInk

[member="Jorus Merrill"]


[member="Anaara Clandestine"]

Do you think you and I could talk about some sort of contract? :D
[member="Anaara Clandestine"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

Haven't forgotten you. Been hammering out a couple of these threads with Zeke and others. I'll take a closer look at your stuff later and see what sparks my imagination for ship mods.

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