Judah Dashiell
Salvage Empire
"So there's another Judah Dashiell out there causing trouble? That looks just like me? That could end up being a nightmare."
Concerned blossomed now for his reputation. There were certain things one would expect when they heard his name, harassment wasn't one of them. As soon as he head stopped feeling like it was about to split open he was going to have to get Mrs. Datos to start researching for potentia damage control.
Remembering there was a throw blanket at his feet, Judah awkwardly and carefully reached for it, moving slowly, pulling the fabric up over him. In true Judah fashion, he refused to ask for help, despite the Trade Queen standing nearby. Settling back against the headboard in a mostly upright position, blanket was pulled up to his neck, ready to drift off and forget about the day.
Seemed Danger was willing to let him sleep.
"Shame but she only has her husband to blame for it. Maybe he will learn to listen to her, although it sounds doubtful."
Eyes closed and he scoffed at the potential of reaching out.
"Thats fine and well but I don't want to hear from them. I'll make Mrs.Datos send some generic reply if so. Just so Salacia does't look like the ass in the situation."
He didn't hear her shuffling around anymore, figuring Danger must still be near the lighting controls near the door.
"When you leave I plan on gettin' up and locking the door....just letting you know, since its your ship an' all."
Concerned blossomed now for his reputation. There were certain things one would expect when they heard his name, harassment wasn't one of them. As soon as he head stopped feeling like it was about to split open he was going to have to get Mrs. Datos to start researching for potentia damage control.
Remembering there was a throw blanket at his feet, Judah awkwardly and carefully reached for it, moving slowly, pulling the fabric up over him. In true Judah fashion, he refused to ask for help, despite the Trade Queen standing nearby. Settling back against the headboard in a mostly upright position, blanket was pulled up to his neck, ready to drift off and forget about the day.
Seemed Danger was willing to let him sleep.
"Shame but she only has her husband to blame for it. Maybe he will learn to listen to her, although it sounds doubtful."
Eyes closed and he scoffed at the potential of reaching out.
"Thats fine and well but I don't want to hear from them. I'll make Mrs.Datos send some generic reply if so. Just so Salacia does't look like the ass in the situation."
He didn't hear her shuffling around anymore, figuring Danger must still be near the lighting controls near the door.
"When you leave I plan on gettin' up and locking the door....just letting you know, since its your ship an' all."