Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Take On Me

"So there's another Judah Dashiell out there causing trouble? That looks just like me? That could end up being a nightmare."

Concerned blossomed now for his reputation. There were certain things one would expect when they heard his name, harassment wasn't one of them. As soon as he head stopped feeling like it was about to split open he was going to have to get Mrs. Datos to start researching for potentia damage control.

Remembering there was a throw blanket at his feet, Judah awkwardly and carefully reached for it, moving slowly, pulling the fabric up over him. In true Judah fashion, he refused to ask for help, despite the Trade Queen standing nearby. Settling back against the headboard in a mostly upright position, blanket was pulled up to his neck, ready to drift off and forget about the day.

Seemed Danger was willing to let him sleep.

"Shame but she only has her husband to blame for it. Maybe he will learn to listen to her, although it sounds doubtful."

Eyes closed and he scoffed at the potential of reaching out.

"Thats fine and well but I don't want to hear from them. I'll make Mrs.Datos send some generic reply if so. Just so Salacia does't look like the ass in the situation."

He didn't hear her shuffling around anymore, figuring Danger must still be near the lighting controls near the door.

"When you leave I plan on gettin' up and locking the door....just letting you know, since its your ship an' all."
"No, different surname than Dashiell. Just the same first name," Danger corrected. Everything Judah had been saying seemed reasonable enough until he mentioned getting up to lock the door. At that, the Trade Queen's expression shifted to one of disbelief, a clear indication of her incredulity at Judah's absurd suggestion.

"What? Are you serious?" she exclaimed, her tone a mix of frustration and disbelief. "Just how hard you get decked that your minds all scrambled up worse than an Ewok's stew?! You're goin' to get up and lock the door? Why in the blue blazes would you do that? Are you s'pectin' someone to barge in here and attack you while you're sleepin'?" It was, in her opinion, one of the most ridiculous things she'd ever heard.

"You're not in any shape to be wanderin' around, let alone lockin' doors in your condition," she scolded, shaking her head in exasperation. "You'll only end up hurtin' yourself even more,trippin' on your feet, and then we'll have to deal with the added problem of breakin' in to reach you. Stop being so stubborn and just rest."

The Trade Queen's frustration was palpable as she made her decision. "Forget about me leavin' you to your devices now. I don't trust you not to pull a stunt like that. I'll just settle myself on that recliner over there and keep an eye on you to make sure you don't do anythin' foolish -- like trying to launch yourself out of the cargo hold in a full pressure suit to get to Salacia. I'm telling Makai and Thirty-Seven that we're headin' to the farm instead."

With a shake of her head at Judah's stubbornness, Danger retrieved her purse from the couch and located her datapad. She would use it to inform Makai about the change of plans, redirecting them to Arkuhn Farm. She wasn't about to leave the room now with that talk.

"...Of all the foolish nonsense you've ever done said," she muttered to herself, still shaking her head in disbelief.
"I already said I was going to the Farm. No reason to get more antsy than a slattern on confession day."

He could get under her skin quickly it seemed. It didn't take much for them to start arguing lately. Hadn't always been the case but Judah noticed about the last six months or so things could be tense. The older Dashiell wasn't sure where he went wrong, possibly just a mere rough patch in their friendship.

As for explaining why he wanted to lock the door, Judah wasn't even going to bother. He was used to merely letting Danger draw her own conclusions, to form her own opinions about his what and why. It was easier that way and it wasn't just Danger, Judah was content to let folks make their own assumptions.

Long as he knew the real reason why it was all the mattered in his eyes.

Eyes closing once again, Judah let the Trade Queen mutter to herself, doing his best to ignore her rifling around her purse in a huff.

At least one he got to the Farm there was plenty of space to hide and avoid Danger. It was the one reason he choice such a location ; had to play the long game in these situations.
"I ain't antsy," Danger quipped back, retrieving her datapad from her purse. Emerald-fire glinted in his direction, though he couldn't see the raised eyebrow that accompanied her tone. "You're the one makin' all sorts of foolish decisions, like lockin' the door after I leave! And in your condition, too. Then you wonder why I end up frettin' over you!"

She shook her head, the soft waves of her red hair cascading over her bare shoulders. With a few quick taps on her datapad, she sent an update to Thirty-Seven to change their course to Arkuhn Farm.

Goodness, Makai was right. Judah was making all sorts of nonsensical decisions lately. It had to be a mid-life crisis. Otherwise, what other reason did the old man have for being so sensitive and ornery all the time?

"Let me know if you need a top-off of the stims or need somethin'. I'll be right here, watchin'," she added, though the unspoken 'you' hung heavy in the air. With a flourish of her massive taffeta black skirts, the Trade Queen settled herself into the seat. Kicking off her heels, she crossed one leg over the other, leaning back against the recliner. At least it was comfortable. A bit chilly, sure, but that was fine.
"Take a holo, it will last longer."

Boy was she still fired up. It was going to be exhausting if she kept this up for the flight and beyond.

Arms crossed a little tighter, hugging himself essentially, getting cozy underneath his throw blanket. Head was still throbbing and still felt a little queasy, yet at least the room wasn't topsy-turvey and he was dry heaving everywhere.

He was trying to relax, breathing evening out, muscles getting a little less clenched. Being wound up wasn't going to help his head hurt any less any faster.
At that, Danger rolled her eyes. “Hmph.” Was her only response to the old salvager. For one, he needed his rest, for another, continuing on wasn’t going to be any good for either of their blood pressure.

As it was, Danger could make her own entertainment while Judah took to resting. Pulling out her black framed glasses, she quietly slipped them on.

With a deep calming breath, Danger tapped the Dejarik app she had on her datapad and continued her earlier game.

It was going to be a long flight.
Silence stretched between them for a long moment. Judah may or may not have been resting his eyes, falling asleep for a short amount of time. One of those types of naps where one swears they were awake the entire time.

Eyes opened and he looked around for a moment. Oceanic gaze finally fell on the Trade Queen, kicked back and doing something on her data pad. Guess she was serious about not leaving him alone.

"You look cute with the glasses on. They suit you."

It was the first time he has seen her with such. Judah was a bit surprised she didn't have the corrective surgery. He liked the new accessory however, not that his opinion mattered. Especially when she was intent on being so stubborn towards him.
Long minutes ticked by, and Danger assumed Judah had drifted off to sleep. He needed his rest, especially with the cocktail of stims coursing through his system. So, she was surprised when he offered a compliment about her reading glasses, saying they suited her.

Feline green eyes peered over the rim of her black-framed glasses, auburn brows rising in curiosity. Deciding it was best to simply accept the compliment rather than stir up any trouble, Danger replied, "Thank you."

Though 'cute' was a term for little girls, Danger wasn't about to start an argument over something so trivial.

"Go on, close your eyes," her soft twang floated over like molten molasses. "I'll check on you shortly to see how you're feelin' and if you need another stim." She glanced back down at her datapad, adjusting the Houk's position.

"Or would you like another blanket?"
"You must be getting tired, you said 'thank you' instead of some sassy quip. That or I've finally wore you down after twenty years of trying."

Eyes closed again, trying to relax once again. He doubted it would last long, something would stir the Trade Queen up like a sandstorm on Tatooine. Granted, that brewing storm was typically a result of something he said, took way out of context and chose to get herself in a fit about.

"Beyond being stared at by an ornery redhead, I'm just fine, thank you."

A pause.

"Anything I can get you?"
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Of all the…

Danger closed her eyes and took a deep breath to quell the rising frustration she felt at Judah’s continued proclivity at stirring the giju pot. As Danger struggled to contain her frustration, she couldn't help but marvel at Judah's audacity. Calling her ornery was just the tip of the iceberg in his repertoire of antics, simply a ploy to ruffle her feathers.

Course she took the bait.

"Ornery? Me?" Danger retorted, her voice tinged with incredulity. "And the Jawa calls the Ewok short."

She shook her head, musing just what he could help her with if he could barely stand himself. That sense of humor in him certainly went to new levels.

"I don’t need nothin. Just get your rest and save your energy for when you can actually keep your balance. We wouldn't want you trippin’ over your own feet now, would we?"
At this point she refused to state she was cold but she wasn’t about to leave the room to get a spare blanket with the threat of Judah locking the door after her. Nope, she’ll just stay put right here. In her fancy gala dress with her hair all done up.

For the next few hours.
"Stubborn and ornery."

Judah only confirmed his words from just moments ago. Granted, he was acting in much the same manner, but they weren't talking about him right now. Danger was the subject at hand.

"A liar too."

If there was one thing he knew about Danger, was the fact she ran cold. Tended to be the case with folk who lived in such a high heat environment most of their lives. Just like Makai, it could be balmy weather and they both would be wearing a jacket, declaring it could be much warmer than it was.

"I can keep my balance. I'm not a feeble invalid."

There was a great deal of shuffling on his end, rustling as he slowly got up. Judah was intent on delivering the throw blanket to her, come hell or high water.

Feet touched the floor and he slowly started to rise, knowing he was going to get yelled at once Danger caught on to what he was doing. Didn't matter.

One hand held the throw blanket, doing his best to inch toward her, arm outstretched in offering.

"Stop being stubborn and take this. I insist, not going to simmer down til you do."

That is, so long as he didn't move too quickly. Things seemed to be like a sea sickness or hangover so long as he didn't make any wild movement.
“Oh my word, Judah!!!” Danger exclaimed, immediately rushing to her feet, black taffeta dress rustling as she shifted towards him. Her datapad clattered to the floor and she took steps towards him.

“You blasted, stubborn old fool!” She chided him, cursing his insistence to get up and give her the throw blanket. She took it from him and swung it over her shoulder, then grasped his bicep and held him steady.

“Do I need to sit on you to get you to stay still?!” She shot out at him, shaking her head. Since he was up Danger took the opportunity to use her free hand to pull down the bedsheets from the bed so Judah could lay under them.

“Alright get back to bed, I turned down the sheets,” she told him, holding him against her, the scent of magnolias wafting over him.
"I'm trying to be on my best behavior and you're throwing out lines like that."

He smirked, biting back an extremely lewd reply at her mention of sitting on him. If they were on better terms perhaps he would have just let it fly, have her roll her eyes or hit his arm. Much of their interactions were shaky at best lately and pushing the envelope more than he already did could be disastrous.

"I got to get up sometime. What if I had to use the 'fresher, you going to help me aim?"

Joking aside, Judah refused to budge. He was not only annoying Danger but also testing his limits, seeing how well the stims worked, how he was responding. It wasn't quite being ornery. He was merely used to being on his own, navigating a sickness or injury without backup.

Old habits die hard.

"No, you go sit down and relax. I'm worried about you too you know. This is a two way street. You're takin' on too much and still not thinking of yourself. Throw blanket cause you're cold is the least I can offer."
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“Don’t be ridiculous!” Danger quipped back, annoyed that Judah was firmly standing still and would not bulge in moving back down to lay on the bed.

“Would you please get back on the bed?!” She was growing more ornery by the second. Did he even have his ice pack still on his face. Quick survey said nope, seeing as he had been testing his balance like some newborn bantha on wobbly legs.

“I ain’t the one who got punched in the face so a bit of cold ain’t gonna hurt me none. Sides I ain’t takin much. I’m just fine.” She insisted, snapping her head back to look at him with emerald fire sparking in her eyes.

“Goodness do you run hot more and more lately,” she shot out at him, referencing just how quick he was to stir the pot and seem unreasonable. “Look the throw blanket is over my shoulder, happy now?!”

Maybe now he’ll get on back to the bed. Once again, she tried to guide him back with a press if her arms to sit down.
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"Just fine? Really, 'just fine'?! You're about as ''just fine' as my head and jaw at this point. I don't know who you think you're foolin' around here."

There was a huff at her mentioning he had been quick to flare in terms of temper. This was like Twi'leks and Togrutas arguing over who had the best hair.

"Me? Running hot? Look in the mirror before you start throwing around these claims. Maybe I wouldn't be so hot if you weren't so damned stubborn all the time. You're more stubborn than trying to get a Hutt on a diet."

Meanwhile, Judah himself was being stubborn by not sitting down as directed.

"Let's call a truce, I'll sit when you finally do."
Makai removed his cravat, found a box of Wookie Crisp cereal, and was currently lounging around with Thirty-Seven in the cockpit. The protocol droid was piloting them back home to the Farm, having set course for the nearest hyper gate to cut down on transit time.

Another mouthful of dry Wookie Crisp was shoved into his face as he showed Thirty-Seven his data pad. On the screen was an Alderaan winery with vast rolling fields.

“Do you think Ellie would like to go here? Weekend getaway, I think we could use one.”

[ Probability of her desiring a trip is approximately sixty-one percent. Percentage is higher if I factor out myself and El-Three. ]

“No way are you two coming.” Another mouthful of cereal. “I want to enj-...”

Sentence was cut off as he swore he heard arguing. He even stopped chewing to listen closely, hearing the muffled noise.

“Do you hear an argument Thirty-Seven?”

[ Indeed. Your father and Miss Arceneau are currently at an impasse. ]

“Ah.” He began to chew again, attention going back to his data pad. “I know we have that trip to Celanaon but after that schedule in this trip, work with El-Three and let me know what you two come up with.”

[ Understood Sir. Should we break up the argument? ]

“Nah, they’ll either figure it out or kill one another."
Danger couldn't help but roll her eyes at Judah's feeble attempts to negotiate. "Are you seriously doing this? Just sit down already," she muttered, her frustration bubbling beneath the surface. It was like a childish game of back-and-forth, each refusing to concede until the other did first. Was this their idea of a truce? Next thing she knew, he'd suggest they sit simultaneously.

With a sigh, Danger resisted the urge to forcefully push Judah into a seated position. She knew she needed to tread carefully, mindful of his injuries. But with each passing moment, her patience wore thinner, the temptation to trip him to fall back on the bed growing stronger.

"Of all the things to be stubborn about, you choose this?" Danger's voice rose with exasperation, her cheeks flushed with frustration. "You know you need to rest. I'll sit down once you're settled." Her chest heaved with each breath, her irritation palpable. Was he purposefully acting like a stubborn bantha? Perhaps a sedative stim wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.
"Yes, this is what I am chosing to be stubborn about in this moment. You've already done too much for me, someone needs to take care of you too."

Judah was back to making his point ; no one was going to be around once they landed, although he hoped he felt better by then. He should, beyond being sore. What he really needed was to sleep it off, if only a certain Trade Queen would stop being stubborn.

"So you've already fretted enough. Sit down and stop being stubborn, you've got a lot to worry about and this old fool shouldn't have to be one of those things."

He remained standing, refusing to budge.

"Go on, sit down and relax. If you don't watch out I'm going to go down to the galley and get you a water or something too."
By now, Danger had reached her breaking point. Her face flushed with frustration, she released her grip on Judah's arms and planted her hands firmly on her hips.

"For blasted sake, Judah!" Danger exclaimed, her voice tinged with irritation as she gestured emphatically between them. "This ain’t a competition! I don't need you fussin’ over whether I'm cold while you might have a concussion after taking a punch to the jaw. Why are you being so oblivious to this? It makes no sense! And I don't need any water so don’t even continue to test me!," she added, her annoyance evident.

Her frustration boiled over, her words pouring out in a torrent of emotion. "The only thing that concerns me is why you're so determined to be stubborn and contrary about every little thing I do to help you feel better and ensure you're okay!" Her hand returned to her hip, her chest rising and falling with each impassioned breath. Her emerald eyes blazed with fiery intensity as she confronted the elder Dashiell.

She was a vision in her anger, her cheeks flushed and her auburn hair swaying with each gesture. Despite her efforts to tend to his injuries, the stubborn fool continued to stare back at her with furrowed brows and unwavering eyes, his jaw clenched in defiance.

"Why do you insist on resisting’ me at every turn?" she demanded, her voice echoing with frustration.
Idly, Judah admired the fact that she was absolutely beautiful when she was angry. It was fiery, a burning passion. The older Dashiell couldn't pinpoint why ; perhaps the passion behind it. Maybe the fire in her eyes and the flush of her cheeks that often brought out the freckles that were often hidden.

Beauty wasn't swaying him from his position on the subject though.

"Why do you insist on resisting’ me at every turn?" she demanded, her voice echoing with frustration.

"I've told you for years why Danger. My answer has never once changed. I'm it, at the end of the day its always just going to be Judah to take care of Judah."

The elder salvager pinched the bridge of his nose, frustrated they were visiting this topic once again. It was hard for him to say out loud, to be reminded of he really was alone when it boiled down to it.

"I don't want to get used to being taken care of. Its great for two days but in two weeks, two months...two years...I'm not going to have that. If you don't get used to something it makes not having it a hell of a lot easier."

Hurt, angry gaze met her.

"Was that clear enough? You understand now?"

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