Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction TAC- Talks to Turn the Tides

Valin had cleared out a room in the refurbished temple to serve as their war room. He had invited all those interested in their cause to attend a briefing about the upcoming attack. Their targets were set, and it was crucial to get everyone coordinated and on the same page so that, when the day came, everyone could enact their roles flawlessly, and they could systematically take back control. Now was the best opportunity to get everyone squared away.

He'd set out various chairs around the round table and arranged some treats and drinks for those in attendance. Once everyone was gathered, he gave a brief little pep talk to everyone there. Drawing attention by raising his voice, he started, "Brothers in arms, I have called you here today to discuss our strategy..."

Valin continued, his voice filled with resolve and energy. "Our targets are set, and our mission is clear. We must be precise, we must be coordinated, and we must be relentless. Each of you has a crucial role to play, and today, we ensure that everyone is prepared for what lies ahead."

He paused, looking around the room to meet the eyes of those present. "Let's discuss our roles, our strategies, and ensure that when the time comes, we move as one. Together, we will take back control."

Valin took a deep breath, projecting confidence as he continued his speech.

"We will be targeting key installations that are vital to the enemy's operations. Our primary objectives include Shields, communication hubs, supply depots, and command centers.These, we will weaken their ability to respond and create an opportunity for our larger forces to move in."

Valin paused, letting his words sink in before he continued. "I want to hear from each of you, especially those with the drive to lead. Share your initial plans and ideas. How do you envision your teams executing their missions? What support do you need? Let's discuss and refine our strategies to ensure our success."

He looked around the room, inviting the leaders to step forward and share their thoughts.

Hurikane Temple, Communications and Logistics Room
Tags: Valin Zenth Valin Zenth , Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe , Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol , Open

Lothal Protectorate

"Thank you, Knight Zenth."

Fynch stepped forward, laying his hands on the round table that lay at the heart of the room, an authoritative look on his face. He was an easy going man, but when the time came to lead he wore that mask with purpose.

"First we must establish our overall priorities," he stated. "Communication facilities, planetary shielding, any ground artillery and command center... These will fall with local resistance. I anticipate our numbers being lesser than the total combined force of the Empire of the Lost. Should our strike be successful it is vital that we arm the Calamari. Given their history with the Empire, I suspect this will not be a difficult task. Together we can mount a resistance and reclaim settlements from Imperial occupation. With ample donations from our sponsors, the TAC is more than equipped to face the challenges of under-sea combat. It is the shipyards that will provide the bigger challenge..."

A hologram of Mon Cala appeared before them, highlighting the orbital shipyards littered around the planet. To say that these were some of the most valuable forges in the galaxy understated how vital these shipyards were. The Calamari were renouned across the galaxy for being the best of the best; Shipwrights who's skill in engineering carried the Rebel Alliance of old on their backs. This was the foundation needed for an armada, a resource that any strategist worth their salt would be keen on taking into their fold. This was the gateway they needed to set the Tingel Arm Coalition on path to freeing the rim.

"Sercuring the shipyards safely is tangential to securing this movement," Fynch asserted. "Should we lose even one facility we risk crippling the aid that the Calamari may be able to provide us in their industrial pipeline. With this in mind, I anticipate our battle to be one fought in the skies. Naval supremacy to reclaim the space around Dac's orbit, boarding action to reclaim the shipyards themselves from Imperial agents. I am not a specialist of naval combat. I fought insurgents on the plains of Lothal, boots on the ground. To this end, I leave my trust in all of you."

He turned to look at the rest of the gathered allies.

"Give me your best," he told them. "We're gonna need it."


Location: Hurikane Temple, Communications and Logistics Room.
Tags: Valin Zenth Valin Zenth , Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe , Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol , Open.
Wearing: Field Apparel.


Balun Vale stood among the others of the Tingel Arm Coalition, listening first to Valin Valin Zenith and then to Fynch Fynch . The notion of coming war would always be a tense and nerve-wracking time, yet he had given his lightsaber to the people of the Tingel Arm and the Outer Rim Territories. He had promised himself, given a personal vow to fight so those who couldn't didn't have to. To fight for the sentient rights and the freedom of everyday folk.

Balun still held to the moral compass adopted from the Jedi Code despite distancing himself from the New Jedi Order. He understood that fighting was necessary and that the Tingel Arm Coalition would never be able to bring security to the Tingel Arm, and by extension, the Outer Rim Territories, without seeking to undermine the Empire of the Lost, as well as the Sith-Imperialist regime that was The Sith Order. It was a difficult personal dilemma, yet he knew that he would stand among the many volunteers, soldiers and rebels fighting on the front lines. He was committed to doing what it took to improve the lives of those oppressed by the Imperialist Dictatorship.

He had been present on Coruscant when the Dark Empire had invaded. He had travelled the Outer Rim Territories since, going so far as to visit the capital world of the Sith Order, Jutrand. He had seen enough to confirm that the Outer Rim required democracy and leadership that held integrity and the well-being of the people at heart. Not power. Not Credits. Not greed. Not with an iron fist.

"Any and all Force Users will be an asset for the Calamari, no matter your training or personal views. I will be there, and I would encourage any others willing to fight alongside us" Balun spoke up, keeping it short and direct. He wanted his commitment to be known, yet he was still young and by no means a leader among the more experienced.

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

Friendly Units:
Tag(s): Valin Zenth Valin Zenth | Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe | Fynch Fynch | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell | TAC


Normally, Shuklaar made it a point not to fight people he sold product to. This was a case that he'd have to make an exception. There was nothing about an Imperial state that made business easy, and nothing about an Imperial state that was good for the region. This attack on Mon Calamari that was being proposed was the TAC's solution, the first punch in a series of many as far as he understood it. He was perfectly happy to help them throw that punch. What was a few credits lost here and there? What the company needed was a fight, and this was one with a cause they could and had already pledged to back.

Had Mon Calamari not been an ocean world, this would have been a text book operation for Strill to spearhead. However, that was not the case. One of the greatest limiting factors of Strill's armed forces was inability to conduct aquatic operations. They'd never needed to, and as such they'd never put together anything to facilitate conducting such operations. To hear that the TAC had that aspect covered had brought him no small amount of relief.

The orbital assault was something they'd done many a time before, however. He was confident Nyles could conduct the space superiority aspect with ease. The trick would be taking the shipyards. The scale of the operation necessitated a large scale assault, but to keep the shipyards intact, a commando team or two would be needed to board the shipyards and either capture the command center or manually shut down the reactor. The latter would be the more realistic objective.

"Leave the orbital supremacy to us," he said, his face as expressionless as his buy'ce, which hung from his belt, but the confidence and authority with which he spoke said volumes more. "A commando operation to secure the reactor. Minimize damage. Maximize chances of success. I've got a team in mind. We'll still need to launch an assault to keep them preoccupied. A holding engagement, effectively." He looked up at the Jetii and then Commander Fynch, trying to gauge their reactions.

The plan that he'd proposed had been discussed with Nyles and Aran prior to his arrival. It was the best that they had been able to come up with on short notice. Both were confident that they would be able to handle what the Empire of the Lost or whatever it was that they called themselves could muster. Of course, Nyles had neglected to mention that this would be the company's largest naval operation since the evacuation of Naboo during the waning hours of the CIS.

It had not been decided who would lead the shipyard assault, however. Shuklaar had been tempted to lead it himself, and had made his feelings on the matter known, which of course had stirred up animated counterarguments from both Nyles and Aran. They'd managed to agree to drop the matter till after the meeting.


"I know one or two old navy tricks myself."

Captain Drake leaned against a blinking work station. He flipped a tehk'la blade into the air before catching it again, repeating the test of reflex every few seconds. Despite the old field jacket he still wore, Atlas was now an independent frontier guide. His people had been conquered by Sith warlords so these last few years he'd also become a smuggler and rebel outlaw.

"We may not have the numbers," the captain pointed at their holomap with his vibroknife, "But I'll bet the sabacc pot we've got better pilots. Constellation is rated for deep sea operations. I can lead a combat wing from beneath the waves to screen those shipyards against any Imperial response while your boarding parties storm their reactor core."

His survey ship wasn't built for combat but she could handle herself in a fight. Most of Drake's military experience was spent directing capital scale engagements although he understood the tactics of starfighter assaults well enough in theory. Atlas tossed the blade again with a kind of unflappable nonchalance.

"Star destroyers are slow beasts. If we can outmaneuver the Empire, we might have a fighting chance."
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Hurikane Temple, Communications and Logistics Room

Tags: Valin Zenth Valin Zenth Fynch Fynch Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Atlas Drake Atlas Drake

A War Without a Plan.

Water Flows Without Guidance.

A Canal We Build.

"Once we can make seafall, my men can begin working towards taking planetside objectives. Our men have prepped for undersea combat as best we can. The ground artillery will be based on islands, as will communication arrays. If we can capture those islands, we can begin striking deep sea targets." Sayno reasoned. "Perhaps the first order of business would be designating air support targets. A bombardment before ground troops hit the waves would mean we have some level of control of the enemy's ability to fight back against our troops. Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol will you be able to provide air support as well for the ground troops? I understand the fleet engagement will be taxing..."

Vulpesen sat quietly at first as the others talked, his golden eyes roaming over plans and schematics while turning over ideas in his own head. There seemed to be a general agreement that the battle would be fought among the stars. It made sense. Sea combat was a messy and rare affair in a modern galaxy, with even ancient history rarely mentioning such battles. However, that led to one major issue for the Valde and his contributions. "Of course, Veradune and its Vitae Alliance will happily aid in this endeavor. I ask only what you'd prefer. What few ships we produce are meant as landing craft with a secondary role as a gunship. The Armis Militia can serve as a strong force of marines if you need them, or I can take a Tenevi Strike team at any target that you need to be certain in its removal." Vulpesen had no head for naval warfare. That was a simple truth. But if he could get into the bowels of an enemy ship and turn it into a ground battle... then his victory was assured. Few could match a zorren in close quarters combat. "Do we have any intel on the enemy's capitol ships?"

Valin Zenth Valin Zenth Fynch Fynch Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

Friendly Units:
Tag(s): Valin Zenth Valin Zenth | Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe | Fynch Fynch | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell | Atlas Drake Atlas Drake | Vulpesen Vulpesen | TAC


"Star destroyers are slow beasts. If we can outmaneuver the Empire, we might have a fighting chance."

Atlas Drake was a name many knew well. However it seemed that the great Atlas Drake forgot just who the shab he was working with. Sometimes aruetii seemed to have such short memories. Did he forget so quickly who held the line while refugees fled Susefvi? Running his words over once more in his mind, Shuklaar couldn't help but let out a low chuckle. "Outmaneuver?" he asked, as if the mere suggestion that this was the only way to win the day had offended him. "Who the haran said anything about outmaneuvering them? Our ships can keep their attention to buy the rest of you time to get planetside or to get around and hit them. Less ordnance we have to expend."

"Perhaps the first order of business would be designating air support targets. A bombardment before ground troops hit the waves would mean we have some level of control of the enemy's ability to fight back against our troops. Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol will you be able to provide air support as well for the ground troops? I understand the fleet engagement will be taxing..."

He took a breath and then looked at Sayno, "If we can find a way to bypass the planetary shield complex, then I don't see why not." That was when it suddenly occurred to him, they hadn't formulated a plan for that. It had been an issue he, Aran and Nyles hadn't come to decision on either. "We're going to need a way to either knock out or gain control of that shield if we're going to conduct any kind of groundside operation," he added, glancing from Sayno, to Fynch and then the others.

He then turned his attention to Vulpesen Vulpesen , "As for their capital ship assets, a behind the lines strike yielded that the naval assets on Mon Calamari at the time were mostly on standby, there for repairs after the battle at Tion. I'm sure that's no longer the case following the strike. We can assume at least a doubled presence at Mon Calamari." He shifted his gaze from Vulpesen to Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell , nodding to acknowledge his efforts in the aforementioned strike.


"But I'll bet the sabacc pot we've got better pilots. Constellation is rated for deep sea operations. I can lead a combat wing from beneath the waves to screen those shipyards against any Imperial response while your boarding parties storm their reactor core."

"I believe we'll have some seafaring vessels ready to assist you," Fynch nodded, briefly turning to Balun. "And the support of our Force-wielding allies. Of course, there is the issue of bypassing planetary shields. I believe that we may find it valuable to establish covert communication with sympathizers behind enemy lines. The way I see it, who better to disable the shields of Mon Cala than experienced hands. A small infiltration force should be gathered and sent to assist such an operation. Start in the shadows, strike the moment we can with our fangs bared in full."

He was open to ideas, but so far that was the best he had. They had time to prepare, fortunately, but sooner or later the Empire of the Lost would start getting nosy about the growing power to the South of their boarders. They would need to act with purpose.

"Now, as for staging the attack, reports indicate increased military presence on Sanctuary," he indicated. "That will be hostile space, no good for launching an invasion. It... would be risky, but Lothal has notable anti-Imperial sentiment. A two-front attack would split the already surprised Imperial forces. If we are to liberate Mon Cala it's our best launch pad."

And a chance to right his failure. He would not let his people down a second time.


Valin remained quiet as he listened to the discussions. He jotted down a few notes, contemplating the agenda and potential pairings for the operations. Decidedly silent, he aimed to observe and understand how everyone fit into their leader's plans.

Splitting their focus between two planets meant dividing their strength, but it could also be advantageous. If their enemy was unprepared, it might force them to make difficult decisions about where to allocate their resources. Thanks to generous donations and the dedication of those eager to reclaim their homes from the Empire, they were well-fortified and ready for the challenge ahead.


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