Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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TAE: That's Why It's Called Babel | Dominion of Haven (AM-32)

Post #8
Attn: [member="Salij-Nekt"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Lyra Sarn"]
  • Objective B
    The Peak, Haven

As the world around the peak changed, reverting back to its natural state, the Wolfguards finally breathed a sigh of relief. Their struggle was over, as were the struggles of the undead and the tormented souls that had languished here for an eternity.

The spirit was gone, having left to wander through whatever afterlife awaited him, perhaps to one day be reunited with his loved ones and the ghosts of those trapped in that horrible place, were finally free. The forces of the Ancient Eye and their allies had defeated the monsters and laid the spirits of the dead to rest. Peace had finally returned to this small piece of hell and a sense of serenity had finally returned to this, once again, pristine place.

The Overlord seemed to pop back into this new reality, out of nowhere and his eyes scanned his surroundings, slowly taking in the scenery, breathing a long, slow sigh, both out of relief and for the grief which he still felt, though he once more kept it hidden within himself. His eyes took in the faces of those left standing, then, his head turning towards his beautiful companion, he once again conveyed words with a simple nod. There was only one thing left to do. To fulfill a dying man's wish.


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