Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Tagging Denon


"It's hard to explain. Everything has colors and I can see them." She frowned. Even she didn't like that explanation. "I can show you, actually. One of the first things I learned how to do."

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor


Iris rolled her eyes.

"If you're sure. Close your eyes and open your mind. And.. Don't freak out. Actually, we should sit somewhere." If what happened to the others was enough proof, better they sat down. She took another bite, glanced around for a place to sit.

"Definitely should sit."

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
He remained uncertain. Curious, yet uncertain. His desire to learn of what this was, what this meant, had overcome his abilities of refusal. Colours, to see their colours. Had that been a Force technique Corin had never once heard of, or some odd manifestation of another nature that swelled within Iris instead? He pondered it as he searched for a seat, whether a bench or a gutter. He was used to both. Little in the way of difference in the end.

"Here," he aimed a finger towards a vacant gutter - the kind that had been drawn all over, carved into with odd objects, it was mess but at least it wasn't wet. His section, at least, as he sat down on it. "So... I, close my eyes and open my mind?"

Corin questioned it suspiciously, but did it all the same.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Mmhmm. Don't freak out."

Iris took a seat, completely uncaring if she got dirty or wet or whatever. This was no different than her original home. And, well. The usually paint covered Padawan never cared about a little dirt. She closed her eyes, then reached out. Through the Force, pulling on the natural connection they both shared. Pulling on the colors of his mind, her own. Mingling them together as a painter would different shades to make something new.

Opening her mind to his. Letting him in. Letting him see the world as she saw it.

Chaos. The chaos of the city, of life and emotion, in a constant swirl of different colors all around them. Colors the human eye could see, colors that had no name because no one else could actually see them. Everywhere, from everything. Hard, impossible to sort through, and with no off button. Close your eyes, cover your ears, the colors were there. Always swirling, always there, always overwhelming.

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
In a tidal wave of colours, Corin started to drown. It came in a flash, an instant; the palette of colours broadened his mind where his eyes could not, ensnared in their almost trance tier of focus. It overwhelmed him. From those Corin understood to those Corin had never seen, all the shades and the tones, with each sound and each movement and each mere intent behind the most minor of actions. It was a colour, there was a colour, even for himself and for Iris. He was lost inside the swirl, far too focused and so much so the need to breathe almost vanished from his mind.

He could only bear so much of it.

His eyes widened with a sharp inhale, an almost frantic rise and fall of his chest until Corin could realise his return to reality. His own reality, at least. The Padawan turned across to Iris with a look of shock disbelief, with his gaze settled over hers in a moment of silence. An attempt to muster the words.

"I..." He fumbled, "How do you even handle all that? How do you control that?"

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris took a breath. Severed the link the moment Corin seemed to be overwhelmed. She didn't meet his gaze, instead watching his colors. Watching, making sure he was alright. Then she shrugged.

"You don't really control it. I just.. Live with it. All my life. Until a couple years ago I couldn't even talk to people . Even then, it's only because of Master Noble that I learned to piece my way through it all and just.. See people. Before any of that I just painted what I saw. They're just.. Part of me."

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
The Padawan ran a hand to his forehead in order to soothe the creases that lined across it. Behind the bone, a dull ache made itself known as the colours dwindled from his eyes; the vibrant and the dull, both in equal measure faded as the truth of the scene that surrounded them returned to Corin. It was with flashes of warm yellows and cold blues, with vibrant pinks and violent reds. But that was from the fixtures that lined the shops, the walls, the streets themselves. There was no aura in them, no whispered palette that informed him of the intent behind each subtle movement.

It was odd, to find himself in such limited hues in contrast to all that Corin had seen moments before.

Even as Iris refused to meet his look, Corin had not averted his own. Some fit of sympathetic concern overcame the teen, "The colours - when you look at me, what do they say?"

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Worry, concern, sympathy. Anger. Uncertainty. Fear." She hummed, still glancing all around him. Then at him. Iris blinked, more in surprise that he was just watching her so closely. Iris turned her gaze away, back towards the city around them.

"That could just be the city, though. I don't know you well enough to know which colors are actually yours."

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
In less than a second, the Padawan understood. Either Denon itself or Corin, those colours circulated around them both in order to make them one in the same, to be an extension of himself as much as Corin could become an extension of Denon. Perhaps that had been a warmer colour to associate those ideas to, in the end, but all that Iris muttered... there had been a truth to them, a painful and worrying truth that Corin had never found himself able to bury in full.

He forced himself to look elsewhere, with the backwards tilt of his head as Corin aimed those eyes to the polluted skies of Denon. Stars barely showed, what with all the other nonsense that circulated above.

"Yeah," he murmured in confirmation, "Probably the city."

Corin spiralled into lesser thoughts. Colours and what caused them, memories of his mother, of his father, of the street-rat life in which hordes of children near battered themselves over bread. His life had come so far since then, but then there were those stull crushed under the boot of the system that once held him there.

"It's a bit late." He chimed in afterwards, "It may be time to head home."

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Head home. Right.

Oh, shit wait right. Iris blinked, glancing around the town again. Towards the sky. Right there were no stars here. Ahh crap. She stood up, pulling her hood over her head again as she readied herself to jump. If she wanted to find a safe place to lay for the night, she needed to start sooner rather than later. She paused just before jumping off though, glancing again to the streets.

".. No Jedi stuff. Uh. See you?"

She half turned to flash a smile and a small wave.

"You're not as bad as you think you are." Then she was gone, running into the crowds of people all over again.

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
"See you," the Denon local returned with a faint smile and wave in equal measure.

He stared for a moment more as Iris ran off into the vast, almost endless cityscape of the Seven Corners. Uncertain as to what was next for his fellow Padawan, if that included a home of her own on-world or considerable transit back to Coruscant. Corin watched as she vanished into the dense crowds with hands stuffed into his pockets.

"You're not so bad yourself." He muttered into the cold air with the kick of a can.

It was late, however. Corin had not checked in for some time. Not since before Iris. He was in for an earful once he returned to that share-home of an apartment of his, of theirs rather. Back to the couch, he came to accept.

Iris Arani Iris Arani

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