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Public Tail of a Comet? No; A Tiger's Tale : Veridia


TAGS: Fervos Kej Fervos Kej

OOC: Dm Braze Braze ifyou are interested in the plot and wish to join

As the vessel tore through the atmosphere of Veridia, it carved a fiery arc across the twilight sky, a spectacle witnessed from both the ancient, sprawling rooftops of the Ashlanti Elysium and the shadowed grounds of a hidden shinobi compound.

Braze, was perched atop one of the tallest towers of the Elysium. His eyes widened in awe and wonder as the ship descended in a blaze, crashing into the dense forest that bordered the great castle. The impact sent a tremor through the land, and a chorus of disturbed wildlife echoed through the air. Birds, in a flurry of panic, vacated the treetops while smaller creatures darted for cover. The sight ignited an adventurous spark in Braze that could not be ignored. With a swift and practiced ease, he descended from his lofty vantage point, his heart set on discovering the mysteries of the fallen ship.

Meanwhile, within the confines of a secluded compound, the crash did not go unnoticed. The shinobi, perceived the event as a potential threat to their clandestine existence. Their compound, veiled from the eyes of the uninitiated, lay perilously close to the site of the crash. Acting swiftly, the elders dispatched two of their most capable warriors to assess the situation. Kodora, a seasoned shinobi known for his strategic mind and unparalleled stealth, was chosen for this task. By his side, Zetsumie, a warrior of unmatched strength and power, renowned for his indominable battle spirit. Together, they represented the perfect balance of power and finesse, equipped to confront whatever mysteries lay in wait.

As Braze made his way through the underbrush, his excitement was bubbling. Each step brought him closer to the unknown, his mind racing with possibilities. What could have traversed the vastness of space to crash upon their world? Was it a vessel of explorers, like himself, seeking out the wonders of the universe, or perhaps something more sinister?

Kodora and Zetsumie, moving with a silence that belied their swift passage, approached the crash site from a different angle. Their training had prepared them for myriad scenarios, yet the unknown nature of this encounter tested even their considerable skills. They communicated with subtle gestures, their bond forged in countless missions rendering words unnecessary.

As both parties neared the crash site, the forest seemed to hold its breath. The once fiery trail that had marred the sky was now replaced by a column of smoke rising from the wreckage.

Braze, arriving at the edge of the clearing, paused to take in the sight.

Kodora and Zetsumie, hidden in the shadows, observed the young explorer with cautious curiosity.

Braze padded closer and calle dout. " Hello? Any one abaord? Do you need help?"
Tags: Braze Braze

A fall from space was something no one could just shake off, even some one as hardy as Fervos. He laid there for some time in the wreckage of his starfighter, certainly his landings needed work. Every nerve in his body cried out with signals of pain as he reached for the ejection lever. When his clawed hand finally pulled back on the lever the metal hinges of the cockpit crunched and groaned. Being half buried in the dirt meant that the cockpit wasn't going to be able to open under its own power.

Even from outside the ship one could see that something was thrashing around inside the cockpit. In a moment of exertion Fervos managed to force the metal clasp open. He snarled as fire and smoke filled his vision. Standing before Braze was the sight of a monstrously sized feline humanoid, blood covering his face and chest. It would perhaps be terrifying if the beast didn't collapse moments later. His wounds were too deep and his body too broken. Many battles with the Sith had taken their toll on him.

Raising his head he saw the young man just ahead of him. "Child, come no closer... It is far too dangerous..."

Braze frowned and reached out, his right hand shaking faintly, he gently levitated the massive tiger man, Fervos, away from the wreckage of his starfighter. The scene was surreal. Braze's abilities were rare, even among the diverse inhabitants of Veridia.

He carefully placed Fervos in a soft, grassy patch away from the burning shuttle, ensuring he was safe from immediate danger. Then, turning his attention back to the ship, Braze extended his hands towards the inferno. The flames seemed to respond to his call, swirling and converging into his palm. The heat and energy from the fire were absorbed, leaving behind nothing but the charred remnants of the starfighter. This act of extinguishing the flames not only prevented further destruction but also charged Braze with an energy he was unaccustomed to, making him feel both exhilarated and slightly overwhelmed.

With the immediate danger averted, Braze returned to Fervos's side. The tiger man, even in his weakened state, exuded a presence that was intimidating. His wounds were grievous, a testament to the battles he had endured. Braze, focusing the accumulated energy, asked, "Are you internally wounded?" His voice was calm, betraying none of the effort it took to manage the power he had just absorbed.

As he spoke, a soft, radiant light emanated from his hands, weaving through the air to envelop Fervos. This healing light, warm and gentle, began to work its magic, knitting together torn flesh and sealing wounds. The process was delicate, requiring Braze to carefully direct the energy to where it was most needed, all the while ensuring not to overwhelm the tiger man's system.

From their hidden vantage point, Kodora and Zetsumie watched with awe and caution. The young man's abilities were unlike thinsg they typpically had seen before. The potential implications of this encounter were not lost on them; here was a being from the stars, brought to their world, and a local with powers that defied explanation. Their mission had just become significantly more complex.

Kodora signaled to Zetsumie, a silent communication that spoke volumes. They needed to approach this situation with care. The stranger's arrival could represent a threat or an opportunity, and it was their responsibility to discern which.

Tags: Braze Braze

Warmth and radiance swirled around Fervos, mending his body from head to toe. Pain and soreness were eliminated by the arcane energies that engulfed the feline. During the process of revitalization he was in a half-conscious state, barely able to register that he was being spoken to. "By the Ancestors... A Jedi..." If Fervos were more aware he would probably have commented on just how lucky he was. For now he would just be grateful his ancestors had saw fit to provide a healer for him.

Eventually though, the Togorian began to stir. He stubbornly tried to lift himself from the wet grass that surrounded him. As he tried to sit up, pain emanated from his upper side. A feline yowl came from his maw before he could stop himself. "It would seem that the crash fractured one of my ribs. Beyond that I should be fine..." The bones of Togorians were far stronger than most humanoids, even just a fracture required tremendous force. Whether that force was from a battle or the crash Fervos wasn't actually sure.

"My thanks to you young one. Without you I would have no doubt joined my forefathers. Please, tell me your name so that I might know my savior."

Even as the two of them spoke they were being watched by figures in the tree line. Their presence perfectly hidden even from the trained guerilla's eyes. The most that he could tell was that occasionally the leaves would rustle in a strange way. Easily written off as the branches dancing in the breeze.

The tranquility of the forest clearing was momentarily disturbed by Fervos's pained yow.

"I'm sorry you're hurt... try not to move too much or strain anything. I don't know any cities here or where the hospitals are," Braze advised, his voice laced with genuine concern."I'm not from here. My name's Braze," he concluded, offering his name.

Stepping into the clearing with abruptness, one of the hidden figures revealed themselves, shattering the invisible barrier that had kept them as a spectator. The newcomer, Kodora, moved with a deliberate calmness, his attire and demeanor unmistakably that of the locals. His entrance was not threatening, but it was commanding, carrying the weight of someone accustomed to both respect and caution.

Kodora's gaze first fell upon Fervos, assessing the warrior's condition with a practiced eye, before settling on Braze. "Your actions have saved a life this day," he began, his voice carrying a tone of respect. "I am Kodora. I have been watching, in concern for the events that have unfolded here."

"I am a guardian of these lands, and the crash... it was impossible to ignore. I came to understand, to assess if there was danger,
" Kodora continued, his eyes briefly flicking back to the tree line, where Zetsumie remained hidden.

Tags: Braze Braze

The sudden appearance of the young man startled Fervos, who instinctively reached for a sword that wasn't there. Blast it, they must have still been in the cargo bay! It would be up to his words or his claws to defend him. Thankfully it would appear that the quiet guardian had no quarrel with him. Once again he relaxed, finding calm in the stillness around him and the dew soaked grass.

"Worry not Kodora, I mean this place no harm. Truthfully I'd have never found this place without the Sith..." For a moment the feline cast his eyes to the sky above, he could see no trace of the fighters that shot him down. All he could see was the beautiful purple and orange hues of twilight, and a few bright stars twinkling above. He hoped that the Sith had returned to whatever ship had brought them here. With the crash of Fervos' spacecraft perhaps their bloodlust would be sated? If only, a world this fantastical did not need to play host to war.

"I am Fervos Kej, formerly of planet Teth. It is an honor to meet both yourself and young Braze. Surely without his help, I would have perished in that burning wreck." Fervos struggled to stand again, it would be rude not to greet this new person properly. No matter how badly it hurt.

After a moment of struggling on the ground the tiger man finally rose to his feet. He was uneasy, and he stumbled a few times, but at least he could stand. He would hold out his clawed hand to the human that called himself the planet's guardian. As their hands met the feline remembered back to space battle which had occurred near the unknown world.

"There were other ships than mine that were in the planet's orbit. At least two Sith fighters, and possibly more ships. If we are lucky, they will believe me dead and will move on. I have a feeling though that there is more coming..."

Kodora's intense gaze of brilliant azure pierced the dimming light as he observed Fervos' instinctual reach for a nonexistent blade. His reaction was quiet, a brief swallow betraying his internal calculations. He understood the inherent nature of wounded beings, and how akin to cornered animals, they might react unpredictably, driven by a primal urge to defend themselves at the slightest perception of threat.

Braze, unmarred by the cynicism that often accompanies age, watched the unfolding scene with concern. His voice, tinged with worry, broke the silence. "Oh uh... You shouldn't strain yourself," he advised, his frown deepening as he cast his eyes skyward, the beauty of the night sky. "What did you do to earn such ire?" he inquired, his innocence framing the question not as an accusation but as a quest for understanding.

Kodora's reaction was more reserved, his stance becoming defensive as he crossed his arms, the action a physical barrier against the unwanted complexities that seemed to trail behind the stranger. "Our planet is small, without much in the ways of galactic enterprises. We are a simple people who live simple lives. We do not wish for greater quarrels beyond our skies,"

"You are both far from a city, but we have a healer. If you need assistance, I can bring them to you. We would rather our homes remain undisturbed," he offered, his tone suggesting that while they were willing to extend aid, they preferred the tranquility of their lives to remain intact.

Braze Braze

The concern from young Braze took the Togorian by surprise. In truth he'd expected the youth to be more wary of a giant fallen from the stars. He turned his head to the green eyed boy and gave a proud smile. "They seek their pound of flesh. I have become quite the headache for one of their lords. I quarreled with his apprentices and now he seeks to mount my head upon his wall." Fervos took great pride in at least being an annoyance to the Sith. Every one of their legionaries he felled was a step closer to freedom for the outer rim in his mind.

With that his attention returned to the older of the two humans, it filled him with sorrow that they meet like this. He seemed like a learned man, but one who might know the ways of battle. If things were different Fervos would love nothing more than to learn of the culture. Unfortunately he had more pressing matters than the finer points of alien society.

"It was never my intent to draw such evil to a world as idyllic as yours. You have my deepest apologies for any damage I've already caused. If it is in my power, no harm shall come to your world." There was a natural instinct for the feline to protect those who he met. Kodora's people would be his new charge if the enemy came to their world. He had long since acknowledge he would most likely be fighting this enemy until his last dying breath.

He just wanted to keep people safe, no matter what world they inhabited.

Braze's response came with touch of relief and a smidge of wry humor, a lightness in his tone that seemed to brush aside the gravity of their situation. "Oh well good," he said, his words quick and perhaps a bit too cheerful, given the context. He quickly realized the potential insensitivity of his initial reaction and hastened to amend it. "Well, not good you're being hunted but, yeah." His attempt at clarification was earnest, accompanied by a slight awkwardness.

Kodora, with a calm presence, waved his hand dismissively, a gesture that seemed to sweep away the weight of potential blame or responsibility from Fervos' shoulders. "Think nothing of it. It's not your fault what other wicked beings decide to act on," he assured.

"Shall I fetch you a doctor?"
His question was posed with genuine concern.

"I can stay with you, Mister," Braze offered gently, his voice imbued with a sincerity and a willingness to support.

Tags: Braze Braze

Such kindness from strangers was not something that the Togorian was expecting. He knew that often people could be quite hostile to those they didn't know. To get aid from strangers was a generous act he would have to remember. "If you could bring to me a healer then I would be in your debt. Kodora sir, I loathe asking for anything of your people, but if you could spare some rations I would gladly work your for it. I am able to pull a plow nearly as well as any workhorse..." Even in his compromised state the feline didn't want to take any food from people's mouths. On Togoria bad hunters needed to pull their weight, even if that meant more literal pulling.

From their his attention turned to the young Braze, the boy seemed to be feeling remorseful about making light of Fervos's situation. Maybe some might have accosted the child for his choice of words, but there was no need for that. Children often spoke without thinking, and the remorse the young Jedi showed was sufficient proof he had no malice behind his words. Fervos merely scoffed before placing a paw upon his chest before proudly proclaiming. "They may hunt me all they wish! The worst they can do is grant me a warrior's death! Worry not then young Jedi, you have said nothing to offend."

What a stroke of luck, landing on such a beautiful world, and with such interesting natives. No world such as this should know the corruption of Sith, and it would never know it. Not so long as the Tiger of Teth drew breath. For now though, he would need to recover.

Kodora's demeanor shifted at the mention of seeking help, his interest visibly piqued by the opportunity to assist. "I could take you to our healer," he proposed, his tone matter-of-fact yet infused with a hint of caution. "However, there's a condition. You would need to be blindfolded," Kodora stated plainly, emphasizing the secrecy that surrounded the location of their sanctuary. "Our home remains hidden, a secret even to most locals. If I am to guide you there, you must not learn the way," he explained, his voice gentle, conveying the seriousness of his request without alarming.

Understanding the gravity of what was being asked, Kodora reached into his shirt, retrieving a pair of black silk blindfolds, their fabric soft and seemingly inviting despite the purpose they served. "This is for your eyes," he continued, presenting the blindfolds as keys to a trust yet to be fully formed between them. "It's important to protect the sanctity of our home. Only in this way can I bring you to our healer."

Tag: Braze Braze

The concept of a hidden village was not entirely alien to Fervos, he had seen what could happen if a village was too welcoming. He would gladly wear the blindfold if it meant mending his injuries. Once he had the soft fabric band around his face he would look in the direction he believed Kodora was standing in. "You do a great service to your people in keeping them safe. I will follow you as best I can." Fervos stated, as he shakily walked along. He tried to keep up with the rhythm of Kodora's footsteps as not to fall behind. This was very difficult though, as the man carefully padded through the grass. He was as quiet as a stalking cat!

With his eyes fully blinded by the fabric he couldn't take in the natural beauty of Veridia, truly a shame. However, he could take in soundscape of a planet settling into the night. He could hear the gentle gurgling of a stream, and the buzzing of cicadas as the pleasant warmth of a summer's breeze caressed his face. Truly he had not known a peace like this in many years. His time as a military commander and guerilla fighter had made him forget the small wonders of nature.

"I believe I am coming to understanding why you take such lengths to keep this place hidden. Many a warrior would die to live in such tranquility."


TAGS: Fervos Kej Fervos Kej
Mask | Knife | Gauntlets | Boots | Ring | Fang | Charms x3 | Training lightsaber | Resurgence | Corsage | Calypso | Sentry | Requiem | Echo | Amulate | G.O.O | Survival Kit

Braze weighed his options for a moment, then decided against joining them. With a swift motion, he declined the offer and disappeared into the dense woods from whence he came, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty in his wake.

As Fervos Kej was escorted by Kodora through the wilderness, the atmosphere thickened with anticipation. They journeyed a considerable distance until the distant rumble of large doors opening reached their ears. With a sense of both trepidation and curiosity, Fervos was led forward until the blindfold was removed, revealing a breathtaking sight.

Before him lay a small village nestled within the tall stone walls of a mountain, perched upon a plateau overlooking the sprawling forest below. Buildings pointed towards a central area, where the gentle sound of water hinted at hidden tranquility. Passing by peculiar structures and peculiarities, Fervos' gaze may have been drawn to a circular section of white gravel, encasing an odd building elevated from the ground, its secrets locked away behind chains and locks. It was a small building with tall vaulted walls marely bigger than a shack and held nowindows. It sat in the center of the large circule of white with nothing else around it.

Further on, they traversed over an arched bridge spanning a small river, leading towards a secluded cottage enveloped by lush vegetation and fragrant gardens. The air was thick with the scent of perfumed potpourri and incense, the tinkling melody of wind chimes adding a mystical touch to the serene ambiance. This quaint abode, nestled amidst the trees, seemed like a sanctuary hidden within the village.

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